The National ARM Exposes The Toxic Correlation Between Aerosol Disbursements & Covid 19 Vaccines National ARM President David Meiswinkle, Esq released this video regarding the correlation of Geoengineering chemtrails polymer filaments that Clifford Carnicom termed Cross Domain Bacteria and our historical collaboration in showing the correlation between the roll out of the COVID19 bioweapons. We know that these filaments are non biological self-assembly nanotechnology as has been shown by Dr Hildegarde Staninger in 2007: Chemical Analysis Of Multiple Morgellon's Fibers From 2007 By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Sheds Light On Current Advanced Nanomaterials Deployed Against Humanity Via COVID19 Shots And Geoengineering Others, like the recent Swiss scientist group have investigated different aspects of that is being sprayed and found polyamide nano delivery mechanism of targeted toxic poisons. Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails I just spoke with Dr Marvin Herndon today, a prominent scientist who together with Dr. Mark Whitehouse - former Medical Director for Public Health in Florida - published over 30 papers and 3 books on the chemical analysis of chemtrails which found toxic coal fly ash. You can find his work at Nuclear Planet When diluted in water and analyzed coal fly ash revealed 38 elements, including Alumium, Barium, Strontium, Titanium, Silicone and other elements - many that have overlap with what also has been found the COVID19 bioweapons. LINK HAS MORE
In Wales, they would say, Well, Well, Well
MOE. track Buster
A bit late to post althogh all wil be streemed at the end
By Frank Bergman February 6, 2025 A group of leading scientists in Norway is sounding the alarm after a major study of international mortality data linked Covid mRNA “vaccines” to a global surge in excess deaths. While the link between deaths are Covid shots may not be new, the researchers also found that previous studies showing high mortality rates among the unvaccinated had selectively used unhealthy cohorts. The team behind the study was led by Professor Jarle Aarstad of the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. The study analyzed the UK government’s official Office for National Statistics (ONS) data for all-cause mortality among Covid-vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens ten years and older. The researchers note that the data for England is typical for most other Western nations, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the rest of Europe as the same “vaccines” and similar pandemic protocols were deployed. The data covers a 26-month period from April 2021 to May 2023. The researchers used the data to estimate mortality not involving COVID-19 and differentiate the calculations. Aarstad notes that previous studies show that all-cause mortality among the unvaccinated was higher than among the vaccinated. However, after analyzing the data, “the discrepancy is attributed mainly to unvaccinated having inferior health at the outset” because “the pattern was similar concerning mortality not involving COVID-19,” Aastad explains. “Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality,” the professor adds. “Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated corresponding with the excess mortality during the same period.” The study found that all-cause deaths surged among the vaccinated in the months following the rollout of Covid mRNA injections for public use. The researchers note that the injection may have offered “temporary protection” from Covid. However, the shots “increased mortality” overall among the vaccinated, far outweighing any possible benefits. “Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality,” Aarstad adds. “Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated corresponding with the excess mortality during the same period.” MORE IN TH LINK
Stew Peters explains 30 Jan 25
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has gloated that “we” will soon have little use for human beings thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
This week a study published in Nature has been making the rounds. I picked this link from the Smithsonian who interviewed the scientists. Nano and Microplastics, aka self assembly nanotechnology polymers were found in devastating amounts in the human brain, more so than in other organs. Nobody is putting 2+2 together, and asking if the COVID19 bioweapons and Geoengineering operations have anything to do with is. Geoengineering has been going on for 30 years with poisonous polymers being sprayed - and I have previously shown the patents that polyethylene which the scientists also found in the brain as the main polymer plastic - it has been sprayed for weather modification. LOTS MORE IN THE LINK
ONE OF THE COMMENTS "TriTorch Out Here On the Perimeter 14h Edited 1) There are no where near eight billion people on this planet, that is yet another control mechanism in our matrix like existence the purpose of which is to get us to funnel our remaining wealth, property, and freedom directly to the .01%. The UN census numbers are LUDICROUS: Just Like Everything Else the Myth that there Are 8 Billion People on this Planet is a Blatant Lie: [6:17mins] 2) The globalists have waged all out war against us from every foreseeable front to every conceivable angle. The flim-flam-demic carnage was no Bob Ross "happy accident" for these elite devils in hot pursuit of a new world order. The executed plans and blueprints for this coup were the final outcome of boundless hours of human behavior modeling and game theorizing on how to best destroy our health, wealth, economies, education, our wisest members, and the next generation. And the end goal of all of this destruction is global tyranny punctuated by the crushed spirit of mankind ushering in abject slavery. Given this naked contempt for mankind and all that is good & right & true, it is far past time for a critical mass of us to strike back against these blatant forces of evil that have now fully enveloped our lives. This war against the armies of old and evil will be the defining point of our existence - we were put here on this earth and at this time to face and confront these obstacles - and if we fail to fight these battles with truth, faith, and courage both ourselves and future generations will be condemned to a hellish existence where famine, pestilence, pain, and misery will reign supreme. But that being said, please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations. It is what you do in the midst of this war when things are not in your favor that will define you: will you stand firm and embrace your integrity in the face of the impossible odds of a losing battle or will you renounce your honor and seek refuge against the raging storm? If God is watching which course of action would be favorable to Him? If you were watching from outside yourself which course would be favorable to you? To run and cower or to unflinchingly face the wickedness and fight it head on? As rolandttg put it: "The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, needs to collectively stand up for what's right and STOP backing down. My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right. Name one instance when the monsters doing this to us have compromised on anything. EVER? It's always the good guys that compromise. They advance their evil, and we fall back.. THAT, more than anything else, is how we got here. WE compromise our GOOD, THEY don't compromise their EVIL. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn. We will never back down AGAIN" —rolandttg [modified] And so we will fight and we will not back down and in doing so we will prove our worth and save mankind. We will never give another inch to the devil and his forces of evil because if the plandemic has taught us anything, it’s that when you deal with that loathsome lying viper you can only lose. And so we will rip its duplicitous venomous head off instead and stand firm with our integrity intact. As the Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Excerpt from:"
"Stargate was started last year...they've already broken ground...They have 10 data centers...[but it's] not fully funded because OpenAI has no money." Lioness of Judah Ministry Feb 03, 2025
Reinette Senum recently did an interview with the Swiss Scientific Team WIR. The results are very interesting given the findings of Clifford Carnicom and myself in the rubbery clots, the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated of polyamide proteins. Additionally, the findings of Dr Speicher of spinoidrin dragline spider silk genes in the DNA contamination of COVID19 vials are certainly of interest. I had also analyzed the filaments Reinette sent me last year. Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California - Darkfield Microscopy Analysis This is also consistent with the extensive french analysis that showed many toxic chemical compounds, many also not listed. Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources - Project What Happened to Humanities Blood? The french group found many toxic phtalates - below is a summary of their findings. The Swiss group found many aromatic hydrocarbonts, there might still be substantial overlap - it would be interesting to do a chemical comparison to see if the toxic components have changed over time. LOTS MORE IN THE LINK
AUDIO of the conversation is below, along with a quick summary of my efforts to expose the harms of geoengineering. First, let me give a little background: I’ve been tracking cloud seeding flights, taking rain samples (over 20): I’ve submitted several Public Records Act requests, and engaging with my Air Pollution Control District and CARB (California Air & Resources board). I will share my previous effort, below. Nothing has been done to address my concerns about the heavy metals in my rain after days of seeding. We’re breathing, drinking, and eating these heavy metals. Silver iodide is NOT the only metal that is released during cloud seeding operations. The flares require aluminum and zinc for combustion…and more.
The ghosts of thousands of Palestinian children crushed by Israeli bombs loomed over this year's Auschwitz commemorations Jonathan Cook Jan 31, 2025. LISTEN VERSION AVAILABLE
Climate-Crap NOF&OTC Served On UN, IPCC, WMO & IMO For the purposes of making a challenge to the whole Climate-Crap narrative, in accordance with the UCT Treaty’s Aims and Objectives, Carlo Weeks has been appointed as UCT Climate Change Ambassador and he has already engaged all the major players involved in peddling the international scam in an administrative process, which will terminate with Perfected Liens over the personal property of the individuals concerned. After the failure of the parties to respond appropriately to Notice of Conditional Acceptance, Notice of Opportunity To Cure and the Notice of Default, Notice of Security Interest was duly served, which was followed by an Affidavit of Obligation, otherwise known as a Lien, over the personal assets of the Lien Debtors. On the basis that they failed to respond appropriately once again, Notice of Fault & Opportunity To Cure was served. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations 760 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, New York City, New York, US Co-Respondent The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Jim Skea IPCC Chair c/o World Meteorological Organization 7 bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Co-Respondent The World Meteorological Organization Celeste Saulo Sercretary-General c/o World Meteorological Organization 7 bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Co-Respondent The International Maritime Organization Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General 4, Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR United Kingdom --------- MORE IN THE LINK
Dear Senator Hassan, I heard your speech in the Senate. You said that you want to know what the cause of autism is. After your speech, I spent time assembling a small group of people with unique expertise and insights in the autism area to meet with you on this issue. Are you willing to meet with them? If not, would you let me know why refusing to engage in a dialogue with any of these people is more likely to help us to resolve this very important issue more quickly? Thanks! -steve I agree. Real life matters. All of the people listed below have real life first hand experience with autism. Will you meet with any of them? The group of people: CDC scientist William Thompson. He was the lead scientist on the CDC’s autism study. He will tell you what he was ordered to do when his study found a huge safety signal between the MMR vaccine and autism. He will also tell you what his boss and co-author Coleen Boyle said she would say if asked to testify under oath in Congress about the study. I have all the documents to back up Thompson’s statements and offered them to the mainstream media, but they all refused to look at them. Medical journal editor James Lyons-Weiler: He’s written a 5-star rated book on autism. He’ll tell you what one of the world’s top autism researchers told him in confidence that all of the world’s top autism researchers know but nobody else is supposed to know. It’s “we all know what causes autism, but we aren’t allowed to talk about it.” : She is with a large pediatric practice in California where the rates of autism are 1 in 22. They have never had a case of autism in any of the children whose parents followed their advice (which is 99% of the parents) in 25 years. She’ll tell you what they did differently. She’s afraid they will strip her medical license if her name was released. Doug Hulstedt: He’s a former pediatrician so he’s not afraid to speak out since they took away his medical license for speaking out. He’s had over 100 autistic kids in his medical practice. In 44 of these cases, the autism was “rapid onset.” All 44 were within a week AFTER a vaccination. That’s like flipping a coin and getting heads 44 times in a row. The statistical chance of observing that is 1 in 17 trillion. Brian Hooker: He has a severely autistic son and is a medical researcher himself with many published papers. He’ll tell you what he found and what the other studies have found. He’ll point out that you can’t prove the null hypothesis so that it is actually scientific fraud to claim that “vaccines do not cause autism.” Brenda and David McDowell: I don’t know if I can get them, but all three of their kids regressed into autism within hours of each other. You need to hear their story because it is not written about in the scientific literature for some reason. Katie Wright: Daughter of Suzanne and Bob Wright who founded Autism Speaks which says autism is NOT caused by vaccination. You should hear what Katie thinks. Polly Tommey: She’s a filmmaker and has met hundreds of parents of autistic kids. So there is selection bias here since all the parents would blame the vaccine who came to see her. But here’s the thing: every single parent noticed the start of symptoms within 1 week of vaccination. Why not 2 weeks or 3 weeks? This is statistically highly unlikely if vaccines do not cause autism. How do you explain that? Paul Thomas: He’s a pediatrician who has written papers on autism. He will talk about his study of kids with various levels of vaccination and what happened after he published it. Joy Garner: She’s published her study on fully unvaccinated vs. vaccinated people. She’ll tell you what the autism rates were in the two groups and talk about the statistical significance. Nicole Shanahan: She is a mother of an autistic child and funds research on autism. She will tell you, without mentioning names, what the researchers told her in confidence. You need to hear this. Tony Mawson: He just completed a study on 9 year olds in the Florida Medicare system. RFK Jr. mentioned it in his testimony. He’ll tell you what he found. JB Handley: His organization, Generation Rescue, hired a professional third party survey firm to survey parents of autistic kids. In 2007, Generation Rescue commissioned a telephone survey conducted by SurveyUSA, which included parents representing a total of 17,000 children. The survey found that vaccinated boys aged 11-17 were more than twice as likely to have autism as their unvaccinated counterparts. Nobody can explain that if vaccines don’t cause autism. Furthermore, no one else has ever attempted to replicate or dispute that survey with a “more accurate” survey. Why not? Why are they afraid of the truth? I tried to get authors of studies of fully vaccinated vs. fully unvaccinated which show that vaccinated kids have a lower (or the same) amount of autism to balance out the panel, but I had a small problem: no such studies exist. Every comparison study only looks at ONE vaccine difference which is too small of a signal to detect. All the studies are gamed in this way so that no association is found. The failure to find a signal doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It simply means they design all these studies to avoid finding a signal. This is why they will NEVER compare the fully vaxxed v. unvaxxed. All the studies that do that, without exception, show the unvaxxed have lower rates of chronic disease including autism. Shanahan and Lyons-Weiler tell the same story: all the world’s top autism researchers know vaccines cause autism. But the researchers won’t talk about it because they would be fired. Why not have a Senate hearing where you invite the world’s top autism experts and ask them under oath why they really can’t tell us what causes autism? My question to you is why haven’t you brought any of these top autism researchers in front of Congress and had them testify, under penalty of perjury, about what they know that you are not supposed to know? Bring them all in together including Shanahan and Lyons-Weiler and Paul Thomas and Doug Hulstedt. Ask them why, when parents at AutismOne Conferences are asked whether they think vaccines cause autism, nearly all the hands in the room go up? How did all the parents get it wrong? Why do all the studies which look at the odds ratios get very similar numbers? Do they all have the same “confounder”? What is it? The scientific community is avoiding these issues. If you want to get answers, it needs to be driven by influential people from outside the scientific community. You sound like you’re motivated to find answers. Shall we find out who is lying and who is telling the truth? You said you wanted to know. Are you willing to take the steps to find out?
Good disscussion ------ Jeremy Nell trades in dangerous ideas. The man behind Jerm Warfare is no stranger to being cancelled, deplatformed and demonetised in his quest for freedom and truth. That makes him a perfect man to talk to about our mission to build distributed systems outside of centralised, corporate control. I particularly enjoyed his thoughts on the concept of anti-fragility and the need to build people and systems that are robust and adaptable in the face of external shocks. Important advice for now and the immediate future.
I shared about Dr. Boyle's passing yesterday. I am sharing Hrvoje Moric's post on it too. Hrvoje Moric was the first to interview Dr. Boyle breaking news that COVID was a bioweapon. He links to the interview in the article. - Dr. Joseph Sansone Dr. Francis Boyle has passed at age 74 on January 30, 2025, five years to the day our groundbreaking podcast interview was published (January 30, 2020). During the 2010s in my university courses I assigned portions of Dr. Francis Boyle's books as reading material (e.g. Destroying Libya). MORE COMPLETE IN THE LINK
Data from the Czech Republic shows that COVID vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women. Lioness of Judah Ministry Feb 02, 2025
Aluminum is a toxic light metal from vaccines and other souces. Interview with Dennis Crouse, PhD on how to remove aluminum from your body. Robert Yoho, MD Feb 01, 2025
We are duped for control. If climate was a real treat then forest would not be cleared unless you were an alien that did not need oxegen
By MICHELLE R. SMITH Updated 12:03 AM EST, February 1, 2025 PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A letter submitted to the U.S. Senate that states it was sent by physicians in support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination as secretary of Health and Human Services includes the names of doctors who have had their licenses revoked, suspended or faced other discipline, The Associated Press has found. The letter was meant to lend credibility to Kennedy’s nomination, which has faced strenuous opposition from medical experts due to his two decades of anti-vaccine activism. Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, a medical doctor who boasts on his official website of an effort he created to vaccinate 36,000 children against hepatitis B, expressed hesitancy about Kennedy’s nomination and is seen as a key vote. The AP found that in addition to the physicians who had faced disciplinary action, many of the nearly 800 signers are not doctors. The letter with the names of those who signed was provided to the AP by Sen. Ron Johnson’s office after he entered it into the Congressional Record on Wednesday during the first of Kennedy’s two confirmation hearings. Among those who signed it were a self-described journalist, a certified public accountant, a firefighter/paramedic, a certified health coach and someone who said they had a bachelor’s degree “with an emphasis on Jungian Psychology.” The signers include at least 75 nurses, as well as physician’s assistants. More than 90 did not include any credentials at all. Over 20 were chiropractors, representing an industry that has funded Kennedy’s work. An AP investigation found that donations from a chiropractic group represented one-sixth of the revenues collected by Kennedy’s anti-vaccine nonprofit in 2019. The letter was organized and submitted by MAHA Action, which is run by Del Bigtree, who worked for Kennedy’s presidential campaign and is a longtime anti-vaccine activist. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Kennedy transferred the trademark for the “MAHA” slogan to an limited liability company run by Bigtree. Kennedy reported that he received $100,000 in income from licensing the slogan and said in his financial disclosures that he had transferred the trademark for “no compensation.” MAHA stands for “Make America Healthy Again,” a play on President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” Emma Post, a MAHA Action spokesperson, said in an email that the letter was “shared and circulated organically in a grassroots manner with explicit instructions that it was for physicians only to sign on to.” She did not address the AP’s questions about what further steps the group took to verify credentials, if any. Bigtree and Kennedy did not return messages seeking comment. A White House spokesman, Kush Desai, said the administration looks forward to the Senate’s swift confirmation of Kennedy. The letter includes the header “ Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ” and begins with the words, “We, the undersigned physicians.” It says lower down that it “reflects the collective voice of physicians and medical professionals” committed to addressing chronic disease. The AP’s review found that at least 10 doctors who signed the letter had run into trouble with state medical boards or their board certification body for a variety of alleged misconduct. Sanctions they faced included having their license revoked or suspended, being put on probation, receiving a reprimand or other action. One received a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission, which said he was unlawfully advertising products as treatments or prevention for COVID-19, including intravenous nutrient therapy and vitamins. Among the signers was Paul Thomas, an anti-vaccine doctor who voluntarily surrendered his medical license in 2022 after Oregon’s medical board found he had engaged in repeated and gross negligence in the practice of medicine. Thomas did not admit or deny the finding. NBC News reported that Thomas was part of a team assembled by Kennedy who remotely advised an anti-vaccine activist in Samoa during a measles outbreak there on how to treat children with vitamins. A person who responded on behalf of Thomas, DeeDee Hoover, said the information the AP had was inaccurate but did not reply when asked what specifically was wrong. Other signers included Dr. Simone Gold, who was reprimanded by California’s medical board after she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for her conduct at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Gold was recently pardoned by Trump and told the AP in an email that her reprimand and other disciplinary action were overturned by a judge prior to her pardon. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an honorable and honest person with vast subject matter knowledge and experience who values the health of the American people, and furthermore because he is willing to challenge corporate interests where they conflict with the best interests of those citizens,” Gold wrote in an email. Meryl Nass, whose medical license was suspended in Maine over her treatment of COVID-19 patients, also signed. She told the AP she is appealing the decision and expects to be fully vindicated. At least two of the doctors were disciplined, prior to the pandemic, for improperly giving out vaccine waivers, including one who had his license revoked and another who was put on probation. Another doctor’s license was revoked for refusing to follow COVID-19 guidelines. Post said MAHA Action’s letter was just one of several provided to the Senate supporting Kennedy, including one that she provided a link to that she said was signed by “17,000 medical professionals.” That letter stated it was from international medical providers and did not include the names of those who signed. Opponents of Kennedy’s nomination sent their own letter with signatures from what they said were more than 18,000 “vetted and verified” doctors. The group, the Committee to Protect Health Care, said that the letter was initially circulated among verified physicians and that as additional signatures were added, their credentials were checked. The group provided the list of signatories to the AP but with anonymized names that included the first initial of their first name along with the first three letters of their last name, as well as their medical credentials. They said doctors’ names were anonymized for their privacy and to protect them from harassment. __________________ Below is the email Ms. Smith sent me and my response: From: Meryl Nass Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2025 6:10 PM To: Smith, Michelle R. Subject: Re: TIME SENSITIVE Request for comment on RFK Jr nomination [EXTERNAL] Dear Ms. Smith, My license was suspended because I criticized the COVID vaccines in my private life and prescribed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to patients to treat COVID. The first amendment guarantees my speech as a citizen. Prescribing two fully licensed drugs was also entirely legal. There were no patient complaints. EVER. In fact, the Medical Board was so worried that my patients would laud my care of them (which they did during my hearing) that the Board NEVER interviewed them—which might have interfered with the Board claiming I provided poor care. I expect to be fully vindicated and await a judgment on my appeal of this verdict in April. My lawsuit against the Board for a malicious prosecution is in process. I was a National Merit Scholar, MIT graduate, have consulted for the Director of National Intelligence and the World Bank among many others. I was the first person in the world to prove that an epidemic was caused by biological warfare. I coauthored a Citizen Petition to FDA with Mr. Kennedy and coauthored articles with him. I helped edit 3 of his books. I have testified to 6 different Congressional committees on vaccines, biological warfare and Gulf War syndrome. No other doctor in Maine can match these qualifications. I am happy to discuss Mr. Kennedy with any member of the Congress. Meryl Nass, MD On Jan 30, 2025, at 5:09 PM, Smith, Michelle R. wrote: Dear Dr. Nass, I am a reporter for The Associated Press. I have a copy of a letter that you signed in support of RFK Jr’s nomination as HHS secretary. I’d like to ask you about your signature on the letter: Why do you support RFK Jr as HHS secretary? Your license to practice medicine has been suspended in Maine. Why should members of the U.S. Senate put stock in your endorsement of Kennedy on a letter signed by physicians, given that the board of licensure in Maine has seen fit to suspend your license to practice? Anything else you would like to add? Please get back to me as soon as possible and no later than noon on Friday, Jan. 31. Thank you, Michelle Smith
By Greg Hunter January 31, 2025 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with a new warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and deadly and debilitating mRNA “vaccines.” Let’s start with the horrible mid-air collision that happened in Washington D.C. The question that is not being asked is what is the vax status of all involved with this deadly accident? It is now a well-known fact that both Covid 19 and the CV19 vax are bioweapons that cause “catastrophic neurological damage”. . . and cause “cognitive impairment.” Kingston says, “The number one symptom is cognitive decline. This is similar to Alzheimer’s and dementia. There is lack of memory, responsiveness, fatigue and exhaustion. Another symptom of both the CV19 injections and Long Covid is vision decline, as well. I think it would make sense that anyone involved in aviation to have a full cognitive test and a vision test to make sure their eyesight is still sharp.” What about the recent news of the mRNA AI cancer vaccine? Kingston says, “These mRNA AI cancer vaccines are locked and loaded. . . .The patents say you are going to be injected with a . . .biosensor that is going to read the cells in your body to tell what kind of cancer you have. . . . When you look at the patent, it shows the mRNA AI cancer vaccines don’t cure cancer. . . . . This is absolute insanity. . . . They recode your cell, including your white blood cells, to not attack the cancer cells but to find the cancer cells and feed them with blood vessel growth factors so they turn into turbo cancers, and they don’t die.” When it comes to this new big push for artificial intelligence, Kingston says, “There is this initiative to merge the human body with technology. . . . This also includes our brain and our neurological system and to replace our normal functions with artificial intelligence technology. This is not a conspiracy theory. . . . It’s a global effort to replace how God created us with technology. . . . If we replace our bodies with technology, then we sever our connection to God. We need to face this head on. . . . The only words that came to my mind when I read this master patent is that this technology is demonically inspired. It is an attack on God’s greatest creation and his greatest love, which is humanity and mankind. AI is demonically inspired technology. . . . The patents say they are customizing these AI cancer injections to accelerate cancer growth. They don’t even really cover up that they are trying to kill you. . . . This is about the survival of this new hybrid artificial intelligence human species, which is not human anymore. It’s our extermination.” There is much more in the 75-minute in-depth interview. GO TO THE LINK for the vid
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO OUR WORLD MUST SEE! Doctors and scientist involved in uncovering what is in chemtrails. Depopulation is now proven these dr's have risked their lives for us all. Time to hunt down everyone involved and hang them for the world to see. ignorance remains the enemy... mankind is finished we MUST stop this NOW! High Treason is occurring in all our countries Once again the world is shown powerful truths We must awake and fight this evil... time has come. No one is coming to save us... not Military, Police, Politicians or Courts OR's on we the people period. All of these actors are corrupt ignorant of law their treason is out in the open If mankind does not wake up and wake up fast we are finished. This must stop 2025 is going to be horrific if not stopped Call goes out to the world we have massive death and destruction occurring in all countries and genocide. Covid 19 was a lie PROVEN .. it never existed [purified or isolated as required] 230 FOI's and counting prove it
On Thursday a bill was filed with the Italian Senate proposing that Italy withdraw from the World Health Organisation. “The League presented its bill to LEAVE the WHO (World Health Organisation), as the United States did with Donald Trump,” Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy’s League Party said. MORE IN THE LINK
The US withdrawal from the World Health Organisation doesn’t address the underlying issues with the international public health agenda, David Bell writes. Lioness of Judah Ministry Jan 31, 2025
By Willow Tohi January 30, 2025 A Danish study revealed that certain early batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were associated with significantly higher rates of adverse events, including deaths, leading to questions about transparency and accountability. The study faced swift criticism, with prominent epidemiologist Anders Hviid dismissing it as "FRAUD or incompetence," and Pfizer and regulatory agencies referencing a critique by a 23-year-old Spanish student, Borja Somovilla del Saz. Analysis of Somovilla del Saz's background and writing style suggests he may be a ghostwriter for the pharmaceutical industry, as his earlier works focused on unrelated topics and his later critiques employed polished academic language. The Danish study is not an isolated case, with independent studies in the Czech Republic and Sweden confirming similar findings, and Pfizer's internal safety report flagging the same problematic batches. The Pfizer vaccine batch scandal highlights systemic issues in manufacturing, quality control and regulatory oversight, emphasizing the need for transparency, accountability and rigorous inquiry to maintain public trust in public health institutions. In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, a troubling narrative has emerged — one of corporate influence, regulatory failures and the silencing of dissent. At the center of this storm is Pfizer, a pharmaceutical giant whose COVID-19 vaccine has been both hailed as a miracle and scrutinized for its safety. Recent revelations about "hot lots" — deadly batches of vaccines linked to disproportionate adverse events — have raised alarming questions about transparency, accountability and the role of ghostwriters in shaping public perception. MORE IN THE LINK
The story: Did you believe it 30 years ago when they told you that the Oslo Accords would bring peace to the Middle East? That Israel would finally withdraw from the Palestinian territories it had illegally occupied for decades, end its brutal repression of the Palestinian people, and allow a Palestinian state to be created there? That the longest runing sore for the Arab and Muslim worlds would finally be brought to an end? The reality: In fact, during the Oslo period, Israel stole more Palestinian land and expanded the building of illegal Jewish settlements at the fastest rate ever. Israel became even more repressive, building prison walls around Gaza and the West Bank while continuing to aggressively occupy both. Ehud Barak, Israeli prime minister of the time, “blew up” – in the words of one of his own main advisers – the US-backed negotiations at Camp David in 2000. MORE IN THE POST
Share Could You Stoop Any Lower STAT News? STAT News write; “On the eve of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearings, his physician niece has shared a trove of private emails in the hopes of derailing his nomination to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. The exchanges show RFK Jr. making false claims about Covid-19 vaccines at the height of the pandemic, citing online articles by fellow vaccine skeptics, linking childhood immunizations to autism, and raising doubts about the flu shot. The emails span more than two years, starting in late 2020. While many of his controversial beliefs have been publicly examined, the emails — provided to STAT on Tuesday — show him in unguarded, personal moments.” Making a Mountain Out of Molehill, aka Pharma Facts from Pure Fiction Despite STAT News desperate attempt to discredit RFK Jr., the email exchanges with his niece only confirm that RFK Jr. is man of integrity and character, consistent with his convictions both in the public eye and in private. Per STAT News; “Indeed, there are several examples in which Kennedy clearly did not want to take in the points of his 33-year-old niece, including when she wrote in the Times that she had convinced a 66-year-old woman to get her influenza vaccine “for the first time in her life.” Kennedy wrote, ‘I know you think you did a service by persuading that patient to take the shot because institutions and public figures that you have been taught to trust told you that was good medical practice. Unfortunately, those institutions have in recent years succumbed to pervasive Pharma influence. Finally, it’s not at all normal for children to have diabetes, autism and allergies. These are injuries from environmental exposures. Chronic disease in children had exploded from 6% in 1940 to 12.8% in 1986 to 54% by 2006 according to HHS data. Doctors who are your age can be excused for thinking all these sick and damaged children is normal. It isn’t. It’s all new. Tony Fauci’s job for 50 years has been to identify the etiology of these epidemics and to end the environmental exposures that are causing them. Instead, he has transformed NIH (the National Institutes of Health) into an incubator for new pharmaceutical products.’” RFK Jr.’s Character and Truth Will Triumph This scavenger hunt of personal e-mails from RFK Jr. dug up by STAT News only provides RFK Jr. with greater leverage to lay out the facts and data proving that the COVID-19 mRNA injections have not only caused an unprecedented level of disease, disabilities and death in American adults and children, but an illicit, even criminal level of injury and death, meriting the immediate withdrawal of COVID-19 mRNA injections from the market. MORE IN THE LINK
Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New challenges of technology governance My work for the past 4 years has been to alert the world about the presence of self assembly nanotechnology in human blood posing an existential threat to what it means to be human. Information that should have been shared worldwide, has been censored, suppressed, laughed at and criticized. Most outspoken critics were doctors and scientists who said they knew better. They laughed at live blood analysis showing these nano and microrobotic biosensors swimming in everyone’s blood and said live blood analysis is not scientific. Similar to Galileo who was prosecuted as a heretic for daring to say that the earth revolves around the sun, the concept of self assembly nanotechnology - despite overwhelming evidence - was negated and still is to an unacceptable degree. Every human being in the world should be informed about this threat and every media outlet should discuss its immediate implications for the survival of our species. How much time has been lost to humanity to not only work on antidotes but also to have an informed discussion about their willingness to participate in the Internet of Bodies? The simple scientific fact that synthetic biology and nanotechnology exists, as well as the written and declared intentions of the transhumanist technocrats and the military has been ignored. The lesson of this fundamental error in thinking should be heeded as WISDOM while we are on the brink of UFO Disclosure, AI Singularity and the rise to power of the Silicon Valley Technocrats who have assembled behind President Trump. As these technologies are being deployed non stop, our freedoms are under assault by an invisible nanotechnological surveillance sensor network under the disguise of health benefits and progress. This is the infrastructure of the One World Order. MORE IN THE LINK
GAO report immersive technologies The technological progress envisioned by the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset is happening all around us and is being actively embraced by the US government. Metaverse technology of augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality are sweeping across the government and public sector. The video gaming industry is the introduction for our children to start this addictive behavior living in virtual realities. Whatever we engage visually and experimentally modifies our neural networks and programs the brain. The release of neurotransmitters while engaging these virtual domain experiences can entice people through chemical addition more and more into the virtual metaverse. This then is where “You will own nothing and you will be happy” - the famous WEF quote. You will be happy because your neurotransmitters will give you any high you want and in that world you can have breakfast in Paris and be in Thailand at the beach for lunch. Disappearing in the virtual world, the transhumanist sheep of the world get to waste away in the unreal digital dystopia in smart cities while the Billionaire Oligarchs get to enjoy the remaining natural resources of this earth. The self assembly nanotechnology in humanities blood is key to this biodigital convergence. MORE IN THE LINK
Frank Bergman January 26, 2025 An alarming study has provoked major new concerns about mRNA “vaccines” after researchers confirmed that Covid injections change the personalities of those who receive them. The shocking study into Covid mRNA “vaccines” has sent shockwaves through the scientific community. Leading researchers in South Korea confirmed that the injections are altering human behavior. The troubling study found that people’s emotions, personalities, feelings, fears, stress levels, mental well-being, and general outlook changed after they were injected with the “vaccine.” The peer-reviewed study, which included over 2 million participants, was published in the renowned Nature Journal. The study was led by Professor Hong Jin Kim of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital and the College of Medicine at Inje University in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The researchers confirmed that the Covid injections are responsible for increasing global reports of major personality and behavioral changes in people in the last four years. They explain that the “vaccines” cause “psychiatric manifestations” among the vaccinated. The study found that these psychiatric changes resulted in spikes in mental health disorders. Patients described feelings of inner turmoil, fear, dread, and depression. The study found that Covid shots triggered a 68.3% spike in depression, a 43.9% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% surge in sleep disorders. The researchers recruited 50% of the Seoul-resident population. The participants were randomly selected from the government’s Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS) claims database. The total of included participants was 2,027,353. They were divided into two groups according to COVID-19 vaccination. The cumulative incidences per 10,000 psychiatric adverse events (AEs) were assessed on one week, two weeks, one month, and three months after Covid vaccination. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% Confidence interval (CIs) of psychiatric AEs were measured for the vaccinated population, the researchers note. They correctly explain that the spike protein may be the primary driver behind the surge in vaccine-induced psychiatric disorders: “Our study suggests that neuroinflammation caused by spike proteins may contribute to occurrences of some psychiatric AEs such as depression and anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders.” It comes as U.S. depression rates have risen to record highs since 2020/2021. MORE IN THE LINK
RFK Jr is a great hope for change and we need him. If you are able to go to the Senate hearings and show your support, please attend. I absolutely stand behind him, his great vision for the health of America. My hope is some day he will address self assembly nanotechnology and its role in the biodigital convergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution - and help spread awareness, end the assault on humanity and support solutions. All things are possible with those who truly care for humanity. There is always hope. - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
With the BBC failing to normalise the genocide and British complicity, Starmer needed a new strategy for bringing to an end the rallies that have been embarrassing him. The velvet glove of the BBC has been swapped for the Met’s iron first. MORE IN THE LINK
Canada's biodigital convergence Dr. Geanina Hagima brought my attention to this document which outlines the technocratic transhumanist future of Canada - that is being implemented globally. According to Klaus Schwabs book “The 4th Industrial Revolution”, the year 2025 is the tipping point. He predicted that these game changing technologies would break into the public domain and change society and humanity forever. 21 tipping points are discussed, here are some examples. What sensors are they talking about when they discuss 1 Trillion sensors connected to the internet? What proportion of them are the nano and microsensors floating in human blood? In 2025 this will be achieved: The first implantable mobile phone available commercially 10% of people wearing clothes will be connected to the internet 90% of people with regular access to the internet. 90% of people are using smartphones ( a super computer in your pocket) 1 trillion sensors connected to the internet 50% of internet traffice delivered to homes for appliances and devices ( not for entertainment or devices) The first city with more that 50000 inhabitants and no traffic lights. The first robotic pharmacist in the USA The first government to replace its census with big-data sources 10% of global gross domestic product stored on blockchain technology. The first transplant of a 3 D printed liver. Designer Beings: The fist human whose genome was directly and deliberately edited is born In 2015 Klaus Schwab announced that this 4th Industrial Revolution would change what it is to be human: MORE IN THE LINK
A new peer-reviewed study has found that Covid mRNA “vaccines” deliver deadly toxic material directly into vital organs, including the heart. Lioness of Judah Ministry Jan 25, 2025
Stunning new autism findings using Florida Medicaid database examining kids from birth till 9 years old. A RR=4.4 implies a PAR of nearly 80% which means most autism in the US is caused by vaccines. Steve Kirsch Jan 24, 2025.
If we follow the paper trail of BioPharma giants, the Ai ‘mRNA vaccines’ are designed to cause turbo cancers customized to the type of cancer you’re genetically inclined to potentially develop. Karen Kingston Jan 24, 2025 ---- January 24, 2025: During Trump’s Ai tech billionaires’ Stargate press conference on January 21, 2025, Oracle CEO, Larry Ellison, announced the development of personalized Ai mRNA “cancer vaccines.” Share “Thank you Mr President. One of the most exciting things we're working on using the tools that Sam and MSA are providing is our cancer vaccine. It's very interesting early diagnosis. All of our cancers, cancer tumors (have) little fragments of those tumors float around in your blood so you can do early cancer detection. If you can do early cancer detection with a blood test using AI to look at the blood test, you can find the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. So we can again cancer diagnose using AI. (AI) has the promise of just being a simple blood test. Then beyond that, once we gene sequence that cancer tumor you can then vaccinate the person, design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer. And you can make that vaccine, the mRNA vaccine, you can make that robotically again using AI in about 48 hours. So imagine early cancer detection, the development of a cancer vaccine for your particular cancer aimed at you and have that vaccine available in 48 hours. This is the promise of AI and the promise of the future.” - Oracle CEO Larry Ellison Although Mr. Ellison claims that the personalized mRNA ‘cancer vaccines’ are the development of Oracle, OpenAi, and other Ai tech companies; investor presentations and government documents from Moderna and BioNTech (Pfizer’s mRNA partner) tell a different Ai mRNA development story. UNFORTUNATELY THIS POST CONTINUES AS A PAID SUBSCRIPTION.
Now he tells us. Three and a half years after the fact, Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, told the Covid Inquiry this week that the decision to mandate Covid jabs was “100 per cent a political one” and he was “sceptical“ of it. Incredibly, Whitty said: “There’s a range of opinions and for what it’s worth – but I don’t think it’s worth very much – I’m rather more sceptical than some but that’s a view as a citizen.” Reminder: we lost 40,000 experienced care workers to this. Those people lost their livelihoods, and the already creaking care sector suffered a massive blow it could ill-afford. 100,000 NHS workers were next on the chopping block. Yet Whitty kept schtum as he watched it all happen… Whitty seems to have forgotten that, as Chief Medical Officer (CMO), he was the most senior adviser to Government on matters relating to health. A public servant, paid for by the taxpayer, acting on behalf of the public – in theory, at least. Does Whitty not recall how he was paraded across our TV screens for years on end as the official voice of “The Science?”™ To make out now that he was just another average bloke with opinions, but he thought he’d keep them to himself as his view wasn’t “worth very much,” is to brazenly insult everyone’s intelligence. As Dr Tony Hinton rightly asks: “Why didn’t Whitty resign over mandatory jabs? Why didn’t he speak out? Does not the General Medical Council insist doctors follow good medical practice and the duty of candour?” MORE IN THE LINK
Trump wasted no time giving us the long-awaited follow-up to Operation 'Warp Speed' during his first term. Leo Hohmann Jan 23, 2025 ----- Trump appears to coming out of the closet as a technocratic authoritarian seeking to hijack medicine and push gene altering mRNA biological and technological weapons on Americans...I don't see any silver lining in this. - Dr. Joseph Sansone During a Tuesday afternoon press conference at the White House, President Donald Trump was joined by Masayoshi Son of SoftBank, Sam Altman of OpenAI, and Larry Ellison of Oracle to announce Project Stargate. Stargate is all about advancing the scope and reach of artificial intelligence and giving America's tech oligarchs everything they need to build out the infrastructure required for a more powerful, all-encumpassing AI. The assembled tech executives all heaped praise on President Trump for making this ambition project possible in America. It aims to build out the AI infrastructure by raising up to $500 billion in private funding to develop a series of massive data centers over the next four years. Many of these sprawling data-collection centers are already under construction in states like Texas and Georgia. They can span more than 5 million square feet on 500 or more acres of land and require massive amounts of electric power and water to cool the machines. "Stargate will build the infrastructure to power the next generation of AI and this will include data centers. Massive facilities. These are big beautiful buldings," Trump said, adding that he had teams scouting the country right now for sites on which to build more data centers. Trump added that, “It’s big money and high-quality people,” involved in the project. MORE IN THE LINK
Now we know why he never backtracked from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed Lioness of Judah Ministry Jan 22, 2025 ----- OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle will be part of a public-private partnership with the Trump White House called Stargate. The heads of the tech firms plan to invest up to $500 billion over four years, in building AI infrastructure across the United States. This means data centers. Massive buildings designed to collect and process data. Running these centers requires huge amounts of water and energy. SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, Sam Altman of OpenAI, and Larry Ellison of Oracle appeared at the White House on Tuesday afternoon with President Trump to announce the launching of Stargate. Trump, standing with the three tech CEOs at the White House, said he would invoke “emergency declarations” to help speed up the Stargate project. “I’m going to help a lot through emergency declarations,” he said. “Because we have an emergency and we need a lot of help. We need energy generation and they will build their own.” MORE IN THE LINK
On the opening day of the 2025 World Economic Forum in Davos, we examine the devastating impact WEF policies have had on the global 99% since it was founded in 1971. Ben Rubin Jan 21, 2025 --- UK Column News segment from January 20th.
Join me on this eye-opening journey as I share my experiences as the only American in Tibet. From stunning landscapes to encounters with Buddhist monks, this travel video will show you the beauty and culture of Tibet like never before! You'll learn about the city of Lhasa, Tibet and about Tibetans' lives. Travel to China without ever leaving your couch. :)
Both the US and UK reported 80% vaccination rates; the US population is 5x greater. The US offers a higher maximum payout; the UK pays nothing for injuries under 60% disabling. Meryl Nass Jan 20, 2025 ------ What does all this mean? It means that if the US had a similar risk assessment, it was looking at potential injury payouts of probably 1 to several trillion US dollars when it embarked on the vaccination program. Before it injured millions of people. What kind of nation’s political calculus would put so many citizens at risk, coupled with the risk of blowing up its economy, to roll out an untested vaccine for a disease it was doing its best to hype as much more severe than it was? Then again, it shut down the economy and printed helicopter money to the tune of 5 Trillion dollars and counting. (I don’t know how much the US government eventually spent on COVID-related programs, but I previously posted a USG website that admitted to $5 Trillion in 2021.). Maybe wasting money was actually one of the goals? MORE IN THE LINK
There is always more to watch, read and learn. These are some of the very best movies and books available. James Roguski Jan 18, 2025
The Metropolitan police, with the assistance of obedient media like the Guardian and BBC, are trying to frame as lawbreakers the organisers of the latest London rally, held this Saturday, against Israel’s genocide in Gaza and Britain’s complicity in it. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell – both leftwing MPs who have found themselves politically homeless since Labour came under the authoritarian leadership of Keir Starmer – were issued cautions by the Met and interviewed on Sunday. Dozens of protesters have been arrested. The Met has suggested that Corbyn, McDonnell and others broke through a police cordon to make their way from Whitehall into Trafalgar Square, supposedly breaching arbitrary conditions placed on the rally at short notice. MORE IN THE LINK
By Dr. Vernon Coleman In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die - and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive the elderly of food and water so that they die rather than take up hospital beds. Nursing home staff have even been given the right to sedate elderly patients without their knowledge. The only -ism that no one cares about is ageism. But at what age are patients simply allowed to die? And how old is too old for patients to be resuscitated? At what point does society have the right to say `You've lived long enough, now you must die and make way for someone else'? And why should resuscitation be decided by age? It is possible to argue that it would make as much sense to decide according to wealth or beauty. But ageism is now officially accepted. Anyone over 60 is now officially old, though in a growing number of hospitals the cut off age for resuscitation is 55 or even 50. MORE IN THE LINK
Stumbling fashionably late on stage, with that genuine independent rock 'n' roll attitude that Tavistock could never tame, Silver Bullet arrives. This text is not particularly friendly to the uninitiated so may not be the best way of sharing. Mike Drop …is the name of Mike’s Rumble channel, a great collection of videos. It is not monetised and so there are no ads. This makes it also not searchable. The latest addition is: MORE IN THE LINK
I noted a discussion in the Telegram chat about whether nucleic acid sequences (DNA/RNA) might be weaponised & put into the air. As I wrote a contribution, I realised that probably nobody else anywhere has this collection of information other than me, and I should share it. Bottom line is that I believe the fear of it would be much more dangerous than the actual technical probability that it could actually be done. Best wishes Mike. MORE IN THE POST
In December 2020, Drs Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to petition for a stay of action, concerning the clinical trials for the drugs which were referred to as ‘Covid vaccines’. The EMA disregarded it, and Mike Yeadon believes that the subsequent rollout of these injections is directly related to widespread illness, death, and infertility. MORE IN THE LINK
Positive blog with a relaxing backdrop
By Amy Mek January 15, 2025 The horrifying scandal of grooming gangs in Great Britain, predominantly involving men of Pakistani origin, has reignited public outrage. For years, these gangs operated with impunity in cities across the UK, preying on underage white girls, exploiting, abusing, and destroying countless lives. Authorities, paralyzed by a fear of being labeled racist, turned a blind eye, allowing the systematic abuse to continue unchecked. Now, revelations suggest this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. Elon Musk Demands Accountability Elon Musk, the CEO of X, recently highlighted this appalling issue, calling for a renewed investigation and demanding Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s resignation. Starmer dismissed Musk’s call as a “radical right-wing campaign.” This cavalier attitude highlights a deeper problem: an unwillingness among Britain’s political elite to confront uncomfortable criminal truths about the exploitation festering within their borders. MORE IN THE LINK
There are so many lies, deceptions and misdirections in Sir Keir Starmer’s statement on the ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas yesterday that they need to be picked apart line by line. READ THE STATEMENT BY STARMER IN THE LINK
Top secret ‘living lab’ robot city of the future built near volcano will welcome first human residents later this year We are in the acceleration phase of information. As I have reported on the technocratic plan of “Aftershock” - inventions and technological process are now exponentially exploding, reaching an acceleration velocity that is planned to overwhelm the vast majority of individuals to even comprehend reality any more. I wrote about this prediction by the technocratic transhumanist “futurists” here: Understanding Future Shock And After Shock - The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD · 17 June 2024 Understanding Future Shock And After Shock - The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances ---- MORE IN THE LINK Progress and Plans of NNI Agencies—December 2019 1 PROGRESS AND PLANS OF N ATIONAL NANOTECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE (NNI) A GENCIES I wanted to post not just the Budget but the actual progress report of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. This is to explain to people how much the military is working on human augmentation and transhumanist technologies under the auspices of increasing soldier capabilities. I have been writing about the technologies of the military and their push for the Cyborg future for a long time. --- LOTS MORE IN THE LINK
Thank you Greg. Plain as day and seems you are the first on the Palidase to have this pointed out.. Directed Energy on the microwave spectrum with kinetic magnetic from nexrad operated pre metalised clouds
David Martin says it is up to you. YOU.
Too raw for most. She is right, If we do not see a massive move from the 21st on the big pharma and foulci in the dock. You are being had more
For 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency has hidden crucial information about dangerous "Forever Chemicals" threatening our health and environment. My show is LIVE on Mon, Tues & Thursdays at 3pm ET/ Noon PT. I am one of the most censored comedians in America. Thanks for the support!
Dr Group and Lee Merrit in this 24hr stream
Brillient 60s style cartoon, govt. information broadcast style ---- ------- for lots more
He explains what we know.
Channel reallygraceful. Something Strange is Happening in America: The 2025 Awakening We're only 11 days into's everything that's happened. Buy The Deep State Encyclopedia: Exposing the Cabal's Playbook Buy Deep State Encyclopedia on Kobo:
#525. Harmful chemicals in everyday skincare products compromise our health and disrupt hormones. With unregulated ingredients and deceptive marketing, the pursuit of perfection comes at a steep cost.
Information collected and compiled by Professor Moore, Ph.D. 434 Pages
By Rhoda Wilson January 10, 2025 Carbon is not the enemy. The climate has always changed. But human-made geoengineering is a real threat to the environment and humanity. Geoengineering, including chemtrails, is being used to modify the weather and environment. The operations are secretive and have the goal of depopulation. And these nefarious operations are indeed causing death and disease in plants, animals and humans. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has promised to put an end to chemtrails, which have been poisoning the world for decades. His simple statement on Twitter has helped raise mass awareness of this issue, which the perpetrators would have you believe is a “conspiracy theory.”
Sign up as starts tomorrow. Always something new with these four, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy, and Schmidt ---- A.G.E.S Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Cancer remains a leading health concern globally, with risk increasing as individuals age. However, recent studies suggest that certain age-related factors contributing to cancer risk are modifiable. Individuals can reduce cancer risks by adopting healthy behaviors and managing chronic conditions. What are the causes of cancer? Could it be pesticides and chemicals in our foods or the poisoning of our water? Could it be mercury off-gassing from mercury amalgam 'silver' fillings or heavy metal residue from contrasting agents? And what about the mRNA shots and 5G towers, do they play a role in the explosion of turbo cancers around the world? The A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer seeks to answer these questions and empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take proactive steps in cancer prevention. Our esteemed experts offer valuable insights into how lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and biological aging processes influence cancer risk. The A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer premieres on BrightU on January 11 at 12 PM EST (5pm GMT. UK) and will stream until January 21 at 12 PM EST. We will keep each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST until the following day, at 12 noon EST), 5pm GMT. UK at which point we'll play our next episode in the series.
Not bad for a laugh. Concidering the trees do not burn here as in Paradise CA and Lahaina, Hawaii
Excerpfrom the text version "[First published by Middle East Eye] If there was an image from 2024 that captured the year’s news, it was this one: Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, in a white lab coat, picking his way through the wreckage of the Kamal Adwan hospital he ran – the last surviving major medical facility in northern Gaza – towards two Israeli tanks, their gun barrels aimed at him. The past year has been dominated by the death and destruction Israel has wrought throughout the tiny enclave. Please Use The Link for Full Report
Citing the USMCA trade agreement, the U.S. recently pressured Mexico into allowing genetically modified (GM) corn in tortillas, overriding Mexico's right to ban it due to health and environmental concerns. Mexico appealed, arguing that GM corn and glyphosate, linked to cancer, harm public health, but the panel ruled in favor of Big Ag. This decision jeopardizes Mexico’s food sovereignty, as GM corn can cross-pollinate with heirloom varieties, permanently altering them. Critics view this as agricultural colonialism, prioritizing corporate profits over public health and environmental protection. I call it bullying.
Recent reports have revealed the existence of an online influence operation called the 'Mutton Crew,' which has been using psychological warfare to ruin the lives of COVID-skeptic British doctors and even a former member of Parliament. --- excerp "In response the “grassroots civil liberty” group U.K. Freedom Campaign posted links to other suspected members – mentioning a possible connection to the U.K. Army intelligence’s covert 77th Brigade."
Awakening Channel #524, 8th Jan 25 ------- 10min Vid ------The battle in your brain between dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol is driving addiction, stress, and depression. Modern society exploits this conflict, confusing pleasure with happiness and trapping individuals in a cycle of despair.
By Greg Hunter January 8, 2025 The results of the third annual “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” are out, and the findings are both gruesome and scary. Retired Airforce Major Tom Haviland has been doing this survey ever since he was fired from his job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2021 for NOT taking the CV19 bioweapon vax. Haviland is the only one in the world doing a survey of embalmers from around the world to reveal the “unusual phenomenon of large, grotesque ‘white fibrous clots’ in the veins and arteries of corpses.” Haviland got the idea to start the survey of embalmers after seeing the movie “Died Suddenly.” Haviland explains, “About half the movie is about six or seven embalmers that started to find these white fibrous clots in the corpses they were embalming. . . . At the 13-minute mark, an amazing statement is made. An embalmer from Indiana, Wallace Hooker, was lecturing at an Ohio embalmer’s conference in Columbus, Ohio, on the 26th of October in 2022. He was lecturing to a room of about 100 embalmers. He showed them photographs of the white fibrous clots he had been pulling out of his corpses for the last year or so, and he asked by a show of hands how many of you are seeing these white fibrous clots? He said almost the entire room of 100 embalmers raised their hands and said yes. He then asked when did you start seeing them? They all said about six months after the Covid vaccines rolled out.” MORE IN THE LINK
Less than 24 hours after Children’s Health Defense asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear our censorship lawsuit against Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook will end its third-party “fact-checking” program . . . to "restore free expression" across Facebook, Instagram and Meta platforms. In his announcement, Zuckerberg admitted Facebook had “gone too far” with its “fact-checking.” No kidding. In court documents in our lawsuit, Facebook admitted to censoring posts the company knew to be truthful and factually accurate. And it admits that it often did so under pressure from the U.S. government! Most of that censorship had to do with COVID-related posts — posts about vaccine injuries, alternate treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, competing theories about whether COVID originated in nature or leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Facebook silenced the debates. It shut down the “free expression” and exchange of information. And it did it by kicking CHD — and many of you! — off Facebook and Instagram. To keep us from raising questions and sharing facts. Today, we’re still banished from those social media platforms! We’re glad Facebook says it is shutting down its censorship apparatus … and there’s no question CHD’s lawsuit likely triggered Zuckerberg’s decision to end the fact-checking. But it ain’t over yet. The medical free speech battle won’t be won until CHD and everyone else who was unjustly kicked off and demonetized by Facebook and Instagram are reinstated to those platforms. That’s why we took our case against Facebook — dismissed by the lower courts — all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Just in case missed. Here it is again
In this eye-opening video, we uncover how money, energy, and fear are used as tools to manipulate your reality. "They" control the narrative through financial manipulation, engineered scarcity, and fear-based tactics designed to keep society dependent and powerless. From systemic economic strategies like food scarcity and the housing crisis to psychological warfare using fear as a weapon, we expose the hidden truths behind these mechanisms of control. Lots of info below the vid
Dr Geanina Hagima from Romania sent me this presentation outlining the Transhumanistic Plan of the European Commission. This is the global technocratic gameplan. Nanotechnology is the key to this convergence. Please read carefully. OPEN LINK TO SEE
By Frank Bergman January 6, 2025 An explosive new study involving almost 9 million participants has exposed a devastating surge in deadly neurological and psychiatric damage among those who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” According to the peer-reviewed study, just one dose of an mRNA injection puts recipients at risk of suffering several severe neurological diseases. The study, led by renowned neuroscientist Dr. Andrea Salmaggi, was conducted by a group of leading Italian researchers associated with the University of Milan and San Paolo Hospital. The results of the study were published in the eminent medical journal Springer Nature. The massive study included 8,821,812 Italians, making the research one of the largest investigations so far. The researchers found alarming surges in several conditions, including ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. The study found surges in multiple severe conditions in people who received at least one Covid mRNA “vaccine” dose. Those severe disorder surges include: Ischemic Stroke: IRR 1.44 [95% CI: 1.34–1.54] Cerebral Hemorrhage: IRR 1.50 [95% CI: 1.32–1.70] Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): IRR 1.67 [95% CI: 1.46–1.91] Myelitis: IRR 2.65 [95% CI: 1.49–4.70] Myasthenia Gravis: IRR 1.71 [95% CI: 1.29–2.28] The study notes that the vast majority of all patients hospitalized for neurological diseases in 2021 received at least one vaccine dose. MORE IN THE LINK
I am reposting this article that was just published today from Nanowerk about a recent study in Advanced Materials. Terahertz sensors can determine human cancer cells and specific cancer types with 93% accuracy. This shows the once again exponential advancement of bio-nanotechnology that is transforming the health care system as we speak. Note that if they know how to diagnose cancer cells by their unique electromagnetic frequency signature, they also know how to induce it by sending that very frequency in the terahertz range. Biosensors do have potential bidirectional capacity. They can emit a signal and they could also receive a signal.
The Nazis viewed Freemasonry as a sinister force controlling politics and society. In a brutal campaign, they raided lodges, seized archives, and persecuted members, exposing corruption and fueling deeper fears of conspiracy. Vid 50mins
Summary: EcoHealth’s DEFUSE Proposal Exposed: In 2018, EcoHealth Alliance submitted a proposal to DARPA, codenamed DEFUSE, outlining plans to deploy aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and/or self-spreading vaccines via drones, potentially over humans. Aerosolized Vaccination on Humans: DEFUSE documents explicitly describe large-area aerosol delivery systems for “inoculation of animals/humans,” raising the question of whether these plans were executed on unsuspecting populations. Drone Deployment and Pandemic Origin: The DEFUSE proposal and DARPA’s advanced drone programs suggest a chilling possibility: that drones may have played a role in the COVID-19 pandemic, challenging the mainstream lab-leak narrative. DARPA’s Connection to Moderna: By 2012, DARPA was already working with Moderna on RNA-based spike protein vaccines. A 2016 Moderna patent contains a genetic sequence with a one-in-3-trillion match to the pandemic virus, igniting claims of bioengineering origins. Suppression of DEFUSE Details: Whistleblower revelations show attempts by DARPA and intelligence agencies to classify and censor DEFUSE-related research. U.S. senators have demanded investigations into these actions. Self-Spreading Vaccines and Gain-of-Function: DEFUSE documents reveal plans for self-disseminating vaccines and host-to-host therapeutic distribution, indicating the potential use of engineered viruses as vaccine delivery systems. Unprecedented Drone Funding Surge: A 26% spike in military drone funding in 2019 aligns with DEFUSE’s timeline and its drone-based aerosol delivery technologies, hinting at pre-pandemic preparations. International Drone Use During COVID-19: Governments worldwide deployed drones for “disinfecting,” but studies debunk the effectiveness of this practice, raising suspicion about the true purpose of these operations. A Coordinated Bioengineering Agenda?: The alignment of DEFUSE, DARPA, and drone advancements reveals an unsettling intersection of gain-of-function research, bioweaponized delivery systems, and self-spreading vaccines. Urgent Transparency Needed: The DEFUSE project raises alarming questions about the origins of COVID-19, the ethics of aerosolized bioengineering, and the U.S. government’s role in these developments. The public deserves truth and accountability, especially considering a potentially incoming bird flu pandemic. MORE IN THE LINK
Hunting season is nearly here -- 5th Jan 25
“The Netherlands is being persecuted—that is not a theory, that is a fact. Without decisive action, we are witnessing the erasure of our heritage and the dissolution of our communities” Lioness of Judah Ministry Jan 06, 2025
But if we win at the Employment Appeal Tribunal, we’ll strengthen this precedent, which is invaluable and necessary for pro-Palestine campaigners across Britain and beyond. 🇵🇸 I need to raise at least £75k for the appeal. If you can help, please contribute here:
Professor David Miller is a British sociologist and academic who is widely regarded as Britain’s leading scholarly critic of Zionism. In October 2021, he was sacked from the University of Bristol and in February 2024, an employment tribunal found that he had been unfairly dismissed and subjected to discrimination. This landmark case qualified “anti-Zionism” as a philosophical belief and a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. The judgement established for the first time ever that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace.
Do the bio resonance machines work and and show a true depiction of our bio field? How do we find out? Perhaps comparing them to Kirlian photography images on a small scale could help. Do a search for it and click on images for what that is. Testing them against known issues seems the best way and here is a couple of examples for now.
Report on the growing situation in the USA as far as biowaepons
Beverly Rubik, PhD, a biophysicist, is president and founder of the Institute for Frontier Science in Emeryville, California. She has authored dozens of scientific papers regarding the human biofield, psychotronics, psychic healing and other aspects of cutting-edge science. She is author of Life At The Edge of Science. Here she addresses many aspects of biological energy fields, including electromagnetic and photonic. She also describes a subtle energy detector that she has developed in her laboratory that is capable of registering human emotions, even when shielded from all known forms of electromagnetic or acoustical radiation. She also describes her work with high voltage, digital photography of the corona discharge from human fingertips. Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish. New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. (Recorded on December 15, 2017)
toomuchofacoincidence posted 12 Dec 24
Next time your mom says, “You need to get a flu vaccine so you don’t get sick this winter!”, tell her you’ll make it at home and send her your free recipe card… THE THREE VERY SCARY YEARS In 1938 the first flu vaccine was developed. It was important that we stuck a needle into the arms of our World War II soldiers to keep our overseas heroes safe but, disappointingly, it wasn’t working and doctors were baffled (yes, even back then they were baffled - not nearly as baffled as today, but they were baffled nonetheless). “Why on earth are these vaccinated men getting so sick?!”, they pondered, as they sipped their $20-a-glass scotch (because vaccination campaigns are very lucrative). Thankfully, in 1940 they found out why pumping our men full of wonder juice didn’t keep them in pristine health. It turned out that the cause of the problem was… … … a new Influenza B virus! *gasp* In 1941, with overseas soldiers falling ill like never before, Science determined that this flu virus 2.0 had rerouted its trip and was now headed from the overseas warriors straight to the USA. It was horrifying to say the least. Then, before we knew it… [pause for suspense]… … … … they were here! The flu viruses hit the United States and the moment they arrived, before they even checked into their hotels and unpacked their bags, they began infecting people. This meant a new vaccination was needed, not just for the sick soldiers fighting a bankers war, but now for US citizens too. Basically, it was a race against time. To help you understand the severity of the issue, visualize the virus as a banshee that is flying as fast as it can across the United States, dropping its germs as it soars through the skies. Can you get to the clinic and get a needle in your arm before the virus gets you? The media reported that this virus was unlike any other virus they had seen before because it could, and did, attack innocent children, completely unprovoked. Kids across the nation were tragically suffering and parents felt helpless as their beloved sons and daughters laid in bed with a sore throat, fever and a headache. As a nation, we collectively wondered if we were going to make it out of this alive. It was clear that something needed to be done to stop this thing, but what? An admirable man named Dr. Jonas Salk knew he was the one for the job. Courageous Dr. Salk rushed to develop a new vaccine; a vaccine designed to slay the just-discovered extra-extra-evil Influenza B virus. But, as you can imagine, making a first of its kind vaccine was no easy feat. You see, in order to make a vaccine, you first have to obtain the virus, but this was no simple task because you can’t just take the virus out of sick people because… well… because you just can’t, but please remind yourself that this is Science and it is not our job to understand it, it is our job to trust it… MUCH MORE IN THE LINK
By Guy Hatchard December 18, 2024 There is a revolution in progress, and it is not a bloodless revolution. The Gene Technology Bill introduced to Parliament this week includes the following provisions:— Mandatory medical activity authorisations: for a human medicine that is or contains gene technology that has been approved by at least two recognised overseas gene technology regulators. Emergency authorisations: when there is an actual or imminent threat to the health and safety of people or to the environment, for example, threat from a disease outbreak, or an industrial spillage. The Minister responsible for the Gene Technology Act (the Minister) will have the power to grant an emergency authorisation. MORE IN THE LINK
A major study by a team of South Korean researchers has linked Covid “vaccines” to a surge in a paralyzing neurological condition that damages the spinal cord. Lioness of Judah Ministry Jan 04, 2025 ------------ By Frank Bergman January 4, 2025 A major study by a team of South Korean researchers has linked Covid “vaccines” to a surge in a paralyzing neurological condition that damages the spinal cord. The study found that Covid injections have triggered a 141% spike in acute transverse myelitis (ATM). Myelitis is a rare neurological condition that causes inflammation of the spinal cord. Symptoms can include paralysis, sensory loss, and mobility problems. While some people with transverse myelitis have at least partial recovery, some people may have permanent effects. The researchers note that the risk of developing the disorder is dramatically heightened within 42 days of vaccination. The peer-reviewed study, led by Eunsun Lim and Yoo Hwan Kim, was conducted by a team of researchers from prominent academic medical centers in collaboration with Korea’s COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Committee (CoVaSC). MORE IN THE LINK
Iyah May calls out the WHO, BioPharma corporations, politicians, entertainers, news media and Anthony Fauci for exactly what they’re doing to humanity, “More than war, it's genocide.” Karen Kingston Jan 04, 2025. SONG IN THE LINK
OpenAI whistleblower death: Autopsy suggests murder, not suicide Former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji made headlines for his revelations about ethical concerns surrounding generative AI It is extremely common in our world, that important truthtellers and whistleblowers get suicided - murdered to shut them up. What is so interesting is that police investigations never find foul play as was proclaimed in this case. Corruption exists everywhere and our legal and justice system is a joke at this point, as we have seen with all of the dismissed court cases that refuse to bring justice to the COVID19 bioweapon genocide. Suchir’s brave family members, who understood that their perfectly happy son would not just commit suicide, stood up against the false police reports. At this point, many people in our slowly awakening society are smart enough to reject the criminal cover up propaganda. No awake individual believes Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide. MORE IN THE LINK
By Frank Bergman January 3, 2025 An Australian corporate media outlet has begun sounding the alarm about Covid mRNA “vaccines” and highlighting the risks associated with the injections. A recent article by Frank Chung for in Australia highlights the growing controversy over mRNA vaccines. In the article, Chung highlights several studies linking the “vaccines” to sudden deaths and deadly diseases. The report also features an interview between Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and medical researcher Dr Joseph Fraiman. Bhattacharya and Fraiman both blast the “vaccines” while supporting calls for mRNA injections to be banned. During the discussion, Bhattacharya warned that Covid shots have “killed millions.” MORE IN THE POST
Pandemics are caused by aerosolized bioweapons, including H5N1. Dr. Demetri Daskalakis stated on CNN 2 days ago that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of H5N1 bird flu.
The People's Voice 2nd Jan 24 ------------- Cities across the US and Europe, many of which rarely experience fog, are now blanketed in thick, eerie mists that refuse to lift, even during daylight hours. While the media scrambles to dismiss it as mere coincidence, let’s be clear—this is no ordinary weather event. This particulate-laden fog doesn’t just obscure your view, it smells of chemicals and it’s making people sick with symptoms they’ve never experienced before. Researchers armed with hygrometers and air quality monitors have taken samples, and the results are nothing short of alarming. What is this fog? Where is it coming from? And, most importantly, why is it making people so ill? Stay tuned as we shine a light in the darkness and uncover what is one of the most heinous crimes against humanity of our time.
In this eye-opening talk, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals the hidden dangers within the United Nations Pact for the Future, which she argues threatens the sovereignty of the United States and nations worldwide. 🌐 ⚠️ This pact, which would allow international organizations to declare a global state of emergency without national consent, lays the groundwork for a biometric digital ID and widespread censorship of unapproved information. With echoes of the World Health Organization's failed treaty, this could spell disaster for our freedoms. Is this a step towards a global control system? Watch as Dr. Tenpenny breaks down the risks and what’s at stake for all of us.
Welcome to part 1 of The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal! A brand new series about the identity of the Cabal. By Cyntha Koeter Part 1 – The Pyramid of Power In this episode we discover the 3 nails of power that rule the world. We dive into the first one of them and discover the power that financial institutions have over our lives. Financially spoken, the One World Government is already up and running! The Cabal is not one person nor a fixed group of persons. It consists of Committees, Groups, Think tanks, more commissions and NGO’s. They are always unelected and unaccountable for their deeds, but their decrees and treaties are binding worldwide. How is that possible? You will find out in this first part of THE CONCLUSION! If you liked this part, please consider supporting my work: I make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way I can continue giving my work to the world for free, in order to inform as many people as possible... Join my FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: And don't forget to subscribe to
Only in the world of political make-believe would the Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop.
This video juxtaposes Jewish claims that "Israel is the most moral country ever" against the facts, exposing hypocrisy, gas-lighting and double standards. SEE ALSO: Palestine/Israel Nakba: From Forced Expulsions to Bio-warfare (“Zion’s Legacy”) "Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews hate us." - Joseph Goebbels, 'Die Urheber des Unglücks der Welt,' Das Reich, January 21, 1945, pp. 1, 3 _________________ Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney & Author: • "Behind the Curtain: Exposing the Hidden Threats to Elections" @ • "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @ • "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @ • "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @ • "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @ • "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @ Auriga Books, LLC Email: Phone: 425-244-2941 Web: LESS Category News & Politics Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over
Everyone has to get real to the deception for World control and the horrors YOUR Gov is about. ALL OF THEM AT ANY LEVEL. What you gonna do??. Bioweapons, Ukraine, Dumbs, Adreenachrome
Vid duration, 1 min, then let the others roll
The response to COVID-19 was NOT a public health response. It had nothing to do with science or medicine or public health. It was and is a biological warfare program. It was and continues to be democide. THE LINK HAS MORE
Only in the world of political make-believe we inhabit in the West would the Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop. And only in a world in which the billionaire-owned media alone constructs and polices what counts as reality would the WSJ be able to run this story without also being expected to consider what it signifies about America’s professed democracy. The emperor, we are now told, was naked all along. How did it take more than four years for the fearless, tenacious billionaire-owned media to notice? LOTS MORE IN THE LINK
When I was a kid, back in the days before internet was in every household, I used to like reading comic books. My favorite comics were crossovers, like when Superman and Batman would be in the same story. Although I haven’t read a comic in 35+ years, I am frequently reminded of those days when I research for Substack articles - characters that have appeared in previous posts pop up again. And this is exactly the case of music. And right about now you’re probably thinking, “Music? Why would I care about music let alone want to read about it?”, to which I reply, “This isn’t a story about music - I mean, it is, but it’s actually a story about a history-changing scandal - it’s the scandal you’ve never heard of yet it changed your life”…...........
President Trump just announced that Bill Gates has requested a meeting tonight at Mar-a-Lago. Gates discreetly donated $50M to Kamala Harris in the final days of the election, and last met with Trump in March 2016 and 2017, where he talked him out of launching a commission with RFK Jr. to investigate the side-effects to vaccines. This was BEFORE the pandemic, the mRNA jab rollout, and his scandal with Jeffrey Epstein which led to his divorce. Gates shared details of the discussion at an internal Gates Foundation meeting and footage leaked from it. Gates says he told Trump that investigating the safety of vaccines was a "dead end" and a "bad thing." President Trump should be very suspicious about the timing and intentions of Bill Gates, especially as RFK Jr. prepares to take control of HHS and tackle the monolith of public health policy. Also, with the rumors of a globalist plot to turn Bird Flu into the next pandemic, and Gates waiting in the isle with an mRNA solution, its clear that Bill has been tasked with bridging a peace between Big Pharma and the new administration, so the death business can continue as usual. MORE IN THE LINK
For new readers: HERE are free links to my ebooks and best recent posts. I am privileged to share my tutoring from some of the finest minds in natural medicine. When I get discouraged by the evil forces against us, I think of the untold numbers of wonderful people like Steve, the pseudonym of a friend with vast chlorine dioxide experience. CD has profound and universal effects on health. When used chronically, it can cure many diseases, prevent others, and threaten every part of Rockefeller medicine. Study this post as if your life depends on it, for it does. The prerequisites are to read my introduction HERE and watch THESE TWO videos at double speed. A news report from 2020 lends instant credibility to chlorine dioxide: Amazon has removed more than a dozen books that unscientifically claim that homemade bleach, chlorine dioxide, can cure conditions ranging from malaria to childhood autism. The books include directions for making and ingesting the concoction, which doctors and federal regulators have warned is dangerous. MORE IN THE LINK
Right to Decide Hawkwind
Benjamin Fulford Report: Paradigm shift as Rome, Israel collapse while Ottoman Empire revives – December 23, 2024 The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging. So let us look at the “reality” that is now in the midst of a train wreck. In this reality, the evil empire Russia is on its last legs, greater Israel is about to be created, China is the “second-largest economy,” and the US-centered “rules-based world order,” remains in charge. The people who believe in this story are like Nazis watching propaganda movies about super weapons that will bring victory to Germany; even as Russian tanks approach Berlin. This story is enforced by the P2 Freemasons now gathering in Mar a Largo, Florida. Recently they have been threatening to murder influencers to prevent them from talking to people who report the actual truth, such as myself. This group has its own President-elect Donald Trump, its own Asian secret society and a shrinking base of slave governments. They also control a dollar printing machine that is now limited to pumping up crypto-currencies and the stock market. The controllers of the “rules based world order,” last week held an emergency meeting at Mar a Largo Florida. This meeting included Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons and the leaders of the P3 Freemasons who, until now, had an arrest warrant out for Zagami, according to P3 sources. This group decided to circle the wagons around Elon “Champion of Satan” Musk. This news item shows the Musk strategy: House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China. “His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.” So there we have it, he is selling US military and technological secrets to China in order to get funding to keep the US Corporate government in business. The Chinese he has been doing business with are part of a fake Asian secret society that is being put down, according to real Asian Secret Society sources. We are hearing the Asian royals are planning a big move. It turns out that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese Imperial family are related to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. They are all part of the Yi-Joseon (李朝鮮)Imperial Family. They are making North Korea fire nuclear-armed missiles to let the world know Japan is under their protection. They are also sending echelons of huge North Korean 170mm artillery guns through Russia towards the West to help liberate Europe. These people make it clear East Asia will once again be independent and have reached an agreement to this end with the US Space Force. In the real world, Commander in Chief Donald Trump, based at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force base, is working hand in hand with the planetary liberation alliance to free humanity from millennia of Babylonian debt slavery. The alliance is on the verge of overthrowing governments in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the United States. This will happen in the New Year as can be seen and will be seen from real-world news reports. For now, the most dramatic real-world news that is not being reported in the West is what is happening with Turkey. I had to use a virtual private network to get around Western censorship and read what the official Turkish News Agency had to say. It is mind-blowing. Here is an example: “For the first time, [Israel] finds itself facing Türkiye directly—or rather, feeling “encircled” by Türkiye.” They are coming to terms with the reality that “Türkiye is present in both Syria and Lebanon.” As they scramble to figure out how to confront this, they cling to PKK/YPG terrorism, further entrenching themselves in a shrinking corner. They know full well that Türkiye’s resurgence as a foundational power would trigger seismic changes across the region. Read more:
This article isn’t like my usual content because it’s basically just thoughts in my head, but it’s really interesting so I wanted to share it with you and see what you think. With that being said, I can’t prove any of this stuff, but it sure is fascinating… As you probably know, damn near everything we have been taught is a lie, or at a minimum, a twisted version of the truth; history = his-story. With that being said, if you have followed my work you know that I question if there is such thing as a “vitamin”. Being that science can’t see vitamins (they are invisible like viruses) and the only way to “isolate” a vitamin is to dump a bunch of toxic chemicals on it, heat it, cool it, poison it more, strain it and strain it again (which is neither “isolating” nor legitimate science), and the only way to tell which vitamin you isolated is through a glorified PCR test, I am having a difficult time believing such thing as a “vitamin” exists in the manner we have been told it does. Oh, and when you try to find out how each vitamin was discovered, you are ran in circles. If you spend hours digging you will eventually come across wacky non-scientific experiments that are mind-numbingly stupid. Here is a summary of a comment left the other day by Farmer Pete on my article 101 Reasons to Quit Supplements: MORE IN THE LINK
JamesRoguski 41min docu
Resource Center: The purpose of this Resource Center is to make it easier for those who want to learn more to be able to access a wealth of information about the mRNA “vaccines” all in one location. This Resource Center provides easy access to the best-of-the-best EVIDENCE showing that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA “vaccines” should be removed from the marketplace IMMEDIATELY. This series of articles/chapters will be published one per day beginning on December 26, 2024. You may read all 26 articles/chapters now (before they are officially published) by clicking on the links below, but the comment section on each individual article will not be available until the scheduled publication date listed in parentheses below. IN THE LINK
By RAIR Foundation December 21, 2024 When Dr. Sherri Tenpenny worked in the emergency room, she believed vaccines contained only weakened viruses and saline. That assumption shattered in September 2000 when she read the package insert of a vaccine for the first time. What she discovered set her on a path to uncover the shocking truth behind vaccine ingredients—information hidden in plain sight but ignored by most. A Shocking Discovery Dr. Tenpenny was horrified by what she found. “If a child receives every vaccine on the current U.S. vaccine schedule, they are injected with almost 13,000 micrograms of aluminum, nearly 600 micrograms of mercury, and over 200 other chemicals,” she explained in a recent interview with Jonathan Patrick Sears at the premiere of The Great Awakening. “I didn’t know that.” This level of chemical exposure raises profound questions about safety—questions that, according to Tenpenny, remain unanswered because vaccines have never been proven safe. “That’s why,” she said, “they’ve never been proven to be safe. Giving your child a vaccination is like injecting foreign matter into a little baby—the most precious little thing in your life.”
Another expert report finds Israel is committing genocide. The West yawns Jonathan Cook · 24 Dec. Original post below
[First published by Middle East Eye -] Three separate reports published this month by leading international human rights and medical groups have detailed the same horrifying story: that Israel is well advanced in its genocide of the Palestinian population in Gaza. Or, to be more accurate, they have confirmed what was already patently clear: that, for the past 14 months, Israel has been slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinians with indiscriminate munitions, while at the same time gradually starving the survivors to death and denying them access to medical care. Genocides can happen with gas chambers. Or with machetes. Or they can be carried out with 2,000lb bombs and aid blockades. Genocides rarely look the same. But they are all designed to arrive at the same endpoint: the elimination of a people. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) agree that Israel is striving for extermination. It has not hidden its intent, and that intent is confirmed by its actions on the ground. Only the wilfully blind, which includes western politicians and their media, are still in denial. But worse than denial, they continue to actively collude in this, the ultimate crime against humanity, by supplying Israel with the weapons, intelligence and diplomatic cover it needs for the extermination. Last week, MSF issued its report, titled Life in the Death Trap That is Gaza, concluding that Israel was intentionally “unravelling the fabric of society”. The medical charity observed: “The violence unleashed by Israeli forces has caused physical and mental damage on a scale that would overwhelm any functioning health system, let alone one already decimated by a crushing offensive and a 17-year-long blockade [by Israel].” MORE IN THE LINK
Dear Everyone--- Children’s Health Defense was founded nearly 20 years ago by moms and dads who wanted answers. Why were our children, born in good health and with bright futures, suddenly afflicted with autism?---------- As the number of children diagnosed with autism has skyrocketed, you’ve supported our work to uncover the link between vaccines and autism.------------ Please make your year-end tax-deductible donation today so together, we can take down Big Pharma’s agenda in 2025.------------ I believe we are closer than ever to getting the answers — and ending the tragic autism epidemic.--------- Why? Well, you know the saying: First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you.-------- Then you win.------------ After years of dismissing CHD and people like you as “conspiracy theorists,” the media are now beating a path to our door.----------- With our founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poised to take on the most powerful government role in public health, our adversaries are no longer ignoring us.------------ They’re not laughing anymore — they’ve gone into full attack mode.------------- We welcome the attacks. It means we’re that much closer to winning.---------- This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shine a light on CHD’s work — and more importantly, on the preventable tragedies that will continue to pile up until the CDC and FDA stop protecting pharma and start protecting our kids.------------ Bobby’s job won’t be easy. He’ll face roadblock after roadblock from the most powerful, well-funded industries in this country.------------- With your help, CHD will grab this opportunity and use the new attention coming our way to win over an increasingly skeptical public — and shut down the assault on our children.------------- There is no organization better positioned to bring this battle home. But we need your help now.------------MORE IN THE LINK
In July 2024, we published an article entitled “Unveiling the Sinister Agenda: The International Bird Flu Summit and the Next Man-Made Pandemic” in which we warned that the bird flu could be the next "pandemic" play in the government’s fear-mongering arsenal. Fast forward to December 2024, and here we are, watching the exact script unfold. The bird flu narrative has crept into headlines everywhere, and the connections are as blatant as neon signs flashing “MANIPULATION IN PROGRESS.” This isn’t just a coincidence, folks. The timing, the rhetoric, the overblown panic—it all reeks of a carefully orchestrated agenda designed to tighten control, line Big Pharma’s pockets, and keep us cowering in fear. Let’s dissect the latest developments, vindicate our predictions, and lay bare the calculated plot driving this so-called bird flu “emergency.” Buckle up; the rabbit hole goes deep. MORE IN THE LINK
Recently the brain computer interface technology and the implications for humankind have been discussed. Politico published this article yesterday. I have discussed this topic for a couple years now and warned that BCI technologies already have been deployed via self assembly nanotechnology that pass the blood brain barrier. The public needs to be aware of these technologies and how they already have been misused. This is the Politico article: UN warns of military brain control A United Nations panel is warning that a technology Elon Musk champions could lead to human rights abuses. MORE IN THE LINK
The Circuit Court in Leon County issued an ORDER Denying my motion for Rehearing and my Motion for a Hearing on my Motion for Rehearing. I will be filing a Notice of Appeal…. To Recap…. On December 1st, 2024, I filed a new case in the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida (2024-CA-001977) seeking an injunction to prohibit Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody from allowing the continued distribution of mRNA nanoparticle injections because they are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. The case is backed up by scientific evidence and expert affidavits. The complaint also seeks declaratory judgements that the COVID 19 injections and all mRNA injections violate Weapons of Mass Destruction § 790.166, Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); and clearly violate Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023). You can download the Denial ORDER or read the screen shot below. It is not long. You can also read the Motion for Rehearing here and download it as well as Affidavits and the Original Complaint from that link. To support this effort visit GiveSendGo Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism. Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here. One of the comments; Paul Vonharnish "The court carefully considered the Plaintiff's allegations and dismissed the complaint." Interpretation: The court carefully considered it's own malfeasance and it's role as an Accessory After the Fact, and agreed that it would continue in malfeasance..." MORE IN THE LINK
Excerp: Starmer may have flown 500 UK bureaucrats 5,000 miles with him to the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) in November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan. ----------------------- , but the leaders of the US, China, India, Germany, France and the EU’s von der Leyen didn’t even bother going… leaving Keir and Ed to rub shoulders with the Taliban instead. READ THE FULL POST IN THE LINK
1994 lecture of Dr. John Coleman from his book "The Committee of 300". He tried to warn us back then. He says "PARANOID" (Or the term "conspiracy theorist") is a man/woman who has the ABILITY to link events that are seemly not connected where you begin to arrive at the TRUTH!! Free online books of Dr John Coleman with the following links. "The Committee of 300" by Dr John Coleman The Tavistock Institute of human relations Many other books written by Dr John Coleman Excerpt from Pages #104-107 from his book "The Committee of 300": A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, (We have that now, it is called the Uniform Commercial Code or UCC) backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national bound- aries shall exist. Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited. Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools. Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill "quotas." "At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question. From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300". The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern. There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement. Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as "entertainment" in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from "disloyal parents," shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system.
Ben Davidson~ All About The Coming Magnetic Pole Shift (Project Unity Interview). on December 13th, 2024. Jay Anderson - Project Unity @TheProjectUnity writes: My interview with Ben Davidson (@SunWeatherMan), host of Suspicious Observers. A conversation about abnormal auroras, solar-shifts, geomagnetic field changes & global elites preparing for what Ben says is a time of major change, not just for Earth, but for the Solar System. UTL COMMENT:- All the science suggests that this pole shift may happen sometime.....let's hope that it's not too catastrophic.... Source: YouTube interview: See also: "The Earth is becoming more and more vulnerable to solar activity. I would never deny the significance of the ongoing economic issues, potential for World War 3, loss of freedom due to governments and the World Economic Forum pulling their Agenda 2030 nonsense, but folks, despite the evidence being right in our faces, the media is completely ignoring what is happening to the Earth. The magnetic pole shift and geomagnetic excursion are progressing and in the coming years we are going to lose all modern technology and the foundations of modern civilization. It doesn't get much worse than this, especially since other real global issues seem to be overshadowing it completely in the public forum." Ben Davidson ~{SpaceWeatherNews Mirror From ":" UNDERSTANDING THE LIES
For many decades, the UFO cover up has been going on worldwide. Now the disinformation of “DRONES” and “FAKE ALIEN INVASION” has been spread in the worldwide news. The religious dogmatics talk about Demons invading. They cannot wrap their mind around that they themselves are worshiping technologically advanced alien races who required the sacrifice of the first born child and created world religions to enslave souls and prohibit their evolution. There is intelligence everywhere, that is so much more evolved than power, control, greed, religious indoctrination and limited human destructive thinking. Evolved intelligence that understands and respects the interconnectedness of all of life - more magnificent, majestic and beautiful then simple words could describe. The limited “conspiracy theorists” call this worldwide mass UFO sighting Project Blue beam. No, our military is not that good, to create this coordinated world wide phenomena. And they are not able to suppress it either, even with their best psychological warfare propaganda. Remember when the UFO’s turned off the nuclear warheads in military installations just to let the military powers know, if they play with these weapons, there are bigger players in this universe that can turn the nukes on or off and launch them against those who would use them? ‘WTF’: Retired USAF captain recalls UFO encounter, says aliens turned off 10 nukes He interpreted the extraterrestrial message as a critique of nuclear weapons: “WTF, nuclear weapons.” Former US Air Force officer Robert Salas recently stirred conversation during a congressional hearing when he suggested that extraterrestrials are trying to send a clear, three-word message regarding nuclear weapons: “WTF.” Salas, who served as a USAF captain, shared his views in a discussion with Congresswoman Nancy Mace. The exchange was recorded during a special hearing on UFOs and later shared on social media by the Total Disclosure Podcast. Do you think that these bigger players would allow the fusion of humanity with technology and extermination of biological life on earth without intervention? I don’t think so. The Tyrants have had their last Waltz. I highly recommend reading this book: Last Waltz of the Tyrants: The Prophecy Revisited What is in your future? What is coming on the horizon for our planet and our civilization? How can you be better prepared for change? Ramtha has been teaching about the days to come -- the days that are already here -- since his first appearance in the late 1970s. Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy REVISITED, captures Ramtha’s teachings and predictions over twenty years ago that describe the drastic changes that are coming from natural upheaval to economic and political turmoil. Ramtha explains the forces behind these changes and the many events throughout history -- including our near future -- which have been carefully planned out by a few. Many things Ramtha predicted three decades ago can clearly be confirmed in many of today s news headlines, yet there is more to come, according to Ramtha. Although the future may seem daunting and grim, Ramtha forecasts a greater destiny in the making with the help of advanced civilizations who love humanity: the dawning of superconsciousness -- a new age -- and a more evolved human race. This destiny -- those changes I talked about so long ago in your time -- is coming into full manifestation. Go and look at them. What sounds common to you now was uncommon then.-- Ramtha July 1992 Here you can see some worldwide news on mass UFO sightings:. LOTS OF VIDS IN THE POST plus
Transparant. Unfortunatly people are sleeping with the Xmas greed sharing
My first reaction to news earlier this month that the Syrian government had been overthrown was, how much did we have to do with it; how involved was the CIA; and how much is it going to cost. As with Saddam and Gaddafi before him, we know that Assad was no libertarian hero. But unleashing an army dedicated to establishing an Islamic state in once-secular Syria hardly seems like a good idea to me. As with President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment after Saddam’s overthrow, getting rid of Assad will prove to be the easy part. Rebuilding Syrian society after the destruction of the country will cost billions and will likely be about as successful as our “liberation” of Libya, which is still a failed, terrorist-dominated state more than a decade later. In 2017 the Los Angeles Times published an article that, sadly, speaks volumes about the insanity of our interventionist foreign policy. “In Syria, militants armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA,” read the headline. How does it make any sense that the Pentagon is fighting a proxy war with the CIA on Syrian soil? What’s worse is that the American people are forced to pay for this Pentagon versus CIA war and then forced to pay again to rebuild the country after all the destruction. The Syrian people will feel the cost in more than just dollars. How involved is the US government in the overthrow of the Syrian government? For the past ten years the US has controlled the areas of Syria oil and wheat production, stealing resources that we have no legal claim on. The combination of resource theft and extreme sanctions hollowed out Syrian society over the past ten years, so when the terrorists sprang forth from Idlib a few weeks ago there was little resistance. Now instead of the relatively benign yet authoritarian rule of Assad, we have rule by the direct inheritors of the people who attacked us on 9/11. I am shocked that the mainstream media and many if not most politicians are cheering this. Ironically, some of the biggest cheerleaders for the al-Qaeda takeover of Syria are the same Members of Congress who finished their daily speeches on the House Floor with “we will never forget 9/11.” I guess they finally forgot? The implosion of Syria, like the US-engineered implosion of Libya and Iraq, has not led to democracy, peace, and the protection of civil liberties. In each case it has produced the exact opposite. Millions dead, millions more living in misery with many seeking revenge against those who destroyed their families, their lifestyle, and their countries. Are we safer having created millions of new enemies? President-elect Donald Trump made a statement last week about Syria, saying that this is not our fight and we should have nothing to do with it. His sentiment is the correct one, though we have unfortunately to this point had far too much to do with it. Let us hope that as president, Donald Trump will follow through with this sentiment and extract the US – the overt and covert presence – from not only Syria but the entire Middle East. This is not our fight and every single thing we have done there for the past 75 or so years has only made things worse. Time for an America first foreign policy! Author Ron Paul Ron Paul
Pointing out some of the pathetic nonsense ------ December 16, 2024: During a recent interview with Brannon Howse, Nicolas Hulscher, Executive Director of the McCullough Foundation, Nicolas reported on the outbreak of a flu-like ‘Disease-X’ infecting 376 people in the Congo and killing over 70 people. Brannon Howse’s response to Nick’s initial post on X was; “I saw this the other day, Nick, and I thought ‘oh wow.’ A flu-like illness that kills that many. I mean ‘wow.’ What are your thoughts on all this? And what are your thoughts on what Dr. Peter (Hotez) who’s accused us of being the reason all these things are popping up because we’re anti-vaxx, ‘because these diseases all would have been cured if we got the vaxx.’ But I believe the diseases are in the vaxx!” - Brannon Howse, December 6, 2024
Post by Mysticalwolfmalwolf on Tiktok
This is the REAL STORY of how COVID started in the U.S.—Don't let Deep State shills like Kash Patel gaslight you. "[COVID wasn't] a pandemic. It [was] a military attack. It [was] a deployment of chemical [and] maybe radiological weapons." Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes for Mic Meow how the COVID "pandemic" was actually pulled off in the U.S., highlighting the U.S. military's involvement in the release of a biological (and potentially radiological) weapon, the lack of evidence supporting the existence of a patient zero in the U.S. (or even China), and the rollout of "hospital murder protocols," which were used to generate the deaths needed to make it look like there was a "pandemic" occurring. “They simulated illness with something, some chemical weapon or something. And the main point of this was to deploy these biological weapons, which are the shots” MORE IN THE LINK
A troubling new study has exposed the “toxic effects” of administering repeated doses of Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The researchers found that the injection caused severe damage that could cause a range of deadly diseases and trigger sudden death. The study was conducted by leading South Korean researchers at the Seoul National University Hospital. Led by professors Jae-Hun Ahn and Byeong-Cheol Kang, the team set up a preclinical laboratory-based study to evaluate the toxicological effects of Covid mRNA “vaccines.” Their findings were published in the Archives of Toxicology. The researchers tested the vaccines in six-week-old mice, focusing on repeated dosing and administration routes. The mice were administered the vaccines intramuscularly twice at two-week intervals or up to five doses. The intervals sought to replicate the vaccine schedules for humans as advised by most government health officials. The study found that “toxic effects” started to emerge two days after the second injection. According gto the study, these toxic effects were recorded as reduced lymphocyte and reticulocyte counts, anemia-related changes, and elevated cardiac damage markers (troponin-I and NT-proBNP). Histopathological analyses revealed inflammation and necrosis at injection sites, bone marrow suppression, thymic cortical atrophy, and spleen enlargement. They noted that some of the effects had resolved by 14 days after the injection. However, many of the toxic effects persisted. MORE IN THE LINK
This trial is about more than my innocence—it’s about the fundamental right to speak out, to question authority, and to stand for truth in the face of oppression. - Iris Koh ----- Please watch the video ---------- Subject: I’m Innocent. Please Help Me Seek Justice. 8th Dec 2024 Dear Friends, It has been 3.5 years since I became an accidental activist—a journey I never planned, but one I now embrace fully. My activism began in July 2021, driven by a deep concern for the sudden deaths of three close acquaintances following their COVID-19 vaccinations. I could not stand idly by while so many unanswered questions loomed. Since then, my life has been a whirlwind of challenges, revelations, and faith. Come December 16-19, I will stand trial, accused of conspiring with Dr. Jipson Quah to cheat the Ministry of Health by issuing fake vaccination certificates. These accusations are baseless and fundamentally contradict everything I have stood for. My mission has always been to hold the government accountable through lawful and ethical means, advocating for transparency, informed consent, and the protection of individual rights. What Happened: On January 21, 2022, just one day before I was to speak at a World Council for Health event and days before I would be in a Crimes Against Humanity lawsuit against the Singapore government, I was arrested. I was thrown into remand for 15 days, during which: I was denied a single phone call. I was not allowed to speak to my lawyer. I faced police misconduct, including being forced to represent myself in court on a Sunday, with no public present and no counsel present In the middle of a Doctor’s appointment during remand, Dr. Stephen Phang from IMH wanted to see the judge. I endured circumstances that would have broken many, but I held on to my faith and the belief that truth will prevail. These were some of the darkest days of my life, but even in the Lion’s Den, miracles occurred. I met a civilian who reminded me to trust in God’s plan and assured me that everything would be revealed in court. His faith strengthened mine, and I left remand with a renewed commitment to the truth. But I cannot do this alone. I need your help to ensure that my story is heard, that justice is sought, and that my name is cleared. My Call for Support As this trial approaches, I need your solidarity more than ever. This battle is not just mine; it represents the fight for everyone who dares to stand for truth and justice. I humbly ask for your help in the following ways: How You Can Help Share My Story Tell the world what is happening to me. Share my story with your networks and let them know this trial is about more than just me—it’s about standing for truth and justice. MORE IN THE LINK
You should know by now that I always save the best for last... Agent131711 Dec 15, 2024 ----- This may seem boring for a few minutes, but stick with it, it will be worth it in the end. It’s like one of those books where you don’t really know what you are reading or how it ties together until the very last page, then all of a sudden it all makes sense - so much sense that it changes how you view everything you thought you knew. To tie this series together, we must go back to WWI, 1914-1918. During this time, to protect the public from dangerous inventions, the government was reviewing and blocking patents without authorization from Congress. But since the people needed to be protected and inventions can cause harm, it was for the greater good. The war ended in 1918, but it was still important to continue to review patents because who knows what awful creation could come to fruition without strict government oversight. The year following the end of the war (1919), the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed by four companies. Those four entities were AT&T, Westinghouse, General Electric and United Fruit Co. MORE IN THE POST
ResistanceGB interview with Andrew Bridgen, former MP for NW Leicestershire & pro-freedom political campaigner, speaks about the farmer death tax and wider agenda behind the measures at the 11/10/24 Farmer's Rally, as tractors roll past.
This series began with me simply wanting to share the crazy, true story of Evergreen Airlines with you. You see, Evergreen was a CIA front company, an airline, that operated out of Pinal Airpark in Arizona as well as at an airfield in Oregon (but the AZ location was their home). Evergreen modified Boeing planes to make Supertankers which could hold as much as 18 pallets worth of chemicals - flame retardants, we are told. However, the big, beautiful firefighting planes never fought a fire in the USA. Even as the biggest blaze in Arizona history, the Wallow Fire, spread across the home state of the planes, those firefighting jets stayed in their airfield. Instead, DC-10s and other smaller aircraft battled the raging inferno. The CIAs Evergreen Airlines also happened to hold patents for nozzles; nozzles which disperse materials into the atmosphere. The timing of these patents happens to align with a mass influx of reports of lines and grids appearing across the sky in the United States. When the lines and grids began appearing in the sky, concerned citizens began tracking these off-radar, unmarked planes leaving behind these new “lingering contrails”. They claimed to have tracked them to Evergreen’s Arizona airpark as well as military bases. When researchers attempted to visit Pinal Airpark (Airport code MJZ), which they say was being advertised as a public place, they saw it was patrolled by black helicopters and, upon their arrival, were greeted by armed security and demanded to leave. One citizen stated, "Tried to drive to MZJ on Memorial Day. Armed guard refused us entry to FBO. Found out later that this is where TCA is training air marshals. This is a full military base; don't even think about going there.". Another person saw the airpark had a maintenance facility and thought they could get their plane fixed there. They report that they were “nearly chased out” by staff. Even pilots claimed that when they attempted to refuel at Pinal Airpark, they were refused. One pilot said, "Last time I landed at Pinal I got an armed escort directly back to the departure end of the runway. No options...” MORE IN THE LINK
'Conspiracy of Silence' is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia. Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, “Conspiracy of Silence” was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians.
By MICHELLE R. SMITH Updated 12:03 AM EST, February 1, 2025 PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A letter submitted to the U.S. Senate that states it was sent by physicians in support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination as secretary of Health and Human Services includes the names of doctors who have had their licenses revoked, suspended or faced other discipline, The Associated Press has found. The letter was meant to lend credibility to Kennedy’s nomination, which has faced strenuous opposition from medical experts due to his two decades of anti-vaccine activism. Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, a medical doctor who boasts on his official website of an effort he created to vaccinate 36,000 children against hepatitis B, expressed hesitancy about Kennedy’s nomination and is seen as a key vote. The AP found that in addition to the physicians who had faced disciplinary action, many of the nearly 800 signers are not doctors. The letter with the names of those who signed was provided to the AP by Sen. Ron Johnson’s office after he entered it into the Congressional Record on Wednesday during the first of Kennedy’s two confirmation hearings. Among those who signed it were a self-described journalist, a certified public accountant, a firefighter/paramedic, a certified health coach and someone who said they had a bachelor’s degree “with an emphasis on Jungian Psychology.” The signers include at least 75 nurses, as well as physician’s assistants. More than 90 did not include any credentials at all. Over 20 were chiropractors, representing an industry that has funded Kennedy’s work. An AP investigation found that donations from a chiropractic group represented one-sixth of the revenues collected by Kennedy’s anti-vaccine nonprofit in 2019. The letter was organized and submitted by MAHA Action, which is run by Del Bigtree, who worked for Kennedy’s presidential campaign and is a longtime anti-vaccine activist. The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Kennedy transferred the trademark for the “MAHA” slogan to an limited liability company run by Bigtree. Kennedy reported that he received $100,000 in income from licensing the slogan and said in his financial disclosures that he had transferred the trademark for “no compensation.” MAHA stands for “Make America Healthy Again,” a play on President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again.” Emma Post, a MAHA Action spokesperson, said in an email that the letter was “shared and circulated organically in a grassroots manner with explicit instructions that it was for physicians only to sign on to.” She did not address the AP’s questions about what further steps the group took to verify credentials, if any. Bigtree and Kennedy did not return messages seeking comment. A White House spokesman, Kush Desai, said the administration looks forward to the Senate’s swift confirmation of Kennedy. The letter includes the header “ Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ” and begins with the words, “We, the undersigned physicians.” It says lower down that it “reflects the collective voice of physicians and medical professionals” committed to addressing chronic disease. The AP’s review found that at least 10 doctors who signed the letter had run into trouble with state medical boards or their board certification body for a variety of alleged misconduct. Sanctions they faced included having their license revoked or suspended, being put on probation, receiving a reprimand or other action. One received a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission, which said he was unlawfully advertising products as treatments or prevention for COVID-19, including intravenous nutrient therapy and vitamins. Among the signers was Paul Thomas, an anti-vaccine doctor who voluntarily surrendered his medical license in 2022 after Oregon’s medical board found he had engaged in repeated and gross negligence in the practice of medicine. Thomas did not admit or deny the finding. NBC News reported that Thomas was part of a team assembled by Kennedy who remotely advised an anti-vaccine activist in Samoa during a measles outbreak there on how to treat children with vitamins. A person who responded on behalf of Thomas, DeeDee Hoover, said the information the AP had was inaccurate but did not reply when asked what specifically was wrong. Other signers included Dr. Simone Gold, who was reprimanded by California’s medical board after she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for her conduct at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Gold was recently pardoned by Trump and told the AP in an email that her reprimand and other disciplinary action were overturned by a judge prior to her pardon. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an honorable and honest person with vast subject matter knowledge and experience who values the health of the American people, and furthermore because he is willing to challenge corporate interests where they conflict with the best interests of those citizens,” Gold wrote in an email. Meryl Nass, whose medical license was suspended in Maine over her treatment of COVID-19 patients, also signed. She told the AP she is appealing the decision and expects to be fully vindicated. At least two of the doctors were disciplined, prior to the pandemic, for improperly giving out vaccine waivers, including one who had his license revoked and another who was put on probation. Another doctor’s license was revoked for refusing to follow COVID-19 guidelines. Post said MAHA Action’s letter was just one of several provided to the Senate supporting Kennedy, including one that she provided a link to that she said was signed by “17,000 medical professionals.” That letter stated it was from international medical providers and did not include the names of those who signed. Opponents of Kennedy’s nomination sent their own letter with signatures from what they said were more than 18,000 “vetted and verified” doctors. The group, the Committee to Protect Health Care, said that the letter was initially circulated among verified physicians and that as additional signatures were added, their credentials were checked. The group provided the list of signatories to the AP but with anonymized names that included the first initial of their first name along with the first three letters of their last name, as well as their medical credentials. They said doctors’ names were anonymized for their privacy and to protect them from harassment. __________________ Below is the email Ms. Smith sent me and my response: From: Meryl Nass Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2025 6:10 PM To: Smith, Michelle R. Subject: Re: TIME SENSITIVE Request for comment on RFK Jr nomination [EXTERNAL] Dear Ms. Smith, My license was suspended because I criticized the COVID vaccines in my private life and prescribed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to patients to treat COVID. The first amendment guarantees my speech as a citizen. Prescribing two fully licensed drugs was also entirely legal. There were no patient complaints. EVER. In fact, the Medical Board was so worried that my patients would laud my care of them (which they did during my hearing) that the Board NEVER interviewed them—which might have interfered with the Board claiming I provided poor care. I expect to be fully vindicated and await a judgment on my appeal of this verdict in April. My lawsuit against the Board for a malicious prosecution is in process. I was a National Merit Scholar, MIT graduate, have consulted for the Director of National Intelligence and the World Bank among many others. I was the first person in the world to prove that an epidemic was caused by biological warfare. I coauthored a Citizen Petition to FDA with Mr. Kennedy and coauthored articles with him. I helped edit 3 of his books. I have testified to 6 different Congressional committees on vaccines, biological warfare and Gulf War syndrome. No other doctor in Maine can match these qualifications. I am happy to discuss Mr. Kennedy with any member of the Congress. Meryl Nass, MD On Jan 30, 2025, at 5:09 PM, Smith, Michelle R. wrote: Dear Dr. Nass, I am a reporter for The Associated Press. I have a copy of a letter that you signed in support of RFK Jr’s nomination as HHS secretary. I’d like to ask you about your signature on the letter: Why do you support RFK Jr as HHS secretary? Your license to practice medicine has been suspended in Maine. Why should members of the U.S. Senate put stock in your endorsement of Kennedy on a letter signed by physicians, given that the board of licensure in Maine has seen fit to suspend your license to practice? Anything else you would like to add? Please get back to me as soon as possible and no later than noon on Friday, Jan. 31. Thank you, Michelle Smith
WHO to address the International Court of Justice on climate change and health The World Health Organization (WHO) is scheduled to deliver oral statements to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the intersection of climate change and global health and the urgent need for global action, from 15.00 to 15.30 CET on Friday, 13 December. WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Derek Walton, WHO Legal Counsel, will address the Court in the context of its public hearings on the request for an advisory opinion on the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change. In his statement, Dr Tedros will focus on the health implications of climate change, while Mr Walton will address related law and governance aspects. MORE IN THE POST
Short vid included in the post. ----By Frank Bergman December 12, 2024 A world-renowned data expert has just issued a red alert after uncovering evidence that reveals excess deaths are continuing to skyrocket in children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” According to an alarming warning from leading Wall Street data analyst Ed Dowd, excess child deaths are still accelerating and show no sign of slowing down. Dowd is a former executive at the world’s largest investment firm BlackRock and is considered one of America’s leading data experts. Through his expert analysis of insurance industry data, Dowd has become a prominent figure in investigations into the impact of the global Covid vaccination campaign. Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies a global macro alternative investment firm. The team at Phinance, which includes a handful of high-level scientists, data analysts, and financial experts, has been investigating surges in deaths and injuries following the Covid “vaccine” rollout. During a new interview on “The Jimmy Dore Show,” Dowd produced shocking data showing that excess child deaths are still surging higher, long after the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were first released almost four years ago. Dowd made the discovery while analyzing the official data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). “The UK has a problem,” Down warns. However, while the deaths were identified in UK data, the trend is most likely reflected in other nations with a similar mass vaccination protocol, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and much of Europe. Dowd’s data shows that excess deaths for children aged one to fourteen have surged higher each year since the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out in 2021. According to Dowd, excess deaths for children in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023 – the last full year of data. Dowd notes that this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.” The data shows that deaths were actually lower than expected in 2020 but started surging in 2021. According to Dowd’s findings, each year’s data shows: 2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected 2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected 2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected 2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected As Down notes, while the “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021, they were authorized for children later in the year. Although the data for 2024 isn’t yet complete, Dowd reveals that, so far, the official figures show that the surging death trend has continued through this year. “Figures from the Office for National Statistics show about 10% more deaths (across all age groups) than expected since April this year,” Down adds. Yet, despite the clear correlation with the mass vaccination campaign, UK health officials insist that “circulatory diseases and diabetes are … behind the increase.” MORE IN THE POST
Mikhail Shatsky, who is said to have overseen the modernisation of Kh-59 and Kh-69 missiles used by Russia against Ukraine, was reportedly shot dead near his home. A Russian weapons expert who helped to develop cruise missiles used in the Kremlin's war on Ukraine has reportedly been assassinated in a forest in the Moscow region. Mikhail Shatsky, deputy general designer and head of design at the Mars Design Bureau — which develops missiles used by the Russian military — was shot dead this week in Kuzminsky forest, about 13 kilometres from the Kremlin, according to Ukrainian media. Exiled Russian journalist Alexander Nevzorov posted a photograph on Telegram of a man resembling Shatsky lying dead on blood-stained snow. Similar photographs were published on several pro-Ukraine channels on the messaging app. Independent Russian outlet Important Stories said it had geolocated the site where the body was found as a 10-minute walk from Shatsky's home near the forest. MORE IN THE POST
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Dec 12, 2024 --- In this episode, I speak with international activist Julian Rose. He shares his experience of leading a successful initiative to ban GMO’s in Poland. His experience can serve as a model of activism needed in these perilous times. We discuss the anti-life technocratic transhumanist agenda and his book “Overcoming the Robotic Mind” – and how the understanding of the interconnections of all of life can help us create a better future. Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books including the acclaimed title ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’. Julian trained at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London (1969) and went on to become an actor and assistant director in an experimental theater company in New England, USA and later in Anterp, Belgium where he co-founded The Institute for Creative Development, a learning center that used the arts as the prime teaching medium. MORE IN THE LINK
Early advocate warns that Bitcoin has been hijacked Greg Reese Dec 12, 2024
This post has a Voiceover if wanted. When westerners see 'enemy' governments fall, or civil wars erupt, they are led to think they are the geopolitical equivalent of a natural event. Nothing could be further from the truth The long-harboured aspirations of the US, Turkey and Israel to topple the Syrian government, mainly through their rebranded al-Qaeda allies, succeeded at lightning speed. Damascus fell days after Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) forces under Abu Mohammad al-Jolani surprised observers by breaking out of their small north-western enclave in Syria and seizing the country’s second city, Aleppo. Bashar al-Assad’s government and his army, it turned out, were paper tigers. Or they were, once their chief allies – Russia, Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon – had been forced onto the back foot. Preoccupied with troubles closer to home, they could no longer offer the military support Assad depended on. Israel’s rampage across Lebanon and its military intimidation of Iran – as well as Nato’s increasing efforts to pin Russia down in Ukraine – unfroze the main battle lines in Syria, arrived at several years ago between Assad’s army, al-Qaeda’s franchise in Syria and Kurdish forces in the north-east. MORE IN THE POST
This is very good at explaining how control tools are used. Vid is 37mins. More from this publisher
Guardian journalists have probably the strongest chapel of the main journalist union in Britain. Strong enough that they were able to organise a strike this past week over the sale of the Guardian’s sister Sunday paper, the Observer, to Tortoise Media. And yet the Guardian chapel of the National Union of Journalists has not gone on strike over the recent raid by counter-terrorism police on a fellow journalist, Asa Winstanley, with threats to lock him up for 14 years for writing against the genocide in Gaza. MORE IN THE POST
WHEN I STRIKE, I STRIKE HARD Regular readers will be familiar with Tortoise, the new media organisation set up in 2018 by former BBC and Times Editor, James Harding. This article and news segment from March provide a more detailed background to the organisation and its affiliations, including: A direct link to Goals House, the main propaganda hub for delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Partnerships and funding from a swathe of World Economic Forum partners. A unique strategic partnership with the Rothschild Foundation, placing Tortoise directly next to the dynastic powers behind the formation of Israel and the ongoing genocide in Palestine. I also recommend watching this interview with Sonia Poulton, which highlights Tortoise’s role in shaping the global conversation around AI governance. My personal view is the ‘Tortoise’ name is a reference to the Fabian Society, the secret society working to implement a single global communist system whose mascot, up until the 1960s, was a Tortoise. Its motto was ‘When I strike, I strike hard', hence the title of this piece. In short, this is an extraordinarily powerful and influential media group with a very clear geopolitical and economic agenda: Tortoise does the bidding of the global establishment. MORE IN THE LINK
Former Trump Administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Senior Advisor, and epidemiologist, Dr. Paul Alexander, provided an affidavit stating that mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons. Dr. Alexander, a Trump loyalist, provided the affidavit in a new case in the State of Florida. Case # 2024-CA-001977 initiated by psychotherapist, Dr. Joseph Sansone is seeking an injunction to prohibit Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody from allowing the continued distribution of COVID-19 and mRNA injections in the State of Florida because they are biological weapons. The complaint also seeks declaratory judgements that the COVID 19 injections and all mRNA nanoparticle injections violate Weapons of Mass Destruction § 790.166, Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); and Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023).
Wild Minds Community
Lots here that will blow circuits in people progranning. Lovely to share. Many know this already and great thing is Dom Cummings says it. Conspirecy theory over. People have the right for a refund on all the taxes that have been theived
Peer-reviewed papers have revealed that the vaccine contains 55 undisclosed metals. Additionally, food, water, and chemtrails contain nano-metals, but a detoxification method is now available. Awakening Channel post 507, 28 Oct 24
[First published by Middle East Eye] For more than a year, those calling for an end to Israel’s slaughter of civilians in Gaza have been relentlessly vilified: as apologists for Hamas, as antisemites, even as supporters of a genocide against Israel and the wider Jewish people. These smears have been buttressed by western politicians and the media insisting that Israel is conducting a legitimate, “defensive” war with limited aims: supposedly to eradicate Hamas and free a few dozen remaining Israeli hostages. The bigger picture has had to be swept from view. That Israel has levelled the infrastructure in Gaza needed to sustain life; bombarded Palestinians wherever they have sought refuge; butchered many tens of thousands of civilians – or more likely hundreds of thousands; and actively starved most of the population by withholding aid. And, overlooked in all of this, Israel has failed to make a significant impact on Hamas’ fighting ability and has almost certainly endangered the lives of the hostages with its indiscriminate bombing campaigns. Finally, 14 months on, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has struck a major blow against Israel’s tissue of lies and deceptions – as well as the complicity of western elites. Judges at the war crimes court approved last month the issuing of arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defence minister, Yoav Gallant. After six months of delays, the ICC has agreed, against a background of unprecedented intimidation, to put the pair on trial at The Hague for crimes against humanity, including the targeting of civilians and the use of starvation as a method of war. Should either step on the soil of any of the 124 member states – including Britain and all of Europe – that state will be obligated to arrest them and transfer them to The Hague. The charges laid against Netanyahu and Gallant are likely also to bolster the case being made at the ICC’s sister court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), that Israel’s actions in Gaza meet the legal definition of genocide. What is clear is that the walls are closing in on Israel, as they are for those who have aided and abetted its crimes. Which includes western political and media establishments. MORE IN THE LINK
December 2, 2024: Unbeknownst to Americans and global citizens, nearly all animal species on the planet (including human beings) are in the inter-pandemic phase of the “highly disease-causing and deadly” H5N1 pandemic. Lots more in the post Henry Lamb was a renowned expert on global governance and its implications on individual freedom and private property rights. He was the author of ‘The Rise of Global Governance’. He was also the author of the article ‘The UN and Property Rights’, the report ‘Global Governance: Why? How? When?’ and a columnist for Renew America. And chairman of Sovereignty International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting individual sovereignty and limited government, founder of the Environmental Conservation Organisation and Freedom21, Inc. In 1996, Lamb gave a t talk on the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Wildlands Project at the Granada Forum. “All of the conspiracy theories that you’ve ever heard about ‘One World Government’, about the UN takeover of the world, all of those conspiracies have now been laid to rest,” he said. “There’s nothing conspiratorial about it. It’s all published!” “The UN-funded Commission on Global Governance began meeting in 1992, in earnest … and last fall released their final report. It is entitled ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’,” he said. After briefly describing the 1995 document, he goes on to talk about Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, The Wildlands Project and the Global Biodiversity Assessment…. Please go to the Expose to read the rest because this is a long article with an embedded video and can best be reviewed there!
One of Calin's goals is to pull Romania out of the EU. So, what exactly is the EU, and why does it matter to the world? The European Union stands as a major stronghold for a one-world government. It’s one of the most ambitious projects ever, where the elite have managed to exert control over multiple nations simultaneously. With empty promises of greater prosperity, they’ve lured millions into a dangerous trap. The moment the Euro was introduced, prices skyrocketed. Poverty descended like a shadow over Europe. Wages stayed the same, but costs doubled overnight. People who were doing well suddenly found themselves struggling. Families that once thrived were plunged into hardship. This is a prime example of the cruel nature of the elites: they thrive on causing suffering. They take pleasure in seeing humanity in distress, all while they accumulate wealth beyond imagination. They rose to new heights while the masses fell. The creation of the European Union is one of the largest criminal schemes ever carried out in our history. Across Europe, nations now find themselves under the grip of unaccountable rulers, as the leaders of the European Union are not elected by the populace but rather appointed by a select elite. In an instant, democracy has vanished from the continent, replaced by a regime of dictators. It hardly matters if citizens elect their own national representatives; they are compelled to follow the dictates of the EU without question. The European Union is orchestrating a level of tyranny unprecedented in history. With vaccine mandates and societal exclusion for the unvaccinated, financial bondage, and rampant censorship, the landscape is shifting dramatically. The EU serves as a harbinger for the rest of the globe, illustrating the potential reality of a one-world government: the widespread endorsement of pedophilia, the relentless promotion of LGBTQ and transgender ideologies, the imposition of crushing poverty, the silencing of dissent, and the obliteration of democracy. They are destroying the identity of individual nations, by importing millions of immigrants into every country, so that Italy is no longer Italy, but becomes a cocktail of countless cultures. The unique identity, flavor and beauty of individual nations is being eradicated, by making them all the same: a cocktail of different colors, so the end result is a dull grey. And the same goes for Greece, Spain, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, etc. The EU is destroying the individual nations and making them into one massive soup, ready to be part of a even greater soup of a one world state, where everyone is the same. Bye bye beautiful colors, songs, cultures of beautifully diverse nations. They want the world to be one massive grey cocktail of everything thrown together. MORE in post
The world famous United Nations whistleblower and courageous freedom fighter Calin Georgescu leads the presidential race in Romania, Europe. But he is under attack. The corrupt establishment is trying to get him arrested. Calin called me this morning and said: “David, there is a full blown jihad against me. They are trying to get me killed, because I am leading the elections.” He asked my help to get more international support. People, please watch this video that I made to help Calin Georgescu and share it like crazy. We must help Calin Georgescu become president of Romania, so he can lead the way for all of Europe to stand up against the globalists. He is a devout Christian man with great integrity and passion for a better world. Watch the video and share it please.
This is for sharing 1hr 47min
In SW Florida it is very noticeable how our once blue skies are often covered with clouds and haze that you would see in the Northeast U.S. This was noticeable to me last fall. A Florida Republican Senator has introduced SB 56, a bill that aims to prohibit weather modification activities within the state. Introduced by Senator Ileana Garcia, this legislation targets chemical and technological methods used to manipulate weather patterns, temperature, or sunlight intensity, effectively halting a controversial practice often linked to geoengineering.
Neurologist Dr. Avery Jackson shares Godly wisdom about healing mind, body, and spirit after the stressful election season, including a new food during fasting, and the best way to get nitric oxide in your body.
Monty Python amuse by taking apart the judisary
This is an Information video. Very simple like old Govt. safety vid, ORIGINAL SOURCE:
The UN plan to destroy any semblance of freedom Greg Reese Nov 28, 2024 : Less than 5min Vid
This blatant miscarriage of justice, torture and abuse must end. Please help spread the word about the upcoming November 30, 2024 event in Geneva, Switzerland. James Roguski Nov 28, 2024
If the nanotech in the shots is the interface between humans and AI then expect another fake pandemic and more shots. Greg Reese Nov 25, 2024
In 2006 the military had sensors that could interrogate the battlefield the size of a maple tree seed. These and smaller sensors can also be inhaled. Once again, 18 years later, what is the state of battlefield interrogation? DARPA was involved then and is a major contributor over the past decades in developing the smart sensors. The important part of this article is how versatile the information collection was even in 2006 - telemetry, communication, navigation, imaging sensors all were available then. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded Lockheed Martin a $1.7-million, 10-month contract to design a revolutionary remote-controlled nano air vehicle (NAV) that will collect military intelligence indoors and outdoors on the urban battlefield. Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) leads a team that will design a remote-controlled NAV, similar in size and shape to a maple tree seed. A chemical rocket enclosed in its one-bladed wing will power a sensor payload module more than 1,100 yards. Delivered from a hover and weighing up to 0.07 ounces, the module will be interchangeable based on mission requirements. Besides controlling lift and pitch, the wing will also house telemetry, communications, navigation, imaging sensors, and battery power. The NAV will be about 1.5 inches long and have a maximum takeoff weight of about 0.35 ounces. In typical operation, a warfighter will launch the NAV and fly it toward the target by viewing its flight path through a camera embedded in the wing. Like a maple tree seed, the one-bladed device will rotate in flight, but its camera will provide a stable forward view and transmit images back to a small, hand-held display. As the system matures, a simple autopilot aboard the NAV will provide limited autonomous operations. Once the NAV delivers its payload, it will return to the warfighter for collection and refurbishment. According to James Marsh, ATL director, designing and building such a small device will require revolutionary manufacturing technologies to integrate near-microscopic components into the airframe. But even the airframe will require a challenging combination of new and emerging technologies. "The challenges are both exciting and daunting, because some of the technologies vital to our success have yet to be discovered," Marsh said. "We know going in that we need some of the best minds in manufacturing technology and in the development and integration of highly sophisticated, software- driven control technologies and mission systems." The contract will fund conceptual design and risk reduction using prototypes of the engine, airframe, flight control system, and communications system as well as computer models of the guidance system and sensors. Following a successful preliminary design review planned for summer 2007 and a sequence of go/no-go tests, DARPA may fund an additional 18-month period during which Lockheed Martin will design and test a flying prototype. Lockheed Martin ATL leads a team that includes Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works), Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, the Lockheed Martin-managed Sandia National Laboratories, AeroCraft, ATK Thiokol and the University of Pennsylvania. Lockheed Martin's NAV program is part of a DARPA effort from its Defense Sciences Office to improve the quality, quantity, and reliability of information gathered and transmitted by unattended ground sensors. The effectiveness of these sensors may be dependent on their precise location. Achieving optimal monitoring and communication often requires precise deployment of sensors. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 135,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.
Transhuman Trap James had me back to talk about my new books and we had excellent conversations about the Transhumanist Agenda, Targeted Individuals, implanted microchips, rubbery clots developing in the unvaccinated. This was an awesome conversation - unrestricted Truth about Unrestricted Warfare on Humanity. Don’t miss it!
I continue to post literature for the purpose of educating people how advanced nanotechnology really is and how long it has been around. When doctors and scientist say there are no nanorobots, it just means they have not taken the time to educate themselves towards a subject that has been developed now for DECADES and is for many difficult to understand due to its sophistication. The military is a major sponsor of the development of micro and nano electronics, in fact the US military is a leader in nanoweapons worldwide, as I have discussed in previous posts. I have previously written articles and show historic military documents to elucidate this point. DOD Defense Nanotechnology Research And Development Program 2009 - Insights Into Development Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology NASA Future Strategic Warfare Compared To Current Events. Are We In A War Of Our Military Against Us - We The People? Here I share an article from 2016 - 8 years ago - which explains the bio engineering of microbes into full computers and sensors - and filaments that are as effective as Carbon Nanotubes. Remember the plan is to digitize all life on earth, computerize it, utilize it for data harvesting for AI and battlespace interrogation. Humanity is the battlespace. (More in the post)
The COP29 meeting was to have ended at 6 pm in Baku, Azerbaijan today, but the nations could not come to an agreement on how much money would be promised to the low and middle income countries (LMIC), so the meeting is continuing into the night. It is already after 1 am on the 23d in Baku. LMIC demands seem to have ranged from 1 to 5 Trillion dollars per year, with many settling on $1.3 Trillion per year as the “right” number. Today the richer nations proposed giving $250 billion (in some combo of loans and grants) by 2035. Who knows what $250 billion will be worth then, at the rate inflation has been going? So far, no deal. (Loads More in the Link)
"California’s rainy season begins with a bomb cyclone bang" (CNN). "Major storm drops record rain, downs trees in Northern California after devastation further north" (AP News). "California storm: Rare high-risk warning for excessive rain issued" (San Francisco Chronicle). From a summer of record heat and undisclosed record drought, California is now being given a round of seeded rain. Is this so called "bomb cyclone" event as dramatic as corporate media would have us believe? Or just a dose of what weather once was before geoengineering operations derailed the entire global hydrologicalcycle? Either way, the climate engineers control the flow of precipitation. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington To support Geoengineering Watch: Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008 Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: For more information go to the full Geoengineering Watch article:
Naomi Wolf about Pfizer's Crimes Against Human Reproduction: "What Pfizer had internally documented is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history. You would think that the Pfizer papers, internal papers would be centered on breathing and respiratory conditions because COVID is a respiratory disease in many ways. But there's very little about that. It's not what they were looking at." "What the centrepiece of the Pfizer papers is has to do with reproduction, human reproduction. And it has to do with destroying human reproduction. There's a chart that has like 15,000 women bleeding every day, 10,000 women two periods a month, 7,500 women no periods at all, meaning no children, not fertile. This many women hemorrhaging, this many women passing tissue, 10 year old girls bleeding upon being injected, 85 year old women bleeding upon being injected." (More in the link)
Streamed on: Nov 20, 2024. Interesting talk between Stew Peters, King Bau & Greg Reese
With regard to the crimes, the Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Netanyahu, born on 21 October 1949, Prime Minister of Israel at the time of the relevant conduct, and Mr Gallant, born on 8 November 1958, Minister of Defence of Israel at the time of the alleged conduct, each bear criminal responsibility for the following crimes as co-perpetrators for committing the acts jointly with others: the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts. (More in the link)
Check it out RVL Aviation is a British specialist charter airline, part of the RVL Group, based at East Midlands Airport in the United Kingdom. It provides a range of aviation services such as ad hoc passenger and cargo charter flights, aerial surveillance and survey flights and the aerial spraying of pollution dispersants. Look at what they are about as far as spraying
Karen Dalton - In My Own Time 1971 Full Album
Karen Dalton - It's So Hard To 1969 Full Album Check out this of hers
Good demon stration of the radiation from death towers
Dr Shiva is a Great teacher. Check out his giving
Good More than previous David Martin talks. Patience. Skip foward when necessary
Future Dreaming is a documentary that beautifully challenges the way you think about humanity. Filmed in Antarctica, Future Dreaming explores the narratives that drive our economic, social and political thinking and offers a new way of understanding the modern Human Condition and the affect it has on the ecosystem of our planet. DR DAVID E MARTIN is an incredible human being!
VSRF LIVE we will host our 2nd of 2 interviews with Dr. David Martin, PhD. Dr. David Martin first joined us in August of 2024 where we discussed the military’s role in the development of the C19 vaccine, the fate of our country post election and many more topics. This week we will conclude this discussion, now with the full knowledge of which administration will be taking power in January and what it means for the next 4 years ahead. Dr. Martin is a speaker, author, business executive and futurist as well as the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. Dr. Martin never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic times we now inhabit. MORE in the Link inc Interview. Aug interview Here: Episode 140 - Dr. David Martin.
By Dr. Vernon Coleman The following is taken from Vernon Coleman’s long-term no 1 bestselling book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the Proof.’ Dr Coleman has for decades been the world’s leading medically qualified critic of vaccination programmes. 1) The principle behind vaccination is superficially convincing. The theory is that when an individual is given a vaccine - which consists of a weakened or dead version of the disease against which protection is required - his or her body will be tricked into developing antibodies to the disease in exactly the same way that a body develops antibodies when it is exposed to the disease itself. But in reality things aren't quite so simple. How long do the antibodies last? Do they always work? What about those individuals who don't produce antibodies at all? Vaccination, like so much of medicine, is a far more inexact science than doctors (and drug companies) would like us to think. The truth is that it is a ruthless and self-serving lie to claim that vaccines have wiped out many diseases and have contributed hugely to the increase in life expectation we now enjoy. The evidence shows that the diseases which are supposed to have been wiped out by vaccines were disappearing long before vaccines were introduced. And the argument that we are living longer is a statistical myth which rests upon the fact that in the past the infant mortality rate was much higher than it is now (because of contaminated drinking water and other public health problems). When the infant mortality rate is high the average life expectation is low. When the infant mortality rate falls then the average life expectation rises. (If one person dies at the age of 1 and another dies at the age of 99 they have an average life span of 50 years. If the person who died prematurely lives longer then the average life span will be much longer). MORE in the link
Watch on rumble Watch on Clouthub In this follow up interview Peter and we discuss the fact that despite a leadership change with the Trump Presidency the technocratic transhumanist agenda continues. He gives updates on the fact that the geopolitical situation is not what is seems and that there is more collaboration of world powers than meets the eye to continue digital money, digital enslavement and the rise of AI. We also discuss the spiritual warfare and the escape from this matrix through knowledge of self and our quantum holographic universe. Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. His articles can be found here:
Starting Midnight UK GMT 14th Nov 2024
Kazarian Mafia springs to mind, again. COP29 private jet club is held where?
Here I document investigation of rubbery clots in a COVID19 unvaccinated patient mid 60’s with history of acute myocardial infarction in 2020, who developed multiple embolic strokes from blood clots after heart catheterisation. He was treated with Aspirin, Plavix and Eliquis - all three are blood thinners. In 2022 the patient developed congestive heart failure and Atrial fibrillation, hence remained on Eliquis. In August 2024, after receiving dental anesthetics during another hospitalization a clot in his left ventricle was found while on Eliquis. The patient came to me for second opinion on self assembly nanotechnology possibly causing ongoing blood clotting. I had previously reported rubbery blood clot formation from shedding in a patient on multiple blood thinners: MORE in post
I woke up at 3am this morning to do this interview with Tim Brown from the Sons of Liberty podcast because I believe that it is vitally important for people around the world to comprehend what the World Health Organization is doing. I don’t think I can give a better overview of what is really going on. Please watch the video below and share it far and wide.. Link above gets you there
News outlets didn't make a mistake. They knowingly aired disinformation and peddled fake news. Admitting that requires a troubling recalibration of perspective if we're ever to make sense of the world Jonathan Cook Nov 12, 2024 The media's role in peddling disinformation over last week's violence in Amsterdam just keeps getting darker. Owen Jones has interviewed a Dutch woman who shot the footage used by major outlets – from Sky News and the BBC to the Guardian and New York Times – to suggest that locals in Amsterdam carried out "antisemitic attacks" on Maccabi Tel Aviv fans. Jonathan Cook 6h The darkest days in Europe’s history are indeed back with us. But not because a bunch of Israeli football hooligans ended up receiving as much violence in Amsterdam as they tried to dish out. It is back because the West is all too ready to embrace Israel’s anti-Arab, anti-Muslim bigotry. Matthew Alford reads my latest article: Jonathan Cook Jonathan Cook Podcast Listen: The West buries a genocide – by making victims of Israel's football thugs View post 0:00 -19:02 53 4 16 In fact, as she has noted on social media, her footage shows the exact reverse: Israeli fans attacking local Dutch residents. Despite her efforts to get these outlets to correct their mistake, and issue apologies, none has done so apart apart from a German news programme, Taggeschau. Jones’ interview offers some insights as to why. We know that an early report from the scene by Sky News’ reporter was one of the only to correctly describe the video as showing Israeli hooliganism, not antisemitism. But Sky quickly took down that report, saying it wasn't "balanced". The channel then heavily re-edited the segment and issued a new version that presented the footage – now wrongly – as evidence of Dutch locals attacking Israeli fans. MORE on the link
Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Sasha Latypova, Interest of Justice & others presented their legal case and the evidence to the authorities today who have the top decision making capabilities and power to make a difference in regards to COVID-19 [non]vaccines and PCR WHO authorizations on a global level. This hearing was set in a private venue, using private international law, so that we could freely present the many human rights violations involved into the dangerous COVID-19 [non]vaccinations as well as the unnecessary emergency measures which put the world in lockstep. Interest of Justice and Dr. Yeadon had previously obtained 2022 judicial testimony from the former Health Minister of Costa Rica during the COVID-19 pandemic that showed NO ANIMAL STUDIES exist for covid-19 vaccines. It is now exposed that through a rigorous series of questions posed in Costa Rica's Supreme Constitutional Chamber (Chamber IV), it was confirmed under oath that the COVID-19 “Biological Agents” were introduced without any prior animal studies—a critical breach of standard safety protocols and Nuremberg Code Article 3. This testimony supports claims made by our experts and backs the evidence we are presenting to show Nuremberg Code is being tossed aside and violated. MORE in link
If the West was really worried about Europe’s Nazi past, it would be better advised to stop stoking an all-too-real new antisemitism: incitement against Arab and Muslim minorities Jonathan Cook Nov 11, 2024 The listen version here:
Stefan Homburg does a masterful job of exposing the importance of the Robert Koch Institute's leaked documents. Thank God that whistleblowers are finally coming through Meryl Nass Nov 11, 2024. The Netherlands had an election a few months back and the government changed. The country wound up with another globalist Prime Minister, and the former PM, Mark Rutte, was rewarded by being placed in charge of NATO on October 1. Where he is currently sabre-rattling over North Korean soldiers on European soil. Elsa Agema, the new Health Minister however, was apparently not wedded to protecting her predecessor, and spilled some beans recently. You can see her answering questions, and the second video has English subtitles. She admits that the Health Ministry and several other ministries were taking orders from the counterterrorism department, and implies NATO was involved — regarding how to manage and message the pandemic response. She indicates there was a legal obligation to do as told. I do not know the language, am relying on others’ interpretations, and appreciate native speakers clarifying if I got this wrong. Her body language suggests she was being defensive and nervous. Which has led people to suggest Sweden was able to take a different path because it was not then a member of NATO, though it joined this past year. Distinguished Economics Professor Stefan Homburg (and associates?) managed to distill 10 gigabytes of leaked emails, data, etc. from top people at the Robert Koch Institute, which I’ve been told was equivalent to our FDA, with additional roles. It is worth watching all 31 minutes of his presentation, also subtitled, given in a room in the Bundestag (Parliament) on November 2. MORE in the post
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Nov 10, 2024. excerpt: I recently had come across this declassified CIA/ US Army Intelligence Document and was very intrigued to study more. My reasoning was to understand the potential weaponization of this research that has existed for 50 years. Two years ago I had explained the research outlined in the book Nanobrain, in which hydrogel and carbon nanotubes were programmed via resonant frequencies to create an artificial brain. This research has succeeded but it was noted that the results are classified. I had explained how this technology can build a parallel processing platform in the human brain when the building blocks via self assembly nanotechnology are injected. Understanding Mind Control and brain hacking became more understandable when I found the correlation between the diameter of carbon nanotubes and microtubules in the brain, which are known to be the processing place of human consciousness - they are the same and can be interchanged. The laws of quantum physics apply on this nanoscale - which is the same for the self assembly nanotechnology.
The fastest way to all out world war would be to invade Iran Greg Reese Nov 09, 2024
Yesterday, I informed the 5 County Supervisors that their public health department is corrupt citing that they refuse to explain how their own data is consistent with their recommendations. Steve Kirsch Nov 07, 2024
They did a great job burying this HUGE story. Turns out we are in a several million year cold spell and nothing bad will happen if we get a bit warmer. Go to the WaPo article to see all the graphics Meryl Nass Oct 15, 2024

7swordMary 27 Oct And U.S. Voters are completely unaware ~ It’s not enough that these RabidlyRacist GenocidalMonsters GET their f*cking SuperiorRace B*llsh*t from CRADLE TO GRAVE FREE LOADING off of U.S. CITIZENS +57 years of their GLOBAL “CHARITY” SCAM ~ NOW OUR Young Men & Women MUST BE HUMAN SACRIFICES TO ZioNaziMossadTERRORISTS feigning “traumatized” b/c they FEAR PROSECUTION FOR GENOCIDE‼️ SINCE OCTOBER 2023, DC has been sending U.S. Military INFANTRY / NATIONAL Guard, to those HumanSacrifice MONSTERS from (not a complete list, just a cursory search) ▪️ CALIFORNIA & WASHINGTON STATE in 2023, ▪️JANUARY 2024 WASHINGTON STATE 45 NEW JERSEY 1800 MARYLAND ? District Of Columbia ? MASSACHUSETTS 500 ILLINOIS 300 ▪️FEBRUARY 2024 MINNESOTA 550 ▪️ MARCH 2024 MICHIGAN 272nd Regional Support Group, 84 ▪️APRIL 2024 COLORADO 150 ▪️MAY 2024 MINNESOTA 50 FMSD / Financial Management Soldiers Deploy To Middle East ▪️ JUNE 2024 INDIANA 38th Infantry Division 600 ▪️JULY 2024 MICHIGAN 127th Wing Airmen Selfridge AFB 350 undisclosed mission ▪️AUGUST 2024 PENNSYLVANIA National Guard 50? ▪️SEPTEMBER 2024 WASHINGTON STATE Fort Lewis 3500 Soldiers INDIANA National Guard 600 soldiers SOUTH DAKOTA 150+ TENNESSEE 700 USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN 5000 personnel (per a aircraft Carrier) 3- Navy Destroyers 329-359 personnel each 1000 Units In place will be EXTENDED per Loyd Austin 3 Additional Squadrons approximately 12 plane + 100-150 personnel each USS HARRY TRUMAN AirCraft Carrier 5000 Personnel USS WASP Amphibious Assault 2200 Personnel ▪️OCTOBER 2024 MINNESOTA 550+ LOUISIANA National Guard 2,000

Are you aware that the World Health Organization has “prequalified” 272 vaccines? They charge over $100,000 per vaccine! In order for “health related products” to be part of the United Nations procurement system, they must be “prequalified” by the WHO, which charges substantial one-time and ongoing fees in return for their “prequalification.” A “racket” is defined as the act of creating demand for a “service” through extortion or intimidation when such a “service” would not have been needed otherwise. A “racketeer” is a person who engages in organized criminal activity, typically for financial gain. “Racketeering” is a type of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise coordinated scheme or operation (a "racket") to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit. Is the WHO ethically and financially liable for the harm that results from the products that they “prequalify?” Or does their money-making scheme enable them to create an illusion of safety and effectiveness while redirecting blame to the Responsible National Regulatory Agencies? Click on the links below for details: CLICK HERE to download the CSV data file. If manufacturers want their products to be eligible for procurement by United Nations agencies, they must submit to the World Health Organization’s scheme to have their products “prequalified.” The proposed “Pandemic Agreement” would require nations to support the World Health Organization’s growing influence over the approval process for vaccines, immunization devices, [catalog] drugs, in vitro diagnostics, inspection services, vector control products and yes, even male circumcision devices. Article 14.5 Each Party shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, encourage relevant developers and manufacturers of pandemic related health products to diligently seek regulatory authorizations and approvals from national and/or regional regulatory authorities, including WHO listed authorities, and prequalification of such products by WHO.
Are products that are approved, "Prequalified" or listed for emergency use (EUL) by the World Health Organization truly "safe and effective," or is this just another corrupt, money-making racket? James Roguski Nov 07, 2024
Ret. Major Thomas Haviland stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss his recent survey on the white fibrous blood clots. Major Tom revealed that not one vascular surgeon was willing to participate in his survey. Instead he surveyed patients and family. Previously Major Tom surveyed embalmers in the past and he said that 20% of the deceased have these clots. This survey is still open. If you would like to participate click this link. This interview is sponsored by Liberation Tek. Use the promo code MindMatters to get 50% first month discount on Hub for Teams, Hosting, Liberation email, Site Builder and Campaign. Don’t risk getting data mined, censored or cancelled for your political views. Liberation Tek is a Florida based company that supports the Bill of Rights. Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here.

Brighteon Univercity is offering replay of information that was put together by Healing of the ages Healing for the A.G.E.S. is a brand collaboration between Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Ed Group, Dr. Henry Ealy & Dr. Jana Schmidt and their four organizations, Nature Wins, Global Healing, the Energetic Health Institute, and Jana's All Natural. These esteemed doctors have over 100 years of combined experience in natural healing. Healing for the A.G.E.S. - EMFs and Earthing Solution Summit 2024 is designed to help individuals understand and mitigate the effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) with the mission to re-enlighten the world to the real power of the medicine God intended for us all and help billions across the globe heal along the way. This summit will focus on the invisible yet pervasive dangers EMFs pose from modern devices like Wi-FI routers, smartphones, and 5G networks. The Healing For The A.G.E.S. - EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit 2024 premieres on BrightU on November 02 at 12 PM EST and will stream until November 10 at 12 PM EST. We will keep each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST until the following day, at 12 noon EST), at which point we'll play our next episode in the series. If you want to enjoy the flexibility of streaming this docuseries at your own pace and gain access to supplementary bonus learning materials, you can purchase the Healing For The AGES: EMFs & Earthing summit package here. You will learn practical solutions for protecting yourself and your family from EMFs without sacrificing the convenience of modern technology. Our esteemed experts will also introduce the concept of earthing — a natural method of grounding oneself to Earth's electrical energy to combat EMF exposure and support good health.

DO not skip this
Fluoride in drinking water is one of the biggest healthcare mistakes ever. Details. Only 25 countries do this; we’re one of them. Here’s the inside story about how the US government almost red-pilled itself on fluoride. For more about fluoride see Fluoride Action Network which has an impressive list of accomplishments including helping over 600 local communities reverse their water fluoridation policies. The story I heard I just heard from an insider at NIH what happened with the debate about fluoride inside NIH. There were two competing groups at NIH: one claiming fluoride is beneficial, the other claiming it is harmful. This is the single best way to redpill the government: find another government organization with a different mission that is disaffected. Then you have the government fighting itself. This almost worked in this case, but the two sides agreed to a compromise which was to agree that fluoride in small amounts isn’t harmful (even though it is).
Election Weather, 90 Second Alert Dane Wigington "Election Day weather forecast is out - and conditions could help determine who wins" (The Independent). From FOX Weather: "2024 Election Day forecast: Could the weather have any impact on voting trends?"
This is the case in the Netherlands against Bill Gates and Albert Bourla etc. Due to the length of the post I had to cut it into two posts. This post is the case. The next post will have the recent decision from the Court dismissing Gates claim the Court in the Netherlands did not have jurisdiction. Huge legal papers post on the link
3 Reasons to find cheer despite the fact that we’re all under assault by deranged people who have their own reasons for wanting totalitarian control over everyone & to kill off an expected majority. Interest of Justice Nov 03, 2024 IOJ & Dr. Yeadon have a hearing ordered to hear our concerns and we intend to use it to try to stop the shots, PCR fraud and hold WHO to account - You can support this VERY Is Dr. Yeadon Right? Let’s Look At A Glimpse Of The History Of Epidemics: “I WAS AN ON-THE-SPOT OBSERVER OF THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected "seeded" with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic. That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease. When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We [who didn’t taken any vaccines] seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground. It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.” —Eleanor McBean (Vaccination Condemned) Dr. Yeadon, IOJ, Sasha Latypova and top experts like Dr. Janci Lindsay have a hearing Nov 11 to rat out WHO for criminal PCR & VAX experiments to the Health Ministry and Presidents office - We are still raising the Attorney Fees to cover the hearing and subsequent work that will be needed - All help DEEPLY needed and APPRECIATED!!!!!! Support Hearing w/Dr. Yeadon About our Nuremberg Hearing 11-11
Dr James Giordano, Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research 1d • 1 day ago The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)'s Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) project is an ambitious initiative aiming to develop vast array of nanoscalar sensing and transmitting brain-computational interfaces (BCIs). An axiomatic attribute of such a system is obviating the burden and risks of neurosurgical implantation by instead introducing the nanomaterials via intranasally, intravenously and/or intraorally, and using electromagnetic fields to migrate the units to their distribution within the brain. It's said that location is everything, and so too here. Arrays would require precise placement in order to engage specific nodes and networks, and it's unknown if -and to what extent any "drift" might incur in system fidelity. The system works much like WiFi in that it's all about parsing signal from the "noise floor" of the brain; but "can you hear me now?" takes on deeper implications when the sensing and transmitting dynamics involve "reading from" and "writing into" brain processes of cognition, emotions and behavior. I'd be the first one to argue for an "always faithful" paradigm of sensing and transmitting integrity; yet, even if the system and its workings are true to design, there's still a possibility of components (and functions) being "hacked". As work with Dr Diane DiEuliis has advocated, the need for "biocybersecurity-by-design" is paramount (not just for N3, but for all neurotech, given its essential reliance upon data). MORE......on link
The Lee County Republican Assembly hosted a medical freedom forum and book signing event with Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo at the Bonita/Estero Elks in Lee County Florida. Dr. Ladapo was not speaking in his official capacity but as a private citizen about medical freedom, and his book, Transcending Fear. I spoke briefly starting at 3:11, followed by Dr. Zywiecs 11:00, Dr. Villa 27:30, and Dr. Ladapo 59:30. Afterward there was a question and answer period. Dr. Zywiec spoke about gender mutilations and said the mRNA injections were bioweapons. Dr. Villa spoke about the victims and also stated that the mRNA injections were biological weapons. Both spoke about shedding. Dr. Ladapo essentially affirmed what the other two doctors said and spoke about his book and journey as well as other related issues. Dr. Villa operates a very busy clinic in central Florida called Villa Health Center and sees patients in person and via telehealth. Villa Health Center On @MarivicVillaMD5 Dr. Zywiec can be found on @AndrewZywiecmd Dr. Zywiec does provide telehealth via his private practice website is This was a very informative talk.
The lynchpin to global governance is their money system. QORTAL gives us the ability to pull it out for good and create new private, decentralized systems to ensure individual rights and liberty for all of mankind. Download QORTAL here:
A lot of truth here that exposes. It is taking way too long, but it is getting there. This is 4.5 hours of many speakers
Health officials in Idaho’s Southwest District Health have voted to ban Covid mRNA “vaccines” in a landmark decision. Covid injections will no longer be offered to residents in the district and the shots have now been pulled from all 30 clinics that administared mRNA vaccinations. The move came after the Southwest District Health Board voted 4-3 last week to ban the shots. The decsion make Southwest District Health the first health agency in America to pull the shots. The board’s vote came after it received about 300 complaints about the “vaccines” from residents. That is all it takes

October 30, 2024 › Global Threats › Health Conditions › News Global Threats ‘Big Red Flag’: Gates Foundation Gets Diplomatic Immunity in Kenya Under the new status, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed in Kenya as part of their official foundation duties. Will the move set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists? by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. October 30, 2024 bill gates and paper with words "diplomatic immunity" RSS 0 Comments Listen to this article Download 00:00/10:15 Kenya last week granted diplomatic immunity to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its employees, or “servants,” Tim Schwab reported on Substack. Under the new status, the foundation and its employees are exempt from legal action for acts performed as part of their official foundation duties. They also are exempt from paying taxes on their salaries, and they now have the right to own property in Kenya. “While nations around the world have long treated Bill Gates as a head of state, it’s now been practically codified into law in Kenya,” wrote Schwab, author of “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire.” Schwab said the decision has raised “alarm bells” within the country and across the world. One public advocate, through a Freedom of Information Act request, has already petitioned the government for documents related to the decision Others worry the decision to grant immunity may set a precedent for other billionaire philanthropists. Concerns also have arisen that other nations will be pressured to follow Kenya’s lead and offer immunity to the Gates Foundation in exchange for continued access to the massive resources the foundation pours into other African countries. The Government of Kenya’s announcement, Schwab wrote, comes just a week after farmer organizations and religious leaders across the continent called for reparations for the damage the foundation has inflicted on African agriculture through its so-called “green revolution” program. scales of justice Your support helps fund this work, and CHD’s related advocacy, education and scientific research. Donate Now They say the foundation promotes corporate, industrial agriculture at the expense of local practices and African ecosystems. Much of the Gates Foundation’s investment in African agriculture happens through the Nairobi-based AGRA, previously known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. The foundation is AGRA’s co-founder and biggest donor. It has given at least $872 million to the organization, Schwab reported. AGRA says it “exists to fulfil a vision where Africa can feed itself,” yet it directs its funding to support input-intensive and resource-intensive agriculture. The alliance promotes the use of synthetic fertilizers and commercial seeds controlled by Big Ag, the restructuring of seed laws to criminalize trading of seeds not certified by Big Ag, and supports seed dealers who promote corporate products. The foundation has past financial ties to companies like Monsanto (now Bayer), whose seeds it pushed on African farmers. Gates/AGRA’s practices have long been criticized by human rights and environmental groups in Africa and globally. And independent research shows that AGRA-supported initiatives have failed, sometimes leading to increased hunger. Daniel Maingi, coordinator for the Kenya Food Rights Alliance, told Schwab that with Gates’ diplomatic immunity, “Kenya becomes the testing ground … That is a big, big concern. It’s a big red flag.” “In terms of food sovereignty, as we give Gates these privileges and immunities, Africa is going to be — not food sovereign, not seed sovereign — we’re going to be slaves and masters of the big corporations,” he added. In response to criticism about its new diplomatic immunity in Kenya, the foundation issued a statement affirming its commitment to partnering with the Kenyan government. “Our agreement to operate in Kenya was made in alignment with the Kenyan government’s Privileges and Immunities Act. We operate according to the typical agreements Kenya makes with other foundations and nonprofits,” Buhle Makamanzi, deputy director of Global Communications for the Gates Foundation in Africa, said in the statement. Schwab said the move by the Kenyan government and the concerns raised by critics, “get to the heart of Gates’s anti-democratic influence and power, which, at least in Kenya, appears to be reaching new levels.” “No one ever elected or appointed Gates to lead the world — on any topic,” Schwab said. “Yet through his great wealth and his money-in-politics brand of philanthropy, he is able to buy a seat at the democratic decision-making table — and, apparently, also buy diplomatic immunity.” Not just Big Ag — Gates investments include vaccines, digital IDs, GMO mosquitoes Gates’ massive investment in Africa extends beyond agriculture into public health, and more recently, digital IDs in Kenya. It also includes the “Target Malaria” project, which proposed to end malaria by introducing genetically modified or GMO mosquitoes. Critics say the program is based on “flawed ecological thinking” and “backed by the same agri-business interests that have devastated agroecological farming systems.” Schwab also pointed to widespread criticism of Gates’ program to implement mass circumcision in Swaziland and Zambia to curb the transmission of HIV. However, some of Gates’ most wide-reaching investments in Africa, and the global south more broadly, have been in the development and distribution of vaccines. For example, the Gates Foundation is the topmost funder of polio initiatives worldwide. In April 2013, Gates said that eradicating polio was his “top priority,” — even though there had only been 19 cases worldwide that entire year. Since then, there has been a global explosion in polio cases, which in 2017 the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted were caused predominantly by a strain that comes from the vaccine itself. Critics, including many scientists working in low-income settings, have noted that as money is lavished on polio, millions of children are left vulnerable to a slew of often deadly, preventable diseases. Gates also promoted the use of a dangerous version of the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, or DPT, vaccine in Africa after it was banned in the U.S. In a video shared widely on X, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained Gates’ work in Africa on the DPT vaccines, other vaccines and in agriculture. Bill Gates is behind moves to reduce Africa’s population 💔. Repost Widely. Every African should Watch this 😱 — Zoom Afrika (@zoomafrika1) October 28, 2024 In 2009, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines on 23,000 girls in rural India. At least 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders and seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The Gates Foundation is also one of the biggest donors to the WHO, UNICEF, PATH, and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, which work in lock-step to distribute vaccines as the primary public health intervention across the global south. Despite Gates’ troubled history with the HPV vaccine in India, Gavi, with Gates funding, announced it is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls against HPV in low- and middle-income countries — including India — by 2025. The HPV vaccine has been linked to myriad adverse events reported worldwide, including permanently disabling autoimmune and neurological conditions. Gates also funded GSK’s trials for its experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects, including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions, in 1,048 of the 5,949 children. And it supported a MenAfriVac campaign to forcibly vaccinate thousands of African children against meningitis, causing paralysis in many of the children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gates Foundation invested in mRNA vaccine production with several African producers. COVAX, an effort to scale up the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the global south —- which ultimately failed — was co-led by the WHO, Gavi, CEPI and UNICEF, which are all backed by Gates. And these are just a few examples. Earlier this year, Gavi unveiled an ambitious $11.9 billion plan — including $9 billion in new funding — to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030, with existing and new vaccines. To date, Gavi has allocated roughly $23 billion to increasing global immunizations, with funding from Gates and major governments, including the U.S. and the United Kingdom. Collage of Rally and Events Million Dollar Match Logo October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month. It’s also the launch of CHD’s Million-Dollar Match campaign. Please donate today to help Children’s Health Defense raise $1 million by October 31. Donate Now Plans to assign every newborn a digital ID Earlier this month, Business Daily Africa reported that the Gates Foundation will advise Kenya on the rollout of a new digital ID system called Maisha Namba. According to Reclaim the Net, “The plan envisages every newborn being assigned a Maisha Namba, which stays with them throughout their life.” Nyandarua County Deputy Commissioner Rukia Chitechi said, “The system shall be run through schools by ensuring every child born is assigned a maisha namba.” Given the long history of controversial, and often failed, interventions in agriculture, public health and vaccination — and now digital IDs — and also given that Gates is facing at least one lawsuit over his involvement with the COVID-19 vaccine, critics said the immunity granted to Gates raises serious questions. Dr. Mumbi Seraki, host of a popular YouTube show, asked on X, “If they meant us well, would they need immunity? It looks like we are being sold to the highest bidder,” she added. While the Netherlands, Japan and Germany are getting ready to sue bill gates, Kenya is busy giving the gates foundation immunity to finish us off! Moving forward Moses kuria — Dr. Mumbi Seraki🇰🇪 (@DrMumbiSeraki) October 24, 2024 The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. Mr. Kennedy, an independent candidate for president of the U.S., is on leave from CHD. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy or his support for President Donald Trump’s campaign. Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., is a senior reporter for The Defender. She wrote and taught about capitalism and politics for 10 years in the writing program at Duke University. She holds a Ph.D. in human geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master's from the University of Texas at Austin. Suggest A Correction Loading... Get The Defender delivered to your inbox. No paywall. No ads. Just the uncensored news. Name* Email* Icon of a hand pointing an index finger to a heart Support news that prioritizes your children’s well-being

“The WHO never once said what its teams are going to actually do. Or if any doctors or nurses were part of teams. They are not sending in imprecise PCR kits to gin up the cases and deaths, are they?” And this morning, it looks like that might be exactly the plan: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 News Release WHO lists additional mpox diagnostic tests for emergency use As part of ongoing efforts to enhance quality-assured testing options, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed two additional mpox in vitro diagnostics under its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) procedure. WHO’s EUL is based on the review of quality, safety and performance data in compliance with international standards while addressing the specific needs of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing, which detects viral DNA, is considered the gold standard (Lie machine) for diagnosing mpox infection.
Help the people of Western North Carolina. You can do that with either of these links: So everything must be back to normal in North Carolina? The worlds largest child trafficker (The Red Cross) is leaving town? How many kids are they taking with them never to be seen again? You can't expect the government to help with this problem. They caused it. This carnage and chaos is what they intended. The government will steal your freedom, your health, your assets and your kids, then if you fight back they will take your life. We are considered slaves. Its not just a land grab. It is about the children also. The war against the people continues. Source: Albert:
Healing for the A.G.E.S. is a brand collaboration between Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Ed Group, Dr. Henry Ealy & Dr. Jana Schmidt and their four organizations, Nature Wins, Global Healing, the Energetic Health Institute, and Jana's All Natural. These esteemed doctors have over 100 years of combined experience in natural healing. Healing for the A.G.E.S. - EMFs and Earthing Solution Summit 2024 is designed to help individuals understand and mitigate the effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) with the mission to re-enlighten the world to the real power of the medicine God intended for us all and help billions across the globe heal along the way. This summit will focus on the invisible yet pervasive dangers EMFs pose from modern devices like Wi-FI routers, smartphones, and 5G networks. The Healing For The A.G.E.S. - EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit 2024 premieres on BrightU on November 02 at 12 PM EST and will stream until November 10 at 12 PM EST. We will keep each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST until the following day, at 12 noon EST), at which point we'll play our next episode in the series.
Jim Crenshaw relaying good Source: reallygraceful:
Although Q revealed a lot of truth, there are huge chunks of information missing that are impossible to explain. If Q were genuine, these gaps would not exist. Ben Rubin Oct 23, 2024. CHECK out the other Ask the Q. Good as not many question. Yes, Get off your ass
More evidence that the powers that be don't care about the climate, but use the excuse of climate to acquire huge money pools. Meryl Nass Oct 27, 2024
Dr. James Royle is a colorectal and general surgeon who has been working as a consultant for the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) for 9 years Lioness of Judah Ministry Oct 28, 2024
Other lanuages have other words to offend. pig dog in Spain. stupid buffalo can bring trouble in Thaland, they also use a version of cunt. It goes on and on, people being offended by words. Daft when Gov't is comitting genocide everyday. Get your priorities in order?
"In brief, it invalidates the basic method used in all of virology to “prove” the existence of a virus in a clinical sample." Lioness of Judah Ministry Oct 26, 2024
Ex-BlackRock exec Ed Dowd reveals a startling analysis, claiming COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in millions of deaths and disabilities globally. Lioness of Judah Ministry Oct 23, 2024
A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Other defendants include Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state. by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. October 22, 2024.
Liam Payne Was About To Expose Music Industry Pedophile Ring Before He Died The People's Voice
Thank you all doing this
Cha! The guy is laughing. Not on the BBC
I’m writing this on October 7th, 2024 and here in Michigan it has been unusually warm. Heck, yesterday I was outside doing yard work in a tank top and shorts when I should be wearing a hoodie and pants based on the season. We know the weather is being intentionally manipulated, its been like this since the 1960s (technically the 1920s, but the mass influx of government contracts began in the 60s).
Dr Ardis Never stops diving. Ardis is a wonderful. On it. on it. on it. and bright and light
May wanna see this A woman in North Carolina tells about looting and desperate people
Look at the document. It details the agenda
WHO recommended those tests - because they are so wise we need to pay them MORE $ for more great tests... Time to cut off the pseudo science cabal. What a racket! Interest of Justice Feb 02, 2024 REPEAT POST
The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new "replicon" self-amplifying mRNA vaccines that are about to be unleashed like a third atomic bomb upon the population of Japan. James Corbett was there to cover the proceedings, to document the speeches, to participate in a massive rally in the heart of Tokyo against this dangerous new medical intervention, and to lecture sitting members of the Japanese Diet about his bodily sovereignty.
Upgrade on the the last interview on CHD
The lithium rich mines in North Carolina and the thieves who occupy government Greg Reese Oct 01, 2024
A small tour detailing just one type of foreign object. Karl.C Oct 01, 2024
This is how Nexrad HAARP works. Of course they have patents for all of this. All the different ways they are warring against us are out there if we are willing to look and to learn.
Ana explains and found this article and more on the relationship of grounding on blood viscosity. After I had spoken with Dr Pedro Chavez who mentioned to me that the MAC addresses emission of vaccinated patients was interrupted when walking barefoot I looked into grounding shoes. I have told the story that I did testing on Birkenstock shoes which have a cork and rubber sole - it really makes a difference, and that is all I wear anymore for me personally. I was so excited about this simple method I got Birkenstock’s for all my staff ( I have no affiliation with them, any other grounding shoes can be used) . I definitely have seen in my clinical practice significant improvement with telling my patients to ground. Some with extreme EMF sensitivity and autonomic dysfunction go outside, lay on the ground and can control their symptoms. Understanding now from the document yesterday of how we resonate with the Earth for healing purposes, this makes sense.
Check out more of this channel. Like a mafia channel. All strange like movie script.
In this video that has been banned on YouTube, Dr. Mark Geier has sounded the alarm on the fraud behind flu vaccines and explains that the FDA and CDC do not follow its own laws as it is applied to other pharmaceutical products when approving flu vaccines.
Ana and Dane make an inteligent disscusion. Pub. 26 Sept 24
Good muliple subject report from CHD 25 Sept 24
Report by The Awakening Channel 24 Sept 24
The peoples voice report 22 Sept 24. Death Squads? Same on the streets in 2020/21 Thug squads unmarked and all wearing green one piece combat gear
On Monday, 2 SEP 24, on Labor Day 2024, James Roguski, NEC-SE Director for International Health, author, essayist, and independent researcher, and Live from Costa Rica, Dustin Bryce and Lady Xylie, co-founders of Interest of Justice, an international non-profit headquartered in Costa Rica and leading voices in global health governance and anti-corruption, will join me to discuss the upcoming September 3, 2024, 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time deadline for the 193 members of the United Nations to "break the silence" regarding the third revised version of the "Pact for the Future". Our goal is to prepare for a deep-dive discussion on this critical topic.
This was sent to the parents of an autistic child and they would not even watch it. Parents are hell bent on killing and maiming their children. They have been trained (government public school) and brainwashed (Television) to believe in, trust and support the system regardless of the cost. Cognitive dissonance.
Please check more of his
The more the better. Free press
Military Irregular Warfare: Make people believe their memory & eyewitness accounts are wrong. A look inside the shocking shadowy tactics used to mindf*ck people into ignoring what is blatantly obvious Agent131711 Nov 02, 2023
An unofficial updated version of the Pandemic Agreement has been made available. James Roguski Sep 18, 2024
In this new study, 8 out of 15 autopsies found microplastics in the olfactory bulb. The study did not mention if the individuals were vaccinated against COVID19 and how many PCR swabs they received up their nose.
Vernon Coleman. Listen to his words, he is a master
This cell tower has an Infrared laser used for tracking. Grossly illegal. Illegal Surveillance Infrared laser - 904 nm, rangefinder and vehicle tracking,
How does this exist on youtube with the clamps on information. Just saying
Ana spoke with Emerald Robinson about the recent research findings on self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 vials and the treatment possibilities. It is interesting to me that the question came up that people cannot fathom nanorobotics in the Covid vials. The lipid nanoparticles ARE the nanobots. It is a polymer encapsulation that carries a payload but can also be used as a biosensor.
Good and interesting. NOT ONLY ABOUT CANCER. Excerp from the content. (Not formated) Nathan Crane, who shared about something life-saving: What you can eat after a cancer diagnosis… He said… “Let's say you had a tumor or was like, yeah, I was just diagnosed with cancer. I'd probably go 100% raw, at least for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. 100% raw, lots of fresh veggies, lots of fresh juices, lots of sprouts. Let's talk about sprouts for a minute. Sprouts have something really unique. They have embryonic plant stem cells. You've done a lot of research on urine therapy and stem cells in our own urine. Well, the baby plants have an incredible amount of nutrition, an additional amount of nutrition that the full-grown plants don't have. They also have less of what some people claim as antinutrients. I would never worry about antinutrients when eating a whole food plant-based diet. But let's say you have some adversity to lectins and you want to be on a lower lectin diet, you don't have those concerns when you're eating sprouts because they're already lower in those quote-unquote, "antinutrients." WHY? Because… “They're significantly lower. And so higher nutrition, lower of so-called antinutrients and powerhouses, powerhouses with embryonic plant stem cells. And what some of the research has shown is that the embryonic plant stem cells do a similar effect of our own stem cells of urine-derived stem cells, which is really interesting, and have a higher nutritional value inside the body, meaning that they can actually support healthy metabolic functions within the body at a higher level. So lots of sprouts and all kinds of sprouts, broccoli sprouts, these are the cruciferous vegetables.” Isn’t it just so incredible to hear this life-saving advice? Most people don’t know what to do after a cancer diagnosis… But right from the mouth of an incredible expert…we heard words of hope. 
In this episode, I show the details of my Darkfield microscopy analysis of the Pfizer Bio N Tech Bioweapon vials. Then I show my experiments using tobacco solution, EDTA and Vitamin C. EDTA and Vitamin C clearly annihilate the nanotechnology.
Be the resistance, 5g was always a compartmentalized weapon system - they always planned to kill you in the 15min digital c40 city extermination camp - make sure your resistance is growing to their covert weaponizing of your towns and cities - join the dots and join the resistance
Show this to someone. Very good watch. Brought to attention by Interest of Justice
Hospitals have always been dangerous places. Now they are suicidal
The Khmer Rouge killed over 30% of Cambodia's population trying to implement radical Marxist 'Year Zero' policies. Starmer's regime is following similar patterns of behaviour. We must take a heed. Ben Rubin Sep 08, 2024
Download for many platforms
The WHO INB (Pandemic Treaty body) met this week. Civil society told WHO that they are illogical rushing and it's ALL VOID due to lack of participation by all stakeholders. IT'S ILLEGAL. We AGREE!!! Sep 07, 2024
Mossad: Formed December 13, 1949; 74 years ago (1949-12-13) (as the Central Institute for Coordination) Headquarters Tel Aviv, Israel
Anything Goes with James Interview English 5th Sept 24
This week on the New World Next Week: Facebook partner admits to "Active(ly) Listening" to you through your phone; the Israelis and Palestinians agree to a ceasefire so WHO workers can jab gazan kids; and pandemic babies are showing developmental problems as they head to school for the first time.
Stop World Control report. Good vid of current. Missing history depth
Vaccine safety expert Dr. Suzanne Humphries joined CHD.TV’s Polly Tommey to discuss the WHO’s polio vaccination campaign in Gaza. Humphries said the WHO is deploying a genetically engineered oral vaccine to combat a type of vaccine-induced polio. by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. September 5, 2024
Members of the WHO gave themselves until next May to finalize a pandemic treaty after failing to agree on one last May. This statement should be the final nail in the Pandemic Treaty's coffin. Meryl Nass Sep 04, 2024
Report by Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 03, 2024
1 .the Poisoned Needle. 432 Pages
Maria Zeee Interviews Dane Wigington of
Interesting to see and why large USAF aircreaft doing multiple circular over south England
Lizz Gunn of Free NZ speak with physician & writer Meryl Nass & former UK parliamentarian Andrew Bridgen about the recent scaremongering around monkeypox, as well as the myriad other issues happening in the world of late.
Steve Kirch Report 3 9 24. Former UK MP Andrew Bridgen just told me that over 80% of the NHS employees won't take any more shots. I asked several AI models what this means.
9/11 Was an Inside Job and more - Activist Ken O’Keefe Talks About the World's Biggest Scandals Jul 8th 24, 4 hr 22 min
Do you know this one. It can be called, the people police disease, cancel culture, WEF mentality, already had by the psyops, They are borg and taken by the nanotech
Disscusiing the making of Died Suddenly and Final Days and the new one DS2. This is a Repeat post so not missed
Strange not as own everything now
Jim Crenshaw picks out stuff to share and this is what it is.
Good to hear the megoliths spout on. Missing so much about Genocide happening. Nothing happening with them at all. Just sounds good There is a word "stooges". What you wish for is their speak. The reality is still genocide. Thertre. They got you by the short and curlies. Emotion
Today it would be easy to take out Hitler. All like to assemble in parliament, in large joyous numbers of supremacy members. Is history true?
Are we weak or already taken by bioweapon or just professional bypass experts so is it, will all not affect me...(like spiritual bypass... really! Trump will take care. We do not need any of them. Get working to a PMA - Private Members Association. Parallel Economy tools are in the listings (somewhere) below and web
How it is for Geg Reese
Good. although the parallel economy is free using gold, silver and easy to access via operations dealing realtime transactions already
Charles Malet - The risks and rewards of decentralisation Crucial lessons for anyone taking the lead in a distributed paradigm.
Good news. Starts at approx 40mins in
19-international-network-of-lawyers. -the-cv19-crisis-is-a-fraud-and-those-responsible-will-be-sued-part-19-19
These are the researchers of the paper from Japan. It is real. Thank you Ana Mihalcea for this interview
He is good always. Awakening channel would like a regular contribution. makes sence as severs cost to allow you to see. 1.5 dollars a month for what they do. They are working in the independant world
Request a copy by sending email to
This IS an update. This is the next stage. Get on to your local gov and make em stop this otherwise they are complicite
The discussion begun in the previous issue of the journal is far from over. Here in Part 2 our call for papers is a continuation of the discussion of injuries and causes, but especially seeking empirical clinical research into successful treatment protocols for any and all aspects of COVID-19 illness as well as the increasingly well-documented sequelae of the experimental injections. DOI: Published: 2024-07-09
His comment on the mpox manufactured oh no here we go again as that is all the WHO is about
Are you aware that the WHO could potentially reach an agreement on the Pandemic Agreement “Lite” and call a special session of the World Health Assembly to adopt the Pandemic Agreement in December 2024?
His web site
Good information of what is going on in Africa
Reports on Russia uncovering the horrors and the elite networks using
Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
MORE on the nanotech spreading in peoples blood. Good info from Ana Mihalcea

Have a laugh


The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide


ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine

ACIP = Assisted Crimes by Immunization from Pandemonium

ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy

ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy

AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association

AMA = American Murder Association

CDC = Center for Death and Corruption

DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex

DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services

FDA = Fraud and Death Association (Approves Harmaceuticals)

HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services

MD = Mad Doctors

NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas

NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare

NSFW = Not Safe For Work

USDA = US Department of Absurdity

WEF = World Enslavement Forum (

WHO = World Homicide Organization

© 2021 Dr. Red Pill

Copy and paste this to gov. slaves Produced by James Roguski. He is on it

Notice and Statement of Facts:
A collection of excerpts from
court decisions,
government documents,
and articles that have been published
in peer-reviewed medical journals
providing evidence that
the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
is NOT a valid diagnostic test.
James Roguski
August 7, 2024
Notice of Facts
You are hereby notified that the facts included in this document clearly show that the use of the RT-PCR
process as a diagnostic “test” is a fraudulent act.
You are also hereby notified that any attempt on your part to coerce, intimidate, mandate, force or
obligate me in any way to undergo such testing will be viewed as an attempt on your part to engage in an
act of fraud and a potential violation of my bodily autonomy and my right of informed dissent to reject
any and all tests and treatments.
Before you continue to attempt to require anyone to undergo RT-PCR “testing” you must be aware that
every man, woman and child always has the unalienable right to REFUSE to undergo any form of health
related treatment, including (and especially) inaccurate and inappropriate procedures that fail to provide
accurate and verifiable diagnoses.
Simply stated, the RT-PCR “test” does not “work,” because RT-PCR is actually a laboratory
manufacturing process that was never designed to be used as a test to diagnose disease. This evidence
includes court decisions from Portugal, Germany and Canada, official government documents and
numerous peer-reviewed articles that have been published in various medical journals.
• The RT-PCR process does not (and cannot) detect viable, infectious viruses.
• The RT-PCR process does not (and cannot) diagnose disease, contagiousness or infectivity.
• The RT-PCR process does not (and cannot) determine whether any specific pathogen is the actual
cause of a disease or any collection of symptoms.
• The RT-PCR process can and does result in false positive results.
Failure to acknowledge the frequency of false positive test results and the subsequent misguided decisions
based on these fraudulent results have led to a plethora of unjustified consequences:
1. Unnecessary contact tracing and fraudulent “testing” has led to the wrongful isolation and
quarantine of men, women and children.
2. Social distancing, mask mandates and loneliness have had negative consequences on human
3. People have received inaccurate diagnoses and inappropriate medical treatment.
4. Serious diagnoses were wrongly given to terrorized people who were actually in good health.
5. Unprecedented financial, mental, emotional and psychological stress has been inflicted upon
millions of people.
6. Delays in surgical or other procedures and prolonged hospital stays have been experienced.
7. Many employees and small business owners have lost their means of earning a living.
8. Education, travel, dining, leisure and other social activities were curtailed.
9. Clinical trials based on RT-PCR “testing” are meaningless.
10. Epidemiological statistics have been falsified, leading to exaggerated prevalence, hospitalization,
and death rates.
You have 30 days to provide a point by point rebuttal of the following information. Unless and until such
a point by point rebuttal has been provided, it shall stand as accepted fact that the use of the RT-PCR
process as a diagnostic “test” to determine “cases” of disease is a fraudulent use of the technology and
that such testing should never be required of any man, woman, child or of their animals or property.
Statement of Facts:
1. On November 11, 2020, the Court of Appeal of Lisbon (Portugal) ruled that the RT-PCR process
shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds,
in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
2. On April 8, 2021, the Weimar (Germany) Family Court ruled that, effective immediately, two
Weimar schools are prohibited from requiring students to wear mouth-to-nose coverings of any
kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), impose minimum AHA distances on them,
and/or participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid testing.
3. On June 26, 2024, the Ontario (Canada) Court of Justice ruled that people were not obligated to
submit to invasive “testing” such as the nasopharyngeal swab used to collect samples for the RT-
PCR process.
4. The World Health Organization has defined a COVID-19 “case” as a positive PCR test. The
reliance on the RT-PCR process as the sole requirement to determine a COVID-19 “case” without
a differential diagnosis based on clinical observations was essentially unheard of prior to 2020.
5. The RT-PCR process defined in the original “test” (Corman-Drosten) was NOT based upon an
isolated virus. It was based upon a genetic sequence that was compiled in a computer (in silico).
6. The RT-PCR process is NOT a test that can diagnose illness or contagiousness. Its was never
intended to be a diagnostic tool. The PCR process merely creates copies of genetic material found
in a sample. The detection of certain molecules via the RT-PCR process does NOT provide
evidence of disease or contagiousness. The presence of nucleic acids alone should not be used to
infer disease, infection, viral shedding or potential contagiousness.
7. By design, the initial steps in the RT-PCR process destroy the source material so that the RT-PCR
process CANNOT possibly measure intact viruses. A so-called “positive” result does not even
ensure the presence of individual virions.
8. The potential for false positives from use of the RT-PCR process is enormous. Even if the
specificity of a “test” is 99%, if the prevalence of infection in the community is 1/100, then the
“test” will return a false positive result 50% of the time.
9. There is ample evidence that any claims of a “positive” result obtained by running the RT-PCR
process through more than 24 cycles are actually false positives.
10. There is no proof that the nucleic acid sequences that are utilized in any of the various RT-PCR
“tests” identify the presence of a viable pathogen that causes COVID-19. An unknown number of
other pathogens that are NOT being tested for may also be present. Even if the RT-PCR process
identifies the existence of genetic remnants of SARS-CoV-2, it does not rule out the possibility
that something else may be the actual cause of disease.
1. On November 11, 2020, the Court of Appeal of Lisbon (Portugal) ruled that the RT-PCR process
shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in
fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Court of Appeal of Lisbon
The Lisbon Court of Appeal upheld a lower court's decision in support of the writ of habeas corpus that
had been filed by the four German travelers and ruled that the Azores Regional Health Authority had
violated both Portuguese and international law by confining the four German travelers to a hotel. The
judges ruled that only a doctor can “diagnose” someone with a disease, and they were critical of the fact
that the four German travelers were apparently never assessed by a medical doctor.
II. The request made would also be manifestly unfounded because:
A. Prescription and diagnosis are medical acts, the sole responsibility of a doctor, registered with the
Medical Association. Thus, the prescription of auxiliary diagnostic methods (as is the case with viral
infection detection tests), as well as the diagnosis of the existence of a disease, in relation to any and all
people, is a matter that cannot be carried out by Law , Resolution, Decree, Regulation or any other
normative means , as these are acts that our legal system reserves to the exclusive competence of a doctor,
given that he, when advising his patient, must always try to obtain his informed consent.
B. In the case at hand, there is no indication or proof that such a diagnosis was actually carried out by a
professional qualified under the terms of the Law and who had acted in accordance with good medical
practice. In fact, what follows from the facts as established is that none of the applicants was even seen by
a doctor, which is frankly inexplicable, given the alleged severity of the infection.
C. The only element that appears in the proven facts, in this regard, is the carrying out of RT-PCR tests,
one of which showed a positive result in relation to one of the applicants.
D. In view of the current scientific evidence, this test alone proves to be incapable of determining, without
a reasonable margin of doubt, that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to a person's infection with the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, for several reasons, of which we highlight two:
Because this reliability depends on the number of cycles that make up the test;
Because this reliability depends on the amount of viral load present.
III . Any diagnosis or any act of health surveillance... carried out without prior medical observation of the
patients and without the intervention of a doctor registered with the OM (who would carry out the
assessment of their signs and symptoms, as well as examinations that he considered appropriate to his
condition), violates Regulation no. 698/2019, of 5.9, as well as the provisions of article 97 of the Statute
of the Medical Association, being liable to constitute the crime of functions, e.g. and p. by article 358
al.b), of the C.Penal.
IV. Any person or entity that issues an order, the content of which leads to the deprivation of physical,
ambulatory, or other people's freedom (whatever nomenclature this order assumes: confinement,
isolation, quarantine, prophylactic protection, health surveillance, etc.), which does not comply with the
legal provisions, namely the provisions of article 27 of the CRP , you will be carrying out an illegal
2. On April 8, 2021, the Weimar (Germany) Family Court ruled that, effective immediately, two
Weimar schools are prohibited from requiring students to wear mouth-to-nose coverings of any
kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), impose minimum AHA distances on them,
and/or participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid testing.
Weimar Family Court in the federal state of Thuringia
The unsuitability of PCR tests and rapid tests for measuring the incidence of infection.
Regarding the PCR test, the court writes: “Already the expert Prof. Dr. med. Kappstein points out in her
expert opinion that only genetic material can be detected with the PCR test used, but not whether the
RNA originates from viruses capable of infection and thus capable of replication (= reproduction).
Also the expert Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Kämmerer also confirms in her expert opinion on molecular
biology that a PCR test – even if it is carried out correctly – cannot provide any information on whether a
person is infected with an active pathogen or not.
This is because the test cannot distinguish between “dead” matter*, e.g. a completely harmless genome
fragment as a remnant of the body’s own immune system’s fight against a cold or flu (such genome
fragments can still be found many months after the immune system has “dealt with” the problem) and
“living” matter, i.e. a “fresh” virus capable of reproducing.
So, even if everything is done “correctly” when performing the PCR including all preparatory steps (PCR
design and establishment, sample collection, preparation and PCR performance), and the test is positive,
i.e.: detects a genome sequence which may also exist in one or even the specific “Corona” virus (SARS-
CoV-2), this does not mean under any circumstances that the person who was tested positive is infected
with a replicating SARS-CoV-2 and consequently infectious = dangerous for other persons.
Rather, for the determination of an active infection with SARS-CoV-2, further, and specifically diagnostic
methods such as the isolation of replicable viruses must be used.
The expert points out that, according to unanimous scientific opinion, all “positive” results that are only
detected after a cycle of 35 have no scientific (i.e.: no evidence-based) basis. In the ct range 26-35, the
test can only be considered positive if matched with viral culture. In contrast, the RT-qPCR test for the
detection of SARS-CoV-2, which was propagated worldwide with the help of the WHO, was (and
following it all other tests based on it as a blueprint) set to 45 cycles without defining a ct value for
Finally, the reviewer points out that the low specificity of the tests causes a high rate of false positives,
which result in unnecessary personnel (quarantine) and societal (e.g., schools closed, “outbreak
notifications”) consequences until they turn out to be false alarms. The error effect, i.e., a high number of
false positives, is particularly strong in tests on symptomless individuals.
It remains to be stated that the PCR test used, as well as the antigen rapid tests, as proven by the expert
opinion, are in principle not suitable for the detection of an infection with the virus SARS-CoV-2.
In addition, the described and other sources of error listed in the expert opinion with serious effects, so
that an adequate determination of the infection with SARS-CoV-2 in Thuringia (and nationwide) is not
rudimentarily available.
3. On June 26, 2024, the Ontario (Canada) Court of Justice ruled that people were not obligated to
submit to invasive “testing” such as the nasopharyngeal swab used to collect samples for the RT-
PCR process.
Ontario Court of Justice
Ms. Fernando took an airplane flight to her home in Mississauga, arriving at Pearson Airport on April 9th,
2022. She was apparently vaccinated, but she refused the COVID test, which was randomly selected to be
performed on her. In particular, she was sked... to undergo a nasal swab COVID-19 test, and she refused.
Ms. Fernando was convicted at trial of failing to comply with an order under Section 58 of the Quarantine
Act (the “Act”) and fined $5,000 with additional charges, taking it to a fine of $6,255. She appeals now to
this Court.
The argument, simply put, is that the Act did not authorize a screening officer to use a screening test
which involved the entry into the traveller's body of an instrument or other foreign body. The screening
test that Mr. Roxas proposed involved the insertion of a nasal swab into Ms. Fernando's nasal cavity,
contrary to Section 14 of the Quarantine Act.
The relevant provisions are as follows, quoting Section 14 of the Quaranting Act: Screening Technology
14(1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a
communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that
does not involve the entry into the traveller's body of any instrument or other foreign body.
The prosecution raised the point that perhaps the insertion into the nasal cavity did not involve the entry
into the body. I disagree. The insertion of a nasal swab into the nasal cavity is most definitely an insertion
into the body.
I do decide that the nasal swab test, which the screening officer in this case required or demanded Ms.
Fernando submit to, was an unlawful requirement or demand. Ms. Fernando's refusal to comply with the
requirement or demand was lawful on her part. Because the requirement or demand made of her by the
screening officer was not lawful, Ms. Fernando should not have been found guilty by the Justice of the
I am reversing the Justice of the Peace's decision and entering a finding of not guilty.
4. The World Health Organization has defined a COVID-19 “case” as a positive PCR test. The
reliance on the RT-PCR process as the sole requirement to determine a COVID-19 “case” without a
differential diagnosis based on clinical observations was essentially unheard of prior to 2020.
March 20, 2020:
Confirmed case: A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical
signs and symptoms.
December 16, 2020:
July 22, 2022 to present day:
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
For the first time in medical history, a laboratory assay (RT-PCR) was used as the sole criterion to
diagnose a disease (COVID-19) and to define infectivity of a virus (SARS-CoV-2) without rating clinical
symptoms and proof of replication-competent virus to justify implementing population-wide, untested
Unnecessary quarantine of healthy individuals, as well as lockdowns and atrocious collateral damage on
societies and economies worldwide due to a high number of false-positive “PCR-cases.” Otherwise,
infectious symptomatic individuals were given a false sense of security by false-negative test results,
which could lead to COVID-19 clusters. Both our results and literature data confirm that validation of any
PCR-based diagnostic test by sequencing is mandatory on a regular basis. To prevent future misconduct,
science needs a reality check and must re-initiate the scientific dialogue and liberate itself from political
influence and dogma.
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
PCR testing has been erroneously chosen as the gold standard for diagnosing COVID-19 infection and
disease, even if it has never been validated, nor standardized. The symptoms of COVID-19 disease cannot
be specified, because they can be anything, everything, and nothing at all according to the authorities.
They range from clinically observable symptoms likely to lead to death to no symptoms at all — from
near death to complete health. All the foregoing shows the entire scope of COVID-19 diagnostic science
is flawed.
5. The RT-PCR process defined in the original “test” (Corman-Drosten) was NOT based upon an
isolated virus. It was based upon a genetic sequence that was compiled in a computer (in silico).
The Corman-Drosten paper contains the following specific errors:
1. There exists no specified reason to use these extremely high concentrations of primers in this
protocol. The described concentrations lead to increased nonspecific bindings and PCR product
amplifications, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-
2 virus.
2. Six unspecified wobbly positions will introduce an enormous variability in the real world
laboratory implementations of this test; the confusing nonspecific description in the Corman-
Drosten paper is not suitable as a Standard Operational Protocol making the test unsuitable as a
specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
3. The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test
cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a
specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the
presence of an infection.
4. A difference of 10° C with respect to the annealing temperature Tm for primer pair1
(RdRp_SARSr_F and RdRp_SARSr_R) also makes the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic
tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
5. A severe error is the omission of a Ct value at which a sample is considered positive and
negative. This Ct value is also not found in follow-up submissions making the test unsuitable as a
specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
6. The PCR products have not been validated at the molecular level. This fact makes the protocol
useless as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
7. The PCR test contains neither a unique positive control to evaluate its specificity for SARS-CoV-
2 nor a negative control to exclude the presence of other coronaviruses, making the test unsuitable
as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
8. The test design in the Corman-Drosten paper is so vague and flawed that one can go in dozens of
different directions; nothing is standardized and there is no SOP. This highly questions the
scientific validity of the test and makes it unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the
SARS-CoV-2 virus.
9. Most likely, the Corman-Drosten paper was not peer-reviewed making the test unsuitable as a
specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
10. We find severe conflicts of interest for at least four authors, in addition to the fact that two of the
authors of the Corman-Drosten paper (Christian Drosten and Chantal Reusken) are members of
the editorial board of Eurosurveillance. A conflict of interest was added on July 29 2020 (Olfert
Landt is CEO of TIB-Molbiol; Marco Kaiser is senior researcher at GenExpress and serves as
scientific advisor for TIB-Molbiol), that was not declared in the original version (and still is
missing in the PubMed version); TIB-Molbiol is the company which was “the first” to produce
PCR kits (Light Mix) based on the protocol published in the Corman-Drosten manuscript, and
according to their own words, they distributed these PCR-test kits before the publication was
even submitted [20]; further, Victor Corman & Christian Drosten failed to mention their second
affiliation: the commercial test laboratory “Labor Berlin”. Both are responsible for the virus
diagnostics there [21] and the company operates in the realm of real time PCR-testing.
In light of our re-examination of the test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 described in the Corman-
Drosten paper we have identified concerning errors and inherent fallacies which render the SARS-CoV-2
PCR test useless.
6. The RT-PCR process is NOT a test that can diagnose illness or contagiousness. Its was never
intended to be a diagnostic tool. The PCR process merely creates copies of genetic material found in
a sample. The detection of certain molecules via the RT-PCR process does NOT provide evidence of
disease or contagiousness. The presence of nucleic acids alone should not be used to infer disease,
infection, viral shedding or potential contagiousness.
A person is deemed infectious if they shed virus particles that are intact and able to go on to infect others.
PCR tests cannot distinguish viral genomic material coming from intact viral particles in persons who are
infectious or viral particle fragments that are present in individuals who have recovered.
We do not know how much virus is actually required to cause an infection in someone and there are other
important factors that may influence infectiousness, including the health of the person exposed and the
type of exposure that has happened.
Detection of viral nucleic acid is not equivalent to isolating a virus.
A positive result indicates detection of influenza viral RNA or nucleic acids in the respiratory specimen
tested, confirming influenza virus infection, but does not necessarily mean infectious virus is present or
that the patient is contagious.
New Zealand
A positive test cannot tell us:
if the person is currently infectious
how ill the person is likely to become.
It is important to note that viral RNA detection by PCR does not equate to infectiousness or viable virus.
Comparisons of results with PCR detection of viruses and virus culture shows that PCR cannot be used to
determine whether an individual remains contagious or not because PCR also detects RNA from non-
infectious viruses. Sampling by PCR to determine infectiousness should therefore be avoided.
19%C3%85H.pdf (pages 6-7)
United Kingdom
A single Ct value in the absence of clinical context cannot be relied upon for decision making about a
person’s infectivity.
RT-PCR detects presence of viral genetic material in a sample but is not able to distinguish whether
infectious virus is present.
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Although detection of viral RNA in respiratory specimens by RT-PCR is highly sensitive and specific, it
does not distinguish between replication-competent virus and residual RNA.
RT-PCR cannot directly determine infectiousness owing to its inability to differentiate between
replication-competent (infectious) virus and residual (non-infectious) viral RNA.
Unfortunately, no point-of-care diagnostic test currently exists to determine infectious SARS-CoV-2 in a
patient sample.
To date, no diagnostic tests exist that reliably determine the presence of infectious virus.
The Lancet
Although the use of sensitive PCR methods offers value from a diagnostic viewpoint, caution is required
when applying such data to assess the duration of viral shedding and infection potential because PCR
does not distinguish between infectious virus and non-infectious nucleic acid.
The presence of nucleic acid alone cannot be used to define viral shedding or infection potential.
For many viral diseases (SARS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, influenza virus,
Ebola virus, and Zika virus) it is well known that viral RNA can be detected long after the disappearance
of infectious virus.
The immune system can neutralise viruses by lysing their envelope or aggregating virus particles; these
processes prevent subsequent infection but do not eliminate nucleic acid, which degrades slowly over
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Complete live viruses are necessary for transmission, not the fragments identified by PCR.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
A positive RT-qPCR result may not necessarily mean the person is still infectious or that he or she still
has any meaningful disease.
The RNA could be from nonviable or killed virus. Live virus is often isolable only during the first week
of symptoms but not after day 8, even with positive RT-qPCR tests.
Cleveland Clinic
The test can continue to detect fragments of SARS-CoV-2 virus even after you’ve recovered from
COVID-19 and are no longer contagious. So you may continue to test positive if you've had COVID-19
in the distant past, even though you can’t spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus to others.
7. By design, the initial steps in the RT-PCR process destroy the source material so that the RT-
PCR process CANNOT possibly measure intact viruses. A so-called “positive” result does not even
ensure the presence of individual virions.
Sample preparation excludes the detection of replication- capable viruses.
A PCR test - even if performed correctly - cannot provide any information on whether a person is infected
with an active pathogen or not.
This is technically impossible, because the test procedure includes a complete destruction of the
biological material and separation of nucleic acids from all other material, thus destroying any structure
necessary for biological function like replication and infection.
This is because the test cannot distinguish between "dead" matter*, such as a completely harmless
genome fragment as a remnant of the body's own immune system's fight against a cold or flu (such
genome fragments can still be found many months after the immune system has "dealt with" the
problem), and "living" matter, i.e. a "fresh", reproducible virus.
A crucial step in this process is the complete denaturation of all biological material and separation of the
main components protein, lipids and nucleic acids in order to finally have the RNA available as a starting
base for RT- qPCR.
The original protocol of Chomszynski and Sacci from 1987 is still a component of almost all protocols for
the purification of biological material for RNA isolation, whether prepared in the laboratory or in
purchased "extraction kits." Components of the original extraction solution are phenol/chloroform and
isoamyl alcohol, and in various modified commercial solutions [are] similarly acting but less toxic
All have in common that they completely destroy any living or reproducible biological structure.
In the laboratory process of preparing a smear sample, which is mandatory preceeding the RT-qPCR, any
biological material, be it a vital cell, a replicable virus or even just cell debris and gene residues, is
denatured in such a way, that it is no longer possible to say whether the material originates from an intact
or even replication competent organism or from samples that have already been damaged or destroyed.
Due to this extraction and preparation process, a positive RT-qPCR that detects genome fragments cannot
be used to infer the presence of replication-capable viruses in the smear sample.
Thus, even if the PCR, including all preparatory steps (PCR design and establishment, sample collection,
preparation and PCR performance), is carried out "correctly", and the test is positive, i.e.: detects a
genome sequence which may also exist in one or even the specific "Corona" virus (SARS-CoV-2), this
technique can under no circumstances prove that the person who tested positive could be infected with a
replicating SARS-CoV-2 and consequently infectious = dangerous for other persons.
Expert opinion by Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Ulrike Kämmerer
8. The potential for false positives from use of the RT-PCR process is enormous. Even if the
specificity of a “test” is 99%, if the prevalence of infection in the community is 1/100, then the
“test” will return a false positive result 50% of the time.
United Kingdom
What causes false positives?
Cross reactions with other genetic material. Other sources of DNA or RNA may have cross reactive
genetic material that can be amplified by the RT-PCR test. False positives were observed unexpectedly in
norovirus assays in patients with enterocolitis, due to unusually high levels of human DNA in samples.
Contamination during sampling. This may happen if the swab head accidently contacts, or is placed on a
contaminated surface (for example, latex gloves, hospital surface).
Contamination during swab extraction. Viral RNA is extracted from swabs in solution; accidental
aerosolization of liquid can cause cross contamination between samples.
Contamination with PCR amplicon. The PCR amplification process generates millions of copies of the
DNA target (amplicon) that can cause false positives in subsequent PCR reactions. If a testing lab is
accidently contaminated with amplicon it can lead to sporadic false positives.
Contamination of PCR laboratory consumables. Contamination can spread from a post-PCR lab into a
pre-PCR lab by transfer of equipment, chemicals, people or aerosol. Even experienced national labs can
be affected. In early-March 2020, COVID-19 RT-PCR assays produced by the CDC were withdrawn after
many showed false positives due to contaminated reagents.
World Health Organization
WHO reminds [In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device] IVD users that disease prevalence alters the
predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2).
This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly
infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.
Positive and negative predictive values are highly dependent on prevalence. False-negative test results are
more likely when prevalence of disease is high. False-positive test results are more likely when
prevalence is moderate to low.
Remember that positive predictive value (PPV) varies with disease prevalence when interpreting results
from diagnostic tests. PPV is the percent of positive test results that are true positives. As disease
prevalence decreases, the percent of test results that are false positives increase.
For example, a test with 98% specificity would have a PPV of just over 80% in a population with 10%
prevalence, meaning 20 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.
The same test would only have a PPV of approximately 30% in a population with 1% prevalence,
meaning 70 out of 100 positive results would be false positives. This means that, in a population with 1%
prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease.
At 0.1% prevalence, the PPV would only be 4%, meaning that 96 out of 100 positive results would be
false positives.
Health care providers should take the local prevalence into consideration when interpreting diagnostic test
The Lancet
The widespread use of PCR in clinical settings has been hampered largely by background contamination
from exogenous sources of DNA. In most pathogen-specific assays, the predominant source of
contamination is derived from “carryover” products from earlier PCR reactions, which can be harboured
and transmitted through PCR reagents, tubes, pipettes, and laboratory surfaces. Coupled with the robust
amplification power of PCR, even very minor amounts of carry-over contamination may serve as
substrates for amplification and lead to false-positive results.
Journal of Infection
In light of our findings that more than half of individuals with positive PCR test results are unlikely to
have been infectious, RT-PCR test positivity should not be taken as an accurate measure of infectious
SARS-CoV-2 incidence. Our results confirm the findings of others that the routine use of “positive” RT-
PCR test results as the gold standard for assessing and controlling infectiousness fails to reflect the fact
“that 50-75% of the time an individual is PCR positive, they are likely to be post-infectious
There is no international standardization across laboratories, rendering problematic the interpretation of
RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening.
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
Timely identification of true false positive SARS-CoV-2 NAT results is important as unrecognised false
positive results can lead to unnecessary quarantining and contact tracing, delays in the recognition and
treatment of the true illness, significant patient anxiety and concern, potential exposure to nosocomial
infection from other patients with confirmed COVID-19, wastage of personal protective equipment, and
inaccurate statistics regarding local prevalence of infection.
Clinical Medicine
Several potential significant implications for the single-gene low-level false positive results were
recognised. Patients on the transplant waiting list were removed from the list for 2 weeks. Some of the
patients screened pre-operatively had their surgery delayed. Patients screened pre-discharge were kept in
hospital, unnecessarily in many cases.
Implications of false positive results
• unnecessary treatment and investigation
• missing or delayed surgery
• unnecessary isolation and contact tracing with subsequent negative impact on workforce and
• a risk of subsequent increased exposure if the individual changes their behaviour as a result of
believing that they have been infected
• the individual being placed with other inpatients with COVID-19 and consequently exposed to
the virus.
A major risk of a false positive result occurs when the individual is cohorted with other patients suffering
from COVID-19 and is consequently exposed to the virus.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
The performance of these tests when deployed depends not only on their clinical sensitivities and
specificities, but also the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the setting in which the test is being
used. If we consider a test that conforms to the FDA's recommendations for performance in a… screening
setting (95% sensitivity, 98% specificity).
For the screening scenario, 100 of the 10,000 individuals are infected and 9900 are not. The test will
detect 95 of the infected persons and five will be falsely negative. For those who are not infected, 9702
will be correctly diagnosed and 198 will be false positives. The PPV is 95/95 + 198 or 32.4%. In this case,
2/3 of the positive results are false positives. For a prevalence of 0.1%, the PPV drops to 4.5%.
9. There is ample evidence that any claims of a “positive” result obtained by running the RT-PCR
process through more than 24 cycles are actually false positives.
World Health Organization
Careful interpretation of weak positive NAAT results is needed, as some of the assays have shown to
produce false signals at high Ct values.
A frequent question is whether Ct values can help determine whether an individual is infectious or not. It
is not possible to directly translate a Ct value into degree or duration of infectiousness.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
At Ct = 35, the value we used to report a positive result for PCR, <3% of cultures are positive.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Many qPCR assays involve a Ct cutoff of 40 to consider the test positive, allowing detection of very few
starting RNA molecules.
However, reporting as a binary positive or negative result removes useful information that could inform
clinical decision making.
Following complete resolution of symptoms, people can have prolonged positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR
test results, potentially for weeks, as Xiao et al report. At these late time points, the Ct value is often very
high, representing the presence of very low copies of viral RNA [5–8]. In these cases, where viral RNA
copies in the sample may be fewer than 100, results are reported to the clinician simply as positive. This
leaves the clinician with little choice but to interpret the results no differently than for a sample from
someone who is floridly positive and where RNA copies routinely reach 100 million or more.
A positive RT-qPCR result may not necessarily mean the person is still infectious or that he or she still
has any meaningful disease. First, the RNA could be from nonviable or killed virus. Live virus is often
isolable only during the first week of symptoms but not after day 8, even with positive RT-qPCR tests [9].
Second, there may need to be a minimum amount of viable virus for onward transmission. For infection
control purposes, the utility of the assay is greatest when identifying people who are floridly positive and
at risk of further transmission. Particularly when testing in the absence of symptoms for COVID-19, we
believe that reporting the Ct value or range could help to better inform clinical decisions.
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Above a CT value of 24, the amount of detectable viral genetic material is so low that the positive test
could no longer be interpreted in terms of an active infection.
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
We can deduce that with our system, patients with Ct values equal or above 34 do not excrete infectious
viral particles.
The New England Journal of Medicine
Viral culture was positive only in samples with a cycle-threshold value of 28.4 or less.
10. There is no proof that the nucleic acid sequences that are utilized in any of the various RT-PCR
“tests” identify the presence of a viable pathogen that causes COVID-19. An unknown number of
other pathogens that are NOT being tested for may also be present. Even if the RT-PCR process
identifies the existence of genetic remnants of SARS-CoV-2, it does not rule out the possibility that
something else may be the actual cause of disease.
World Health Organization
Co-infections of SARS-CoV-2 with other pathogens have been reported, thus a positive test for another
pathogen does not rule out COVID-19 and vice versa.
Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the
causative agent for clinical symptoms. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral
Clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient
infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.
In total, we have tested to date (as at 19 February 2020) 4,084 respiratory samples by PCR and all the
tests have been negative for SARS-CoV-2.
These tests were carried out on the samples of 32 suspected SARS-CoV-2 cases, 337 people repatriated at
the beginning of February 2020 from China tested twice, 164 patients who died in public hospitals in
Marseille between 2014 and 2019 of whom at least one respiratory sample had been sent to our
laboratory, and they also included 3,214 respiratory samples sent since January 2020 to our laboratory to
search for a viral aetiology.
In striking contrast, we have tested 5,080 respiratory samples for various suspected respiratory viral
infections since 1 January 2020 and identified in 3,380 cases respiratory viruses. In decreasing order of
frequency, they were: influenza A virus (n = 794), influenza B virus (n = 588), rhinovirus (n = 567),
respiratory syncytial virus (n = 361), adenovirus (n = 226), metapneumovirus (n = 192), enterovirus
(n = 171), bocavirus (n = 83), parainfluenza virus (n = 24), and parechovirus (n = 8). Among the diagnosed
viruses, there were also 373 common human coronaviruses (HCoV), including 205 HCoV-HKU1, 94
HCoV-NL63, 46 HCoV-OC43, and 28 HCoV-229E [5].
Thus, it is surprising to see that all the attention focused on a virus whose mortality ultimately appears to
be of the same order of magnitude as that of common coronaviruses or other respiratory viruses such as
influenza or respiratory syncytial virus, while the four common HCoV diagnosed go unnoticed although
their incidence is high.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
A total of 239 positive targets of pathogens were detected in 161 children. The highest proportion of
pathogens were human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) (in 76 patients [31.80%]) and influenza A
virus (in 72 patients [30.13%]). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the
virus that causes COVID-19, was detected in two patients and accounted for 0.84%.
SARS-COV-2, HRSV and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) were found in the bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid of patient 1, and SARS-COV-2, MP and HMPV were found in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of
patient 2.
The Lancet [Comment]
In our view, current PCR testing is therefore not the appropriate gold standard for evaluating a SARS-
CoV-2 public health test.
The short window of transmissibility contrasts with a median 22–33 days of PCR positivity (longer with
severe infections and somewhat shorter among asymptomatic individuals). This suggests that 50–75% of
the time an individual is PCR positive, they are likely to be post-infectious.
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
It was revealed that a positive RT-qPCR test still harbors the risk of picking up something other than
SARS-CoV-2 alone. Samples from primary care patients suspicious for SARS-CoV-2, since the patients
presented themselves with clinical symptoms of a respiratory infection, after RT-qPCR, were found to be
positive for other viral and bacterial pathogens and even human genomic DNA (Voogd et al., 2022).
Thus, solely trusting the outcome of a positive RT-qPCR test result risks a wrong diagnosis even with
optimized commercial kits.
All that being said, nevertheless, we believe there was a grossly negligent omission during the COVID-19
pandemic: regular and sufficient negative and positive controls did not exclude the co-presence of
pathogen(s) other than SARS-CoV-2(except in the just-mentioned Killingley experiment) which might be
causing the observed COVID-19 disease symptoms. Additionally, the symptoms used in diagnosis are so
general and common in respiratory diseases that it “... may not be possible to distinguish among the viral
diseases under study judging only by the clinical presentation” (Czubak et al., 2021). Among the disease
agents that cannot be definitively excluded are seasonal flu viruses which have been identified as co-
infective by Wuhan researchers (Yue et al., 2020) in some persons diagnosed withSARS-CoV-2 infection.
Given that there are no “virus-type-specific” therapies that distinguish all the types of respiratory viruses,
molecular diagnostics hardly have anything more than mere academic value. The critical information
guiding the choice of therapies would need to take account of co-infecting bacteria and fungi possibly
accompanying any respiratory viruses and for which a specific therapy could have helped or even saved
the lives of many victims —such as those “COVID-19 patients” who died with non-detected aspergillus
and might have survived on anti-fungal therapy (Evert et al., 2021).
We assert that testing asymptomatic people is useless. ipsum dolor

Lots here to put officials on notice. Pre writen doc for the purpose
How many variations of this do you know. The latest mental illness. It is called "Bypass" Basically they can not cope with the reality, so make up a reason for denial
More investigation. Dwelling in this subject we in the know know already is grimm. Get strong and use it as energy to do what you can to inform. The perpatrators are still doing it and ready for the latest WHO BS mpox
How easy to decieve. Lean to listen beyond. If you look at someones face and the lips producing the sound you can see the anomonly. What they say has hidden sayings
Do not comply? Write to your Enviromental Health operatives (Gov. slaves) and complain
interview 11 years ago and still going on and advanced. Not sure about the virus as we know more now
Good people uncover the truth. Something is not being stopped as people are on holiday as can not comprehend. Why? It is clever programing to make it the same as normal
Check it out. We knew in 2020
Plain as day
Good take down of what is going on. To view this install Tor Browser and when loaded copy paste URL then press F5
Are you going to do it again he asks
Ontario Court Case Win. Ontario Court of Justice HIS MAJESTY THE KING V METHTHA FERNANDO
Money and Eugenics go on about viruses. All cover for genocide
Starts at 11 mins. Good interview. Consolidates what has been discovered so far
Good info. His output area
Light paper is a growing phenomenon that exists for the reason it speaks truth and do more research for your own comprehension
All is relative depending on your perception is nearly all the same when working from the good heart of truth
Go look, Get them to your email inbox
Good and there are more on this site.
Bluetooth emitters from the vaxed and other and protocols to get gone using Chlorine Dioxide and EDTA
Crowdstrike and the NWO have direct ties. The government might give some of it back to you if we beg and cry enough. The only malfunction is between peoples ears..
The Fabian society's explicit goal is to implement a single, global Marxist system of governance. It now has 141 sitting MPs, including numerous cabinet members. This is a threat to the Nation.
chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins us to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that's been popping up in various states to criminalize geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies. We talk about this movement, what it says about growing public awareness of the issue, and what we can all do to help spread information about this important topic.
Liz Gunn speaks with journalist James Roguski about the World Health Organizations' Pandemic Treaty arrangements being made for all nations of the world, as well as discussing the inherent problems with our Pharmacological medical system. James Roguski Links: - Contrary to what you may have heard, the "Pandemic Treaty" was NOT defeated. Negotiations are scheduled to resume on July 16-17, with the goal of signing the treaty before the end of 2024: - - COMPLETE DETAILS: - - - - - James Roguski Phone Number: (001) 310 619 3055 - Book: Your Doctor Is A Liar! by James Roguski: - James Roguski - Baby Will Article: WHAT ARE GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS? (IMF): The Dark Truth of America's Federation Of State Medical Boards (FSMB):
Think about the example of flat earth. If you dig from north to south an globe. You will be upside down. Brillient unless missed something
Programs on TV from the 70s. Rainbow
Try it. Copy paste into TOR and then Refresh with F5 to make if not fist time happen
Good explanation of the the power structure
CO2 is released into commercial greenhouses. Look next time at the big tanks outside. We are at 300 parts per million and greehouses get 1500
Good docu on the phrase
The only MP that speaks truth. The rest are a waste of time
A Very Political Foundation Daniel Sachs, Apolitical and the sheer, breathtaking audacity of globalist actions to subvert European societies and destroy the Nation state.
Update on Facts
Mark Steele explains weapons being deployed
Yippee. Now the real fun begins
I want. hahaaha. Above phone are to be checked out Still the the mobiles are micrwave radiation. The laptops Yes, the next
More from the shitfuccery crew
Have a laugh. Juice media produce many short vids and are poinient although might not exicite every time. Try this one aswell
Short history of moves
Listen to the guy that is real
Good to have people that are checking out the players
Keeping up with what is going on
Keeping up with the truth of nanotech
We are slowly getting our own information and putting it out and there is a lot to do. Jab history shows the money over reality, although now, it is a device of replecation deployed already and dificult to stop unless we pull the plug. EMF eg EMP that trashes all electronics this tech relies on
Have a laugh
Ahh ha. We were aware day one and four years later
This is a growing of those that took part in the decemination of now known to to be a genocide deployment jab
Look at his other substack releases aswell
Ana ongoing on the spiders industructable web
Good discussion on the MHRA
Good dissussion opening up the IHR WHO pandemic treaty to make it clear
Greg Reese is expert at short anyone can comprehend vids on subjects needed to be known by all. This one is on nanotech
Wanna know really
Interesting listening at the National Citizens Inquiry Canada
Love the taking bak control of destiny. Something positive again
More that is hidden
Turbo cancer is a real thing after the COVID shots. Two independent studies found the same thing. The second one mentioned was published in a peer-reviewed journal, but the authors were pressured by their institution to request that the paper be retracted. Why? Because a vaccine that increases cancer looks bad for health authorities. - Steve Kirsch
James being very clear and amusing on the IHR Pandemic Treaty business deal
Pay attention to the end game
Always something new. Stones being up turned
Another succinct vid from Greg Reese
What better thing to do on a Saturday evening
This is good listening. Skip forward as the beginining has tech sound problems Paitience
The programmed (had people) is like dealing with a thick gloop that enslaves the mind of the resilient ignorant. Rather than a free aware person that can debate and have a laugh
This what all can do. Ask questions. Answering may cause relisation
From 10 to 15 years ago. Lots of links in the desrciption
Anyone want to know stuff and support Jon Johnson. He has been doing reseach for years
Remember the 4 African and one south Amarecan heads of state had a sudden death and the only link is they would not folllow the covid psyop. Mafia is what comes to mind
Brilliant clarity from James
Mark Steele explains. Good that he is on substack
I urge people to consider that NOBODY has a cure for uncontrolled self replication of nanotechnology, not even the experts who developed this. I personally think we need an EMP that knocks out our Grid and their pulsed microwave and 5 G weapons.
Maria, another reasearcher with her info on the growths in blood with 3D microscopy
Shiva explains more without wasting words
WHO is WHO and better information
If there is anything to be stressed in the importance of this paper, it is that the primary polymer from the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) (nomenclature, 2014) gets bigger, stronger, and better at clotting and transforming the blood with the passage of time. This, therefore, reiterates the fact that efforts to resolve the damage to human health are on on the losing end if they are dealt with after the fact, i.e., after the formation of the polymer itself.
Lots of info on the Zionists
Shiva speaks in a way with knowlwdge, not afraid, no dogma, USA based, although is for all
The western media is pretending the West's efforts to secure a ceasefire are serious. But a different script has clearly been written in advance
We are basically causing these effects. Nowadays, 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination. Clinical evidence (25 years/5,000 kids) aligns with the survey.
This is more numty than a teddy bears meeting on ants. Warning, painful to listen to what ever they are attempting. More like a Monty Python sketch
May have use TOR Browser for this
Interview with fellow researcher
A view of Ai and what is going on
Jil Stein putting her self on the line of the Student happenings in the USA
2024 Update Reviews the Data on Ever Increasing Routine Vaccine Schedule and Health Outcomes
Now is NOT the time to claim victory over the WHO. Now is the time to work harder than ever to expose the truth about the WHO and put an end to the their fraudulent negotiations. James Roguski enlightens
Nearly the only MP speaking up in the UK. Andrew Bridgen, Independent British Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire speaks to a Resistance GB journalist after his monumental speech (in the vid) in the House of Commons (18/04/24).
Offer to speak up on the WHO International Health Regulations
Scroll down and see the video
World Economic Forum, UN, WHO will not like this
The Disease of Big Pharma at the Vets
Start local trading. Make a Private members Association and dis engage from all current gov. No contract
Childrens Health Defense has been going years. This is the latest. Make of it, what you want. Sort of like a window to fear and truth
Listen to the lengths that some people do that put themselves on the line of foul attack
Ana Mihalcea interviewing Mark Steele. A complete picture as to where we are at in the movie
Lee Camp has a unique way, and amusing,way, to report on the bonkers that shows up screwing with
More undeniably obvious nanotechnology processes obsessed in HD. Karl C reporting from the microsope
Please realize that old information is just as dangerous as mis-information, dis-information and mal-information. James gives Info/links to getting the facts
Reiner Fuëllmich, Greg Reese report on the document leak

Professor Ian Duncan

Quick post with ons email address: A month ago, 7 MPs requested additional data analysis from the UK ONS. Essentially, they asked for an existing report to be run with different parameters. The head of the ONS ignored the request.. Email ONS Professor Sir Ian Diamond
Steve Kirsch reports. Nobody should be vaccinated. Ever. Especially not during pregnancy. And vaccines are also the #1 cause of sexual orientation issues. The numbers are consistent with other published studies.
James Roguski explaining the sneaky addition to WHO IHR
Greg Reese talking Out there topics with Todd Speed om to interview
Tom Cowen enjoying himself explaining what he knows
Ardis explains red light
James Roguski reporting on the twisty WHO. Use "read aload" add on app in mozilla browser, so you can listen and stop burning your eyes reading
MMM. and Is that real get access to all UK peoples private data. The plan is plain to see
Then there was life?
Intelligence or good robots. Curious?
David Martin repeats and extra
Misconduct in Public Office, Misfeasance in Public Office, Gross Negligent Manslaughter, Corporate Manslaughter and Fraud by False Representation. Allegations made against Sir Graham Brady MP, Dame June Raine, The MHRA, Pfizer and the U.K Government. Evidence handed to Constable Thomas, & a video of him issuing the crime number for the documented offences and naming the alleged offenders.
Good talk of history and present in Justice arena of trials happening now
Simplicity with complicity. Sue the instigators and colaborators. We are finding solutions like EDTA
Made up or not
Check yours. Have you started repeating yourself extra pronoucned and slowly on more occaisions
Joe Samsone, Karen Kingston, talk of the legal action in process, courtesy of James Roguski
Real presrving. Practiclal info. Clean the top of the jar with Stainless steel or all of it and then bake 30mins 180c
They want the UK ONS is to produce a detailed time-series cohort analysis like they should have done 3 years ago. The request was validated by UK Professors Norman Fenton and Carl Heneghan.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with ground breaking research which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mRNA bioweapons combined with 5G is military grade technology designed to track and trace every human being on earth, or kill us entirely. The good news is, we have ways to get it OUT!!
WHO's going to be first to fall? WHO is. Thats WHO. Why? Because their vaccine pre qualification program allowed the toxic experiments on genome to be on the global market and advised nations buy it
This paper breaks down the horrors of the jabs. Abstract and also full doc PDF download. Free. Download and share
David Martin, Maria Hubmer-Mogg, Meryl Nass and Philipp Kruse presented information about the World Health Organization at the Fifth International COVID/Crisis Summit.
Too much for for a lot of people
Reporting on the manipulation
James Roguski Talks with Andrew Bridgen on UK Govt. corruption. 17th Feb 24. 23mins
Another V Good short Vid from Greg Reese
Interesting series republished on Brighteon University. Many good speakers and many hrs on a circular daily release
In this episode, Ana Mihalcea speak with Justin Coy, PhD and his findings of an orange fluorescence on the faces of C19 vaccinated individuals under UV light. Dr Coy has a PhD in systems engineering and is a former DOD contractor.
Interview with Noor Bin Ladin, the niece of Osama bin Laden
Tucker Calson Inteveiws Vladimir Putin 2Hrs
It’s always bothered Steve that Canadian truckers had their bank accounts frozen by the Canadian government. That’s not right.
This can be bought on with other talks
Ra Contact. Listen to this, the original version. Audiobook is also available read at a faster rate than original recordings
Interesting talk with Michael O’Bernicia
WHO About To Give Webinar Insisting Covid "New Variants" Are Back! "EPI-WIN webinar: WHO update on COVID-19" Feb 1, 2024 Register Now to "Scare The Pants Off You". Funds Are Down & Fearmongering Is Up
Practical test Starts with a mega phone loud hailer
Live webclass in your home Thursday, February 1st – 9pm GMT (UK)– 4pm Eastern – 1pm Pacific. Register at the link above with Name, Email
Changes day by day. Wealth of info Started 20th Jan 24. Every day new circular run of about 2hrs Dr Edward Group Today. Very good
More to above
Have a laugh
Ass upside down language spells and all trucks on to Victory. Recompense ? A lot more to go. This war is for the tenacious. Maximum Love light to all
Interesting dialouge like a system not interested at all
12 hrs plus Documentary on what maybe really happened
Also discusses financial situation. Banks collapsing, Digital currency etc
Lots of info on Chlorine Dioxide

Info on using Chlorine Dioxide

It is playing out and is called agenda 21 -30. You can do something today if not already. Bioweapons are real
Well worth a listen. Also tells about docu series coming up on the 20th Jan 23
Dane Wiggington continues investigating weather mondification
This whole series is packed with info. Check out the others on the Bitchute channel
Frequency research talk from 2013 or before
There is a more indepth docu available
Dutch Sinse is someone who knows and shows
The Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO Starts Today 11:45AM Eastern Until 3PM
App "How Bad Is My Batch?" Allows People To Input Batch Code And See How Many Deaths, Disabilities and Illnesses Associated With That Batch "1 in 200 Lots Contain Deadly Ingredients"
X11 8 3 X 3G ??
A three hour debate about the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations is scheduled to occur in Westminster Hall on Monday, December 18, 2023. 16:30 GMT

I am VERY concerned that the people involved in this debate are going to avoid the 12 most important FACTS:

1 The FACT that the UK government was one of the nations that illegitimately submitted amendments to the 75th World Health Assembly on May 24, 2022, in violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which require 4 months advance notice. DETAILS

2 The FACT the the WHO has fraudulently presented the 2022 amendments as having been voted upon on May 28, 2022, when no such vote ever happened. DETAILS THEY LITERALLY LIED ABOUT THE VOTE

3 The FACT that the request put forth in the UK Parliament petition was designed to trigger a debate BEFORE the December 1, 2023 deadline to reject the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations, but this debate is obviously happening after that deadline has passed. DETAILS

4 The FACT that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office absolutely failed in its duty to submit the 2022 amendments to the UK Parliament for a 21 day review, and their potential rejection, as required by UK law. DETAILS

5 The FACT that the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations is openly conspiring to violate Article 55 of the International Health Regulations by failing to submit a final package of targeted amendments to the WHO at least 4 months in advance of the 77th World Health Assembly (before January 27, 2024). DETAILS

6 The FACT that the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations are overstepping their authority under Article 21 of the WHO Constitution. DETAILS

7 The FACT that the WHO is already building and planning to implement the Global Digital Health Certification Network even though the negotiations to amend the International Health Regulations to include such an expansion of control have not yet come to an official agreement. DETAILS

8 The FACT that there has been no official opportunity whatsoever for the public to submit comments to either the WHO or the UK Government regarding the 2022 amendments or the proposed 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations.

9 The FACT that approval by the UK Parliament is NOT NEEDED AND NEITHER THE APPROVAL NOR THE CONSENT OF PARLIAMENT WILL BE SOUGHT in order for the amendments to be accepted by the executive branch of the UK Government. No such approval was sough or given for the 1969 International Health Regulations, the 2005 amendments or the 2022 amendments.

10 The FACT that the negotiations have been conducted in secret for over one year and the latest version of the proposed amendments has not been made available to any Member of Parliament (or any legislator anywhere on earth).

11 The FACT that Parliamentary petitions to discuss the 2022 amendments were signed by thousands of people in Australia (55,697), Canada (18,973) and New Zealand (26,120) and were completely ignored by their governments and NOT A SINGLE LEGISLATIVE BODY ON EARTH EVER DISCUSSED OR VOTED TO APPROVE THE FRAUDULENTLY ADOPTED 2022 AMENDMENTS.

12 The FACT that for 76+ years, the World Health Assembly has failed to EVER adopt regulations for any of the issues in Article 21, sections b, c, d, and e listed below. Their complete and total failure to set standards in the past, and their complete and total failure to even consider any amendments regarding these issues during the current negotiations is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.



(b) nomenclatures with respect to diseases, causes of death and public health practices;

(c) standards with respect to diagnostic procedures for international use;

(d) standards with respect to the safety, purity and potency of biological, pharmaceutical and similar products moving in international commerce;

(e) advertising and labelling of biological, pharmaceutical and similar products moving in international commerce.

Interesting found. Horrible sound and some weird extra sounds. Just saying
David Martins input. Shit sound again. Get an equaliser haha Hope fully some sound engineer will do a doctor of this sound
Very Succint fro Dr Mike Yeadon
People power. Take a look. This is his web site
Start implementing this in your world. It is free. Check out Mike Adams with this one
Current update from Andrew Bidgen 1-2 Dec 2023
Tells all to the ciminality of the covid jab scam
More to know. On clouthub. Needs sign up. Pain haha
whistle blower the overwhelming consensus on the climate change crisis is manufactured
JFK interview reveling lots that maybe not heard before. Do you believe him
Very interesting. It was, and his sever service disconnected him. No one is surprised. He has a back up. Check it out.
wife Inka Fuellmich. She recounts the day of Reiner's arrest and her experience. and Slovakian President saying NO the WHO s IHR
New Zealand Analyst Whistle Blows Jab deaths into fact. Painful vid, but the info is good
Just one of the sources
WHO treaties. Rob Roos of the Netherlands and eleven other parliamentarians wrote the WHO DG Tedros to demand he show proof of the majority vote for IHR Amendments
Speak up and do not comply. Embrace your power
Interest of Justice watching the theatre
All angles as always to make something happen. UK only petition at 62,629 as of 22nd Nov 23

Use whole or edited below and send to WHO. or contact form at

World Health Organization
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva


Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.


Dear Director-General Ghebreyesus,


This letter is to inform you of my rejection of the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022. Articles 59 and 61 of the International Health Regulations clearly specify that amendments may be rejected within 18 months of formal notification of their adoption.


I hereby REJECT these amendments and challenge the legitimacy of their purported adoption due to the fact that they were submitted in violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations.


These amendments were first submitted to the World Health Assembly on May 24, 2022 by Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, the European Union and its Member States, Japan, Monaco, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.


The submission of these proposed amendments during the 75th World Health Assembly was in clear violation of Article 55, Section 2 of the International Health Regulations which states:

“The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.”


The International Health Regulations:


The version of the amendments to the IHR that were adopted on May 27, 2022:


Video recording of the amendments being adopted:


The amended Articles to the IHR:


The amendments were illegitimately submitted and must be treated by all states parties as being null and void.




UK resident

Don't forget to do something. Use the text above and personalise it. Go to
Buckle up and keep going. More on Costa Rica Court Case & Synthetic Biology in the form of clots
Not many hours left at 19:00 hrs GMT
From the below extracted. Wormwood. Artemisia Annura Sweet Wormwood is a anti parasite
Short window to see Ardis explain alot to avoid venoms
Good to know a wider picture
Run up discussion to the 9th Nov 2023 hearing
Dr Shiva Part 2
Dr Shiva explains Zionism with Mike Adams Part one
more info as always from brighteon university
Steve Kirsch's Newsletter
Wow news. Wonder what is next
28 Oct 23 Latest 10 Day Health Freedom Summit 2023
MISO inf Actually this is sales at the center. Miso is best fresh unpasturised. Freeze drying is good for preserving for sure, but not the same vitality
Catch up. You can smell it in the water Related to link below
Steam rollering ahead with leagl action
ANA Mi al chel sa on Shedding is no joke. Dr. Ana Mihalcea Enlightens IoJ To The Realities Of Shedding Self Assembling Nano Technology.
Latest from James Roguski. He requests sending letter to.......Has PDF example
There are excellent articles that inspire further investigation
ANA is a pure info deseminator. Gotta know the energy of
The link to Ronald Bernard who knows from the inside
Awakening channel does research for us. Hamas is a creation and funded by Isreal. Wars have always been funnded both sides by the same controllers
The Expose 17th Oct 23 report
eBook - Use a read aloud addon to browser if wanted
He is being targeted. This is an Interview that speaks his truth
Inpower Vid from 2017 mentioned in 5G Summit below
Check in to hear many speakers. It is free. This is beyond frequenciy towers and many angles may not heard befores
Shiva Explains Now the structure of control and more
More on the control freaks Roth chids imuni latti coffee. First league of Nations. UN WEF WHO
James Roguski informs more on the IHR pandemic treaty Video
Much info that maybe new from many speakers
Lots of history of present day scullduggary happening now.
National ARM is submitting an 83 page Grand Jury petition containing evidence of C19 ‘vaccine’ crimes to the California Governor and the state Attorney General. National ARM’s Grand Jury Petition States that C19 shots should be, “Banned Immediately and Criminal Investigations Should Begin”
James Roguski Reminds us to voice your objection to the International Health Regulations
Plain as day it is a corporate Gov that rules for profit and control. Science as being delivered is corrupt beyond
This docu describes what is known by these people so far. Good to check out more like Jet engine manufactures say they are so efficient they produce minimal to no condensation trail



Serious Do it NOW. Download copy print distribute

Chris Coverdale informs me that it is illegal to pay taxes. He calls for a tax rebellion to stop war, killing and genocide
Shit sound Interview with Ana Mihalcea
Start learning to use this
Do your own rsearcrh as always
Brillient. I was waiting for this as no one gets it
A little tune of truth. Monkey face, no idea. Good words
Looks like an answer to the incineration. There are no borders for the controllers

You could print and distribute this below. It is clear when opened with a right click view or save. It includes a contact link for UN so you can send a message, maybe the peoples declaration. Just saves some time figuring it out. Only have a few days before the UN WHO  wrap up the program and continue with agenda 21-30 of fake pandemics (bioweapons) and Global boiling (their words) fraud,

This is a jpeg image of an A4 flyer.



Make sure the UN hear from you as silence is consent in their agenda
Two things Quantum wellness and
Dr. Shiva UNLEASHES on the whole charade. Dr Shiva has been on the button and strong for a number of years. He and his signifacant other are on it like no other. Listen carefully as he knows what most know by gut feeling and he has the details first hand
Know where it is at, with the people that play the game
He used a Green Diode Laser with 4D Sacred Geometry Audio Frequency programed into it, so it’s sacred geometry shapes in sequential time and space
Positive dissussion of ways forward. Panel of 5 inc. Ana Mihalcea
Global Warming by a person that knows
The site to look at fires on Earth realtime plus many other views Also mentioned
Maui Lots of reports from real people on the ground
If you have a bodily problem. Good info Interview with Will Spencer starts 1hr:18mins His web site
As Mike Yeadon recomended watch
Many good speakers. Wizz on to 15min 30 for first for John O'loony, Mike Yeadon.......
C Anderson EU parliament says, do not comply with Govt. Do it if not already as people have been murdered in Hawaii. No Doubt, from reports from people on the ground of the day
Private Members Association News from USA
If you are nodding off. Then this might wake you
Love this, as a simple. This is the women on a plane before takeoff, who freaked out about a person and she could not stay
Here is an easy to comprehend plus others made by awakening channel
Battlescape Brain: Engaging Neuroscience in Defense Operations - Review Of Dr. James Giordano's lectures
Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to talk about frequencies
Ana Mihalcea latest has some good Info of Dark field and NASA Docs
Dr Ardis talks of this operation in the UK
Quick vid Showing the extent of attack on us
David Martin explains what he knows and is doing with it, only
Latest From Ana Mihalcea 02 Aug 23
9Hrs to go for free @ 22:20 GMT 01 Aug 23. Oops I did not pass this series on sooner
Just in case you did not know all is available on Just search ICS and then select other pages
Just to punch it home
/a-bioweapon-to-depopulate-who-whistleblower You might wanna see The People's Voice: 11,000+ Posts Have Been Published In 2022:
What is next, although i was warned years ago
Last push to get the assholes to debate the IHR of the WHO take over bid. This the system we are in. USE IT as we need to educate them. Not ignore as much as would like to. Come on people. Are we now, all nanotech shut down
Wanna get to hear people who are on the button
Lots of good stuff here
Just to remind of the power of genicidal people calling the shots
Unknown History of Disease, the Spanish Flu and Frequency, Germ Theory w/ Dr. Lee Merritt (1of2) 2 of 2 is easy to find. The chat she mentions with Clif High
Reiner Feullmich Talks 5G Frequency Towers
David Martin is one of the major Gems in this time of need to know now. This is the Whole video version
Keep up with Ana as she moves fast
The Secret of Life - Georges Lakhovsky - 1939
I AM STARTING A NEW FREEDOM MOVEMENT: Humanity United - For The Preservation Of The Human Species. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Clip of Dr Edward Group interview about Urotheapy
This is a site dedicated to urine drinking. Enjoy. Plants like it too, so don't waste it
DR REINER FUELLMICH spells out the knowlwdge so far and the game plan
This is short lived availablity as the producers make it this way
Transhumanism THREATENS Humanity: mRNA Bioweapon Merges Human Biology With Digital Technology
WHO break down with James Roguski
Dr. Ana Mihalcea explains more in a very good inteview
Fabulous David Martin talking the clear truth
Sexton re opens case
This is what real people are doing Please do what he is saying
Final Days New End May 23. Towards the end Karen Kingston explains the Bioweapon released on us
Karen Kingston lays out how to Destroy Phizer in court
James Roguski explains the vacination certificates proposed
Good history of what is happening now
Hydrogel and Graphene Oxide Used For Neuron Stimulation ( AKA Mind Control) Via Injection Or Inhalation
It gets better to know with Ana and Karen
Ana Mihalca reveals the synthetic biology in everything
David Martin knows all
Good News. May the games begin
James Rogustki 6mins of What the WHO really want 28 May 23
James Roguski shows all action that you can take part in a brilliant web site for Worlwide use for Abolish the WHO
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi's Warning to the World. Original link
Dubed in English. Useful
All vaccines are unsafe - Greg Glaser interviewed by Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg
This Man is now free
Research on vials from New Zeland. Very clear photos etc
Packed with info on injectables & EMF research with live micropopy 2 hrs Spanish, Subtitled. Well worth the time
4 Corporates own all media
Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
How she got going spreading truth
No 4 13th April 23 Crimes of COVID-1984 Podcast Ebola Was A Dummy-Run For COVID-19
No 3 9th April 23 Crimes of COVID-1984 Podcast Gates Money, Whitty’s Power & Influence
Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Attacks on the faces of the resistance are increasing fast
Ana Mi Hi Chela speaks more on bioweapon and all
Ana Mihalcea talking more on Animal food contamination and synthetic bio structures
Abundant Plants. Time to get into the routine of inclustion. What is in the soup?
Dr. Ana Mihalcea breaks down bioweapon nanotechnology - transhumanist evils being conducted in the name of medicine. Could we be seeing the extinction of the human species? The separation of spirit and matter?
No 2 26th March 23 Crimes of COVID-1984 Podcast Motive Opportunity & Gates Connections
No 1 17th March 23 Crimes of COVID-1984 Podcast The Case Against Hancock et al
Good disscusion of out of the box
Karen kingston speaking about Russian knowledge of the bioweapon and more
Good article on Fermented Foods
Dr. TomCowan: Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan discuss snake venom with Dr. Bryan Ardis
Very good update on what is happening in our blood
Action of the deceptors accurate vids
Alernaitive 5 Hours of good stuff
5 Hr plus Never again is Now Global
Surviver of the genocide enlightens of now repeating
Explaining Hydrogel and blood cloting
EMF and All Will need to sign up
MORE LINKS BELOW this sucinct Geo Engineering explanation
 How your weather is manufactured..
This is how they manipulate the world's weather.
These technologies work to augment at lower altitudes, unlike haarp (ionospheric heaters)
How nextrad radar facilities work to turn natural weather systems and storms into biblical floods, hail storms and blizzards.
The constant rotational frequency of Doppler and nextrad radar works by stripping electrons from the air, very much like plasma which is the fourth state of matter in physics when the electrons are stripped from the nucleus of a gas atom it will then form plasma which then rises the temperature of that particular gas, or in this case the particular weather system to a very high degree therefore, artificially producing a weather system. 
The same physics occurs in the atmosphere when Doppler and Nextrad radar strip the electrons from the air accelerating cloud condensation therefore releasing latent heat which in turn forces water vapour into the higher stratosphere and troposphere where it is then locked up by Chemical Aerosol Hypernucleation (CNN). 
By ionising the atmosphere it has the effect of reducing the amount of oxygen molecules in the air therefore lowering atmospheric pressure not only in the atmosphere but in the lungs and making it very difficult for certain people with respiratory problems to breathe, this will also cause the heart to be put into distress.. if the air/oxygen molecules are
electromagnetically charged through the ionization process, it will cause heart palpitations.
CNN results in the formation of massive cirrus cloud concentrations at that altitude to block out the photonic light from the sun also have any effect of diminishing your vitamin d3 for your immune systems which strangely enough we all see everyday wherever we are in the world, strange that isn't it.   
These cloud formations are then bombarded by Doppler radar which then trap heat and set up a massive warming feedback system, this warming feedback system also heats the Earth at night because that heat cannot escape, therefore accelerating global warming deliberately!
This mechanism was devised by Dr Jasper Kirby if I recall correctly back in 2009 and was presented as a weather modification technology at CERN the large hadron collider in Geneva Switzerland.
There is some evidence to suggest that the high altitude active auroral research programmes worldwide, ie (the ionospheric heaters) are starting to implement these technologies to their current systems to disrupt the weather patterns even further! to manipulate our weather systems on a much larger scale "worldwide" 
The implementation of these technologies leads to an enhanced formation of polar stratospheric cloud formations which will then heat the arctic in conjunction with seeding it with aerosol dumps to melt the icecaps and subsequently rise sea levels significantly which could cause massive devastation to all low lying cities worldwide.
Frequency activated nucleating chemtrails, these are activated by Nextrad and Doppler radar facilities, they have the effect to move cold air masses further south to initiate blizzards and catostophic hail storms that destroy farmers crops and cause massive disruption to our society.
We recently saw a huge snow storm in Africa (natural) (no) there is a large HAARP and Nextrad/Doppler facility in South Africa! 
This facility was responsible for that event.
These Doppler and Nextrad facilities also affect the (Ridiculously Resilient Ridge) (RRR) this is the persistent region of atmospheric high pressure that occurs over the northeasten Pacific ocean and nextrad causes a disruption in the weather patterns in this area.
The Ridiculous Resilient Ridge in the West is caused by (Warming Weather Modification) by low-frequency radio waves from ionospheric heater facilities I e the High frequency active auroral research programmes, the result is a weakening of the clockwise rotation of the High Pressure Systems moving North and increases the strength of the Jet stream winds.
(The Terribly Tenatious Trough)
The Terribly Tenatious Trough in the east is caused by cooling weather modification by both Nextrad , Doppler and HAARP facilities " HAARP ALASKA" resulting in a weakening of the counter clockwise rotation of (Low Pressure Systems) moving in a southerly direction and therefore affecting the jet stream again! (do you see the pattern yet) 
The air masses encroach further North and South respectively causing massive disruption to our weather systems and our daily lives.
If they continue to utilise these unbelievably irresponsible programs there will come a time where the earth's weather systems will be completely out of control.
I personally know an individual who works at HAARP Alaska who I am in constant contact with, he ex American special forces.
Pete Fairest.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea explains more in a very good inteview
Sexton re opens
Faboulous David Martin talking the clear truth
Use the count down clock for time and check in again for more info
Another heading for Stew Peters film
Compilation of all the good people telling truth
Stuff that is fiction to many people and that is why they are getting away with it to this point
The government licensed Moderna's intellectual property to Pfizer and promised royalty payments, but then promised Pfizer they would designate all of Pfizer’s vaccines as new inventions.
Another new of new info release